Pinkleaf's parkour training

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Pinkleaf's pov: ughhh time for parkour training, I was already tired from last time when I had to carefully get down from that tower. Why does the owner want me to train? Oh so they can control me, yes they want to control me and make me the best that I can so they can have a tower of heck pro in the big leagues.
I stumbled out of bed and checked the bandages on my legs and unbandaged them, put the wounds in some cold water to clean them and then after they were clean I put some fresh bandages on them. I then got into my black palace hoodie which I know- different color but I felt like wearing black today since I was sick of everything that they were putting me through. I then ate breakfast and after I ate I hopped into my car and drove 30 minutes to the owners house, he was waiting for me in front of his house door and came up to my car and got inside and I was sick of being in the car with him already.
"Hey you wanna talk?" The owner asked
"No" I said
"Ok- then I guess we will stay silent" the owner said.
He was trying to be all 'buddy, buddy' with me but that doesn't work in my book. I'm a competitive person and being nice to me when your making me do this crap is just not being a buddy. We then were there to tower of heck really fast, I kinda hated that we rode in silence for the most part but- he deserves it. I got out and walked up to the entrance which was a purple door. The owner parked my car for me which was nice at the least, I mean he's put me through a lot but I technically still need help parking my car. I stood by the door in a relaxed pose until the owner of this game was done parking my car, when he was done with parking my car he unlocked the door with his keys and I headed in. Ah back to what I'm used to, towers lots and lots of towers with layers, an option list appears in front of me EASY, MEDIUM, HARD the options said, I picked the easy one since I haven't played in a while but I would increase the difficulty as I complete the towers. I struggled on the easy one because of my wounds and the owner noticed and we constantly making notes on his notepad which I felt under pressure with the fact that he was writing on a notepad about his progress. I finished the easy tower in about five or so minutes which was expected from me. "Good job Pinkleaf" the owner said
"Thanks I guess" I said and I then picked the medium difficulty next which was hard but it was extremely manageable for the tower of heck pro. It was brutal how hard most of these stages were though so I had to do some struggling, I fell on a couple but caught myself.
After I was finished with the medium tower I moved onto hard which I really didn't wanna do this but the owner pushed me to and made me press the hard difficulty, this was literally supposed to be fun but now it's a nightmare to do. I found myself struggling a lot to catch myself, why am I so bad at hard right now? I normally am so good at hard but why am I suddenly not? Did something happen to me?
Right after I thought that the world started to glitch around me and before me was a glitched tower, I didn't know if I was hallucinating or if this was actually real but the world was shaking and glitching so much that I could barely hold onto the block where I fell from and I started slipping.
I go, the last thing I see was a glitched tower of heck owner that was... grinning down at me and I was confused as to why he was grinning, but right after I saw him grinning everything went blank.

I woke up in a hospital with- people surrounding me, people that I didn't recognize at all but recognized at the same time. I only knew the tower of heck owner, the person that literally killed me.
"Hey Pinkleaf you ok?" Y/N asks
"Uh- who are you?" I asked
"I'm Y/N your- significant other" Y/N said
"I-I don't recognize you at all, can you show me a picture of us together?" I asked, and at that the person that I didn't recognize showed me a picture of us hugging, at that I believed them, the same went with everyone else in the room, Sabrina, Dj, Russo, Kreekcraft and Tanqr, that's just who the doctors invited in.
I stared down at my legs, they were in two casts and both of them were- signed. I haven't had my casts ever signed before because I was a loner who just liked to sit and read so this was a change of pace.
But after everyone was getting to know each other again the tower of heck owner speaks up
"I-I sort of went insane and the insanity caused the glitched world and caused me to grin, I'm sorry Pinkleaf" the tower of heck owner said
"It's ok, I recognize the people now but later you'll have to introduce me- again to more, I just lost my memory's of people which you can help me recover those" I said
"Yeah we can" Y/N said
"Thanks, now why are there a ton of bandages wrapped around me?" I asked
"Well, I'm sorry to say but you fell from the towers last stage" the owner said
"Oh- I-I should've payed more attention" I said
"Yeah, but this incident was my fault, I didn't know that I was doing a lot of pain to you" the owner said
"It's ok, I-I guess I forgive you" I said.
"Ok, thank you Pinkleaf" the owner said
"No problem, now promise me to not force me to train and not force me to do anything ever again?" I asked
"Promise" The owner said and he made me pinky promise and we did, I had to stay in the hospital for a few days but after I got out I had to go in a wheelchair to get home but the owner of tower of heck drove me home as an apology gift. When I did get home I was on bed rest so Kreek, Tanqr, someone named- IBella and Denis came to take care of me and they did a pretty good job, they slept at my house so that they could care for my wounds which I was glad that they stayed since they were nice people. So I had a great time, watching tv at home with them and filming for my channel still, with some of them being on my channel which I was pretty glad that they could guest on my channel. After I fully healed they went home, so they were staying for at least 6 weeks which I was shocked that they stayed that long.
After 6 weeks I got my casts off and began to finally walk again, I began physical therapy to get me back on my feet, and saw a psychiatrist for most of my issues that I've been having mentally and just for comfort basically, so that was the last training I ever did for a while, like a long while since I didn't trust it really but I would do it again someday but I have no idea when.
Finished with another part!
Parts coming soon: another Pinkleaf one and more training parts :D

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