Plans finally discussed

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Sabrina goes back upstairs and puts the warm milk by Russo's side of the bed since she forgot to bring it up to him since she was by the door when the shadowy figure attacked Dj. "Pst Russo, I brought you your warm milk if you still wanted it" Sabrina said and Russo wakes up "h-huh, oh Sabrina, thank you" Russo said and he slowly drinks it and when he finishes he goes back to sleep and Sabrina lets him sleep and goes back downstairs.
Y/N's pov: I was still with Pinkleaf on the couch when I heard a knock at the door. "Hey Dj I think someone else is here, it's a little late but that's fine" I said "oh, I'll get it" Dj said, it was all of the duos that drove each other over here "welcome, sit anywhere that's not taken" Dj said "sorry that we are late" Ominous said "yeah" Pgh said "oh, that's ok we were taking care of Russo so we were patiently waiting for everyone" Dj said "still waiting on some people" Pinkleaf added. "Yeah" I said "but that's ok" I said, trying to reassure everyone, we continued waiting but were bored so Jayingee and Flamingo decided to do funny things to entertain us and we laughed all the way threw. Then I heard another knock on the door and Dj got the door, it was Denis and Thinknoodles "oh, hey we were just waiting for you guys" Dj said "oh shoot, Dj sorry that we were late, we live a little far and I woke up a little late" Denis said "same Denis" Think said "it's alright, now let's start discussing plans" Dj said, Think and Denis take a seat and Pinkleaf and I move so Sabrina and Dj have a comfortable seat and can be the main ones sitting in the middle of all of us, we are kinda uncomfortable on the floor so we move the kitchen table chairs over to the area by carrying them so we don't scratch the floor, after we all move the chairs we were ready to discuss our plans. "Jayingee, you said that you brought some items that could help us" Dj said "oh yeah I did" Jayingee said, getting out his bag and showing us some potions that Jandel gave him to try out of wacky wizards. "These are mainly the battle potions, they are all labeled" Jayingee said, he moves a mini table over to set them all on the table, carefully of course so they don't break. "Those look, perfect to use" Dj said, IBella shows us a silver sword that she had, it also had her colors on it "I have this as well, perfect to help with the robot army he has" IBella said "yeah, thats perfect as well, we can use a mix of our swords and potions that Jayingee has" Sabrina said "yup, but anything else anyone has will be helpful with the robot army that he has and defeating him" Dj said.
Denis's pov: I checked my phone and saw a message from Calixo
Calixo: Hey, Denis sorry that I couldn't come to the meet today but I had to edit my new videos and I'm on a date with Laughabilty, but it's just a platonic date but Dj thought it was romantic. But in reality it's not, I love you and only you so we can go on a date soon ;)
Denis: O-oh I thought it was a joke but I love you too, and I would like that, but would you still like to help us in the final battle?
Calixo: for sure, I have my duck sword all ready for this occasion, just let them know that I'll be there when the final battle happens. *he sends a picture of him and Laugh on their platonic date*
Denis: alright I'll for sure let everyone know that your also coming, also you and Laugh look amazing in suits haha
Calixo: thanks Denis, I bought a blue suit just for this occasion and I'm definitely gonna wear it again.
Denis: you definitely should wear it again!
Calixo: definitely will bud.
Denis: I'll let them know now, you just enjoy the rest of your date with Laugh.
Calixo: I definitely will thanks Denis.
Denis: no problem Calixo!
"Guys, Calixo is gonna join us, he has his powerful duck sword as well, he was busy today but we aren't gonna do the final battle until we and Mr Boringsworth are ready to make it fair" I said. "Yeah, that makes sense, also glad to have Calixo on our team, also I saw you blushing over there" Sabrina said with a subtle laugh "h-huh, really?" I ask "yeah, everyone saw you, I guess you do like Calixo" Sabrina said with another subtle laugh. "In other words, anyone else have any other items that can help us?" Dj asks "well I have an ultimate sword and the rbb bow and arrows" Y/N said "ultimate sword? Oh the one that's rb battles colors?" Dj asks "yeah!" Y/N said pulling it out of their inventory and pulling out the bow and arrows from their inventory "I'm sure that Mr Boringsworth will be trying to go up high to avoid us, but the robots will be on the ground" Y/N said "your right he will be trying to avoid the ground and send his robot army on the ground instead" Pinkleaf said "yeah, and wait me and Tanqr still have our championship sword packs, and they have one special ability per sword" Kreek said "oh yeah, they do, my pink one has a pink beam come out of it and it's lethal, and the blue side has a blue beam that's also lethal, and you have about the same for yours, but it kinda cannot get overused, sort of like the same as Sabrina's, Russo's and Dj's swords" Tanqr said "yeah, they are kinda like that" Kreek said. Think then searches his bag for something that he brought "oh, I have healing noodles and a diamond sword, that's all really that I have" Think said "oh, that's actually helpful as well" Sabrina said "the noodles? Yeah since you can't use your sword of healing since you don't wanna die overusing it which it now blinks when you start to overuse it and I have tons of healing noodles in this here bag since I just stocked up on them" Think explained. "And don't forget about the diamond sword that also can help with fighting the robots and Boringsworth, but Russo probably wants to fight Boringsworth since he did the most to Russo and he wants revenge anyways" Dj said "yeah, he does, but we have to wait for him to get better since he isn't getting that much sleep right now and he needs sleep" Sabrina said. I just listen to them talk, I then see a shadowy figure come downstairs and they look like they are in a hurry to be down here.
Ghostie's pov: I rush downstairs because I hear talking, I closed the door of Russo's room so he doesn't hear them talking because it's a disturbance. Denis then sees me since I revealed myself to everyone so everyone can now see me and talk to me, Denis looks in shock, Bella and Ariel are asleep in Russo's room since Meg brought their portable cribs and I saw them in there thats why I had to be very quiet to not wake them. "Hey everyone" I said quietly so that I didn't startle everyone in the room "who are you?" IBella asks "Ghostie, I am one of Sabrina's and Dj's erm- what do you call me?" I asked "a friend" Sabrina said "isn't that a little much?" Dj asks "no it's not, she didn't know that you were not hostile to her" Sabrina said "alright, fine a friend Ghostie is considered a friend" Dj agreed with Sabrina on this one "ok, we are friends then" I said "ok so, uhm Ghostie what are your plans for Mr Boringsworth?" IBella asks "well I heard your plans which they are great and all but I have another plan, we bring back Peggy and Rose here and they also help us, since I saw Mr Boringsworth's army and it's huge, no kidding there's like five hundred bots that he's building but he's struggling with building them, he has a while though since we are giving him a while to prepare while we prepare and build a base as well" I explained. "Good idea, but what happened to Rose and Peggy?" Sabrina asks "well, I sent Rose away to my world to explore without trouble and I sent Peggy to her own world, sorry about that but I can bring them back, I just thought they weren't important for the battles before" I said and I teleported them back to the house and they both looked confused "Ghostie, what are we doing here exactly?" Peggy asks "your back here to stay because we are in danger" I said and I explained the whole story of what happened before this moment "ok, we will help" Peggy and Rose agree and they show their weapons, Rose had a rose wand and Peggy had this yellow and black wand which they got from the worlds they were visiting while I was here watching Russo since when the piggy incident happened they were here until I sent them away to the worlds after the piggy incident happened, I don't mention the piggy incident because I don't want Sabrina and Dj and even Russo even if he's not here to have flashbacks. "Ok, so we have our plan, we all have our weapons so we are set" I said "yeah but Mr Boringsworth has tons of robots that he's building and he also works with Jparty which Jparty is kinda powerful since Mr Boringsworth is making him powerful right this second" Sabrina said "we can do this, one the robots are weak and even if we defeat them we can still defeat Boringsworth and Jparty but I'm not really that sure how he's making Jparty powerful but we have more people after we defeat the robots" I said "yeah and we have weapons with special abilities, like mine is really powerful I can use a purple, green and blue beam" Y/N said "yeah, see powerful enough to defeat them" I said "yeah, we also have teamwork" Megan said "for sure! We can do this with working as a team" IBella said "we work good as a team as well" Sabrina said "I agree" Dj said. "RBB squad!" Ominous said and they all joined hands and lifted them up to the ceiling after he said this I even joined even if they couldn't really feel my hands, I barely even was a human but I was still here acting like one. "We can do this, with teamwork and patience" IBella said "I agree, we are an amazing and powerful group" Leah said, they all then showed their weapons and it was mainly swords and maces with their colors on it and they decided on using their special abilities during the battle against the robots and against Jparty and his crew because he does have a crew, so they believed that the battle was gonna be manageable, they also had teamwork and perseverance and that's an important thing to have as a team.
Russo woke up the next day feeling not as tired anymore but he didn't know when he would quite be better but he had some food since he hasn't eaten since yesterday, and Meg woke up earlier then him yesterday so she had food, the rest of the rb battles competitors and hosts had dinner and went to bed in the guest rooms of the studio since they had a sleepover at the studio. Which was fun for everyone to have, but when was Mr Boringsworth gonna be ready, who knows? But he needs to be ready soon or else he'll be extra screwed by the rb battles crew.

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