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Sabrina was just sitting on a studio couch with Dj and they were just chilling there on their phones when Sabrina got a FaceTime call from Russo. She accepted the call and Russo looked like he hasn't slept in days, he also had a red streak in his hair which Sabrina thought was kinda weird since his hair was normally all blue. "S-Sabrina, Dj come here please I'll text you the address, I'm in danger there's ah! An asteroid coming soon, I'm in space but I left an extra rocket for you guys to come up here" Russo explains, he sounded out of breath "how is there even service in space?" Sabrina asks "well I'm using my data plan and since Mr Boringsworth owns this place up in space he gave me permission to use my plan here" Russo explains while kinda cutting out because of the bad service "we are on our way" Dj said "bye!" Russo said and he hung up without saying another word. "We better go, Russo sounded really panicked" Sabrina said "yeah, we need to go find that rocket, quickly!" Dj said and when they found the rocket they went inside of it, the rocket was pretty roomy, Sabrina and Dj had their own room and a robot that Russo created was programmed to drive it. "Are Sabrina and Dj here in this rocket?" The robot asked "yes, and we are ready to go into space" Sabrina said "great! Now let's get going, I'll let you guys know when you need to put your suits on" The robot said and they then felt themselves lift up into the sky. When Dj was in his room he tried to fall asleep but he couldn't get his mind to shut up so he called for Sabrina and Sabrina came right down, when she came down Dj was under the covers trying to hide the fact that he was crying "Dj, you know you can tell me anything" Sabrina said in a low calming voice, Dj could barely say a word but he tried to "look I'm just worried about Russo I saw him have a red streak in his hair and I don't know why it's there but he hates red, his literal brand is blue and he seems to be hiding something I know he's in danger but he didn't seem to be on the FaceTime call" Dj explains. "Well it might just be a new him that he didn't tell us about, he maybe starting to like red now even if he did tell us before that it was his least favorite color, he may have made it his top three favorite colors" Sabrina said "maybe" Dj said, he then showed himself to Sabrina and she let him cry on her shoulder while hugging him. Then after a while an announcement came on "Sabrina and Dj please put your space suits on we are about to land, your suits are in the closets of your rooms" the robot said "cya Dj" Sabrina said "cya Sabrina" Dj said and they both headed to their rooms to get changed. Sabrina's space suit was purple, Russo definitely knew how much she loved purple and she changed into it pretty quickly since she put it over her black shirt and black pants and choker and she put the helmet on over her boppers. Dj's space suit was green, Russo definitely knew him as well and he slipped it on over his clothes just like Sabrina did and they both went over to the biggest window in the ship and looked at the moon together "woah it's so pretty" Sabrina said "eh well I know your obsessed with space related things" Dj said with a subtle laugh "yeah I am haha" Sabrina said. "Time to land, in 3- 2- 1" the robot said in Russo's voice and then they landed on the moon, there was a lab there that looked warn down and about to fall apart that Dj and Sabrina saw from the window. They decided on going in but they were kinda worried because what if Russo wasn't in there? But they went in anyways just to check if he was there at all...

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