19. zircon

712 57 109

"My lady," I offered my hand to Levi, hiding my smirk from everyone else.

"You're awf-"

"You know I love it when you play hard to get," I raised my voice, helping him out of the carriage.

"You're awful," Levi muttered through a forced smile.

"And you're no fun," I grumbled, glancing around.

it's a really pretty place

"Your house is nice," I paused, "too bad you're going to be stuck in the shittiest wing of the mansion because of your own hatred."

"Oh? I thought we were pretending to be in love," Levi squeezed my hand, hard.


"What the he-"

"Get moving," he began marching us towards the large double doors.


The Ackerman estate- if you could call it that- was better described as a palace.

it rivals the imperial palace

to think i've avoided this place for all 20 years of my life only to be dragged into it by a body snatcher

i would've preferred to march in here after winning it from levi in a duel to the death

The palace was separated from the large town that surrounded it by a long bridge and seemingly endless lake. In the still of early evening the lake reflected the pinks and oranges of sunset like a mirror.


"Are you done gawking?"

"Well excuse me for enjoying nature."

"My mother is waiting."

"Alright," I sighed, passing through the large doors.


The main entry hall shone brightly from the light of large chandeliers that hung from an impossibly high ceiling. Upon closer inspection the light from the chandeliers wasn't coming from hundreds of candles but something that shone much brighter.

"Are those-" I muttered unconsciously, "those are magical aren't they?"

"I'm surprised you noticed," Levi scoffed, his gaze softening a little despite the rude comment. "They were a gift from the royal family."

i assumed- very few aristocratic families have access to magical items

"Of course I noticed, what heir to the L/N family wouldn't be able to tell the difference between magical light and candlelight?"

i learned about that before my father fell ill

"I guess it isn't anything new to you," Levi seemed slightly disappointed that he wasn't able to teach me about it.

he probably just wants to gloat

but what if-

what if he's also learned about magical items

Most people had no need to learn about magical items, the few who were genuinely interested found their way to the L/N territory to pursue their studies closer to the magical forest.

once upon a time more people were interested for the sake of learning about something new

several generations prior the forest itself was more accessible- the chandeliers that hung from the ceiling of the Ackerman estate were probably from that era

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