The second battle

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Sabrina's pov: I looked at Dj, he looked strong and had his sword of agility in his hands ready to fight us, 1x1 was on the sidelines waiting for Dj to do something and he did, he used his agile arm to stab me in the chest, I fell to the ground I didn't wanna stab him so I was defenseless. Tanqr had a bow and arrow and shot it at 1x1, he dodged it but Tanqr kept shooting arrows, Ominous and Pgh were busy setting up a trap for 1x1 since they kinda knew that he was stupid in a way but kinda smart at the same time. I was busy with trying to get up off of the ground and I couldn't use my sword of healing since it's dangerous to use it on yourself and I didn't wanna risk getting more injured then I already was, I struggled to get up but I eventually got up, I forced myself to stab Dj and it reminded me of when he was stabbed before, I broke down into tears at the memory and Dj wasn't even here to comfort me. Kayla came up to me and took me home, she helped me with my stab wound and tried to help emotionally but couldn't really do much but hug me and I hugged her back, I was still scared from the memory but Dj helped with the  scars but he wasn't himself at the moment. "You should stay here, we have it covered and we won't hurt Dj anymore I know that was hard for you to do" Kayla said "y-yeah I'm worried about him, I didn't mean to stab that deep" I said "I know Sabrina but I will stay with you until he gets back to normal" Kayla said and she sat on the couch with me and stayed.
Tanqr's pov: how the heck is this guy better then me and dodging my arrows?! Ugh I'm running out of arrows, I go over to the arrows on the ground and put them in the sheath to use later. I tried to find another weapon in my bag to use and I did, I saw a flamethrower but that would be to dangerous and I would kill everyone else, I saw a potion but I would miss, some poison arrows I would hit someone else. An Arsenal gun which was a horrible gun that I got as a souvenir from someone for winning, a poison bomb which would also be dangerous but then I found this gem, I swear I didn't have this in here before but it was all Rb battles colors, purple, green and blue but the blue was kinda off- like it's been faded and the green also looks the same and the purple is gradually fading, that only means one thing, the rb battles hosts are falling apart! They are all separated which means they are falling apart, we need Sabrina, she will know what this gem is. I rushed over to where Sabrina and Kayla were and went to go ask them about this I also took my bag in case they had any ideas for what to do with some stuff in my bag. When I got there Sabrina and Kayla were on the couch and Kayla was trying her best to comfort Sabrina "hey- guys, I found something in my bag that you would wanna see" I said and I held the gem in my gloved hand for them to see "I swear I've never seen that before, Sabrina have you?" Kayla asked, Sabrina was in shock at what had happened to this gem "it's the gem Russo gave to me when we first became hosts of Rb battles, it keeps us together but it's colors never- faded like that before" Sabrina said "we need to fix this, come back and fight, for Dj" I said "but I hurt him, I don't want to hurt him anymore" Sabrina said "but he's not the Dj that you know, he is corrupted by 1x1 the hacker of roblox and has Dj always been fine? Yes so that's why you should help us fight" I said "fine, but only because the gem is rapidly fading, now what else do you have in your bag?" Sabrina asked "well some stupid stuff to use like a flamethrower, I have some guns, bandages, mainly arsenal stuff, some wool from bedwars, sword from bedwars, a bow and arrows that I've been using but failing at using since he keeps dodging it, a potion but it won't reverse what's happened to Dj since it's not a reversal potion it's a poison potion, any ideas with what I've mentioned?" I asked "hmm" Kayla said, she looked deep in thought "well we could just try to aim at him and wait for him to dodge and then shoot at where he dodges with the bow and arrow" Sabrina said "your a genius Sabrina!" I said "I know" Sabrina said, she does a little hair flip at that and I laugh at how sassy she was acting. Sabrina and Kayla got up from the couch and we locked the door on our way out and went towards where the others were, we stepped over the trap since it was easy to step over but Pgh and Ominous were still working on it together. I began shooting my arrows again and I did what Sabrina said and it shoot him down from his pillar that he was standing on, he went tumbling down and landed on some crates and stood on the crates waiting for our next move, I shoot a poison arrow at him and it missed at first but then I shoot another one when he dodged and it hit him and he was poisoned, it at least didn't hit anyone else. Dj was fighting pretty well, he was fighting Leah Ashe and Pink leaf but they were also fighting his sword attacks pretty well I then threw 1x1 onto the trap when Pgh and Ominous said that they were finished with the trap and 1x1 immediately fell down onto it and into the artificial sun "watch- out for Russo-" 1x1 said as his last words before he fell into the artificial sun that Mr Boringsworth had made. Before 1x1 was gone he threw a potion to me before he fell and I caught it with my pro reflexes and catching skills "the antidote for Dj" the potions label read and I splashed it onto Dj which looked like he was about to go down any second which he passed out when I splashed the potion onto him, I picked him up and handed him to Sabrina "I can manage carrying him don't worry, I mean I've done it before" Sabrina said with a subtle laugh. I leave the gem in her bag so that she can have it back, before I put it in there though I looked at it, the green and the purple were not faded anymore but the blue was still faded, probably because Russo is missing and in Mr Boringsworth's lab. I then put the gem in Sabrina's bag before she left and when she left I cared to the rest of the Rb battle crews wounds since Sabrina had to go care for Dj's. So the gem was back to normal I guess? Russo still has to be saved though which we can't save him now since we have to wait for after the semi finals.

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