46. rhodochrosite

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"It's been way longer than 30 seconds," I muttered, following Levi around as he inspected every corner of the room.

"Are you planning on kicking me out?"


"You're supposed to start groveling and thank me for my unending generosity."

stop assuming the worst of me

"Thanks," Levi rolled his eyes, turning back to the enchanted book he was reading.

"You do know that the contents of the book aren't magical right? It's just been enchanted to always have empty pages- my father used it as a ledger." I leaned forward, skimming one of the pages. "Aren't there more interesting things to look at?"


"I'm interested in how the enchantment works- something like this is more useful than a moving suit of armor," he shrugged, ignoring me.


"The armor will follow your every command, it's much more interesting," I frowned, glancing back at it. "I command you to begin drawing a picture of this strange man."

see? it's much cooler

"How is artwork going to help us?"


"I hate you."

"No you don't."

we did just go over this last chapter so i can't really deny it

"Please stop reading that book."

"Why should I?"

"I'm incredibly bored."

"Tough shit."


"I command you to take that book from him!" The suit of armor immediately stood up from a half finished drawing of Levi and marched over.

"What the fuck are you doing-" Levi protested, as the book was snatched from his hands, "if I was in my body-"

"If you were in your body we wouldn't be here in the first place- come on- humor me- let's do something cool."

"You lack any sense of urgency," he grumbled, "ok what is it dumbass?"

"It's not like reading a ledger is helping us- wait really?" I peaked over at him.

"You won't leave me alone until I agree- what is it?"

"Oh wow-" I murmured, leaning closer to study his expression, "you're learning, I didn't realize that was possible."

magic exists so i guess levi can also change

"Shut up."

"All this time you've only been studying the objects themselves-" I walked over to a drawer in my father's desk, "-however the real power of the L/N family is not in magical objects." I turned to the suit of armor "I command you to give me the key."

"Are you talking about the guard?" Levi leaned over my shoulder, watching as I unlocked the drawer.

"Of course not," I chuckled, "all this time- you haven't been asking my father for the guard have you?"

i did shred all of those letters so it's not like it ever actually got to him

"No- I was proposing a deal for-"

"Materials right?" The door pulled open revealing brightly shining crystals, teeth from creatures that lived in the forest, and carefully dried and pressed flowers. "The components for creating magical items- that is the power of the L/N family."

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