Where... am I?

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Sabrina's pov: even though I had calming music on, I asked Siri to call the hospital number since I memorized it while I was at the hospital before since it was easy to memorize. The hospital immediately picked up the phone "hello! How can I help you today?" One of the hospitals doctors said "hey, it's Sabrina I have tons of people including me injured so can you help us? I'm driving over there since I'm the only one who can really drive there with only turning the wheel and stomping on the petals" I said "o-oh! Drive over here right away and we will be sure to take care of you all, how many are there?" The doctor asks "about 16" I said "oh! Well perfect because it's an empty hospital right now and we have 17 doctors" the doctor said "perfect, so we all may get out at the same time depending on how we all feel" I said "yeah, but hurry over here but don't go over the speeding limit" the doctor said "alright, I won't, be right there and you'll be waiting, right?" I asked "of course we all will be waiting for you Sabrina" the doctor said and then she hung up. I was almost there, only five more minutes, I looked at the back of the car for a quick second, I was upset at myself because I couldn't heal them all because of the swords overuse, it's literally dead now, same as Dj's and Russo's and we only used our swords a few times so I guess that was something Dj had to work on, five minutes later we were at the hospital. I had to carry everyone inside and it was hard, it was also hard being the only person that was conscious to do all of this, after carrying all of them inside I began to feel faint, and everything went black outside. But someone grabbed me, I didn't know who though since I fainted.
Russo's pov: I woke up in a hospital room, my head hurting like crazy "what- happened?" I asked one of the doctors that was by my bedside "I'm sorry to say but we don't know, we have to undergo surgery on you because you still sound like robot Russo but we know that your ties with Mr Boringsworth are broken, which explains why you don't know what happened" the male doctor said "who- is Mr Boringsworth, and who's- Russo?" I said "you- you don't remember your own name?" The doctor said "no- am I Russo?" I said "yeah, you are" the doctor said "oh- well I guess I've been through a lot of stuff" I said "yeah you have, we should undergo surgery to get that robot voice out and to get your robot parts to your normal parts again, we should also call Meg your wife after your done" the doctor explains "I have a wife?" I questioned "yeah, you do" the doctor said, and he puts a mask onto my face and I breathe in the Anastasia and fall asleep and they do the surgery.
Sabrina's pov: I woke up on a hospital bed, with an Iv attached to my arm "Dj- is here?" I accidentally said out loud and a doctor heard me "Sabrina no one is there, your just having hallucinations, Dj is in a separate room next to yours, he's not awake yet" Megan said "Megan?" I said "yes?" Megan said "will you please tell me who brought me inside, I wanna know" I said "Russo used some of his last strength that he had left and forced himself awake to bring you inside, I haven't heard much from the doctor in his room I only heard that he's in surgery right now" Megan explains "s-surgery?" I reply "yes, he has to get out of his robot body, the most painful part of all of this is that his voice is gonna be hoarse for a while after the surgery" Megan said "good to know, anything else you've heard?" I asked "well he- he" Megan stops as soon as she sees my face "say it, now" I said "he- lost his memory" Megan said "what?! H-how!" I said and my heartrate monitor went sky high, Megan tried to calm me down and it worked for the most part "I- shouldn't have said anything it will make your illness worse, you also have something called ptsd and it's a painful mental disorder to have, you also have anxiety and it can have some serious effects on yourself, like what happened just now" Megan said "is there a cure? Also what is ptsd I never heard of it before" I said "ptsd is post traumatic stress disorder and there is no cure for that, the only thing you really could do to prevent an panic attack from that one would be to stay out of stressful situations but that's probably hard for you since Russo, Dj and you have to go on missions and train, but there is kinda a cure for anxiety, we can start prescribing medication to you but it won't help everything" Megan said "that would be great, thanks for the information" I said with a yawn "what's also wrong with you is you've lost a lot of oxygen from when he put you in the truth bubble so you're gonna need to stay here until you regain it" Megan said "ok, I will stay here until that happens" I said and I fall asleep, it feels weird without Dj and I start crying when I think of that, I cry myself to sleep in my hospital bed and Megan stays by my side just to see if I was ok and she stayed by my side to switch out my bandaids and keep an eye on my Iv medicine.
Dj's pov: I finally woke up and I was looking for Sabrina in my room but she wasn't here, it's weird because doctors normally put us together in a room but I guess this time they forgot. "Hyper? What are you doing here?" I asked "I'm your doctor, Cari is a nurse here, she's taking care of one of the other competitors though" Hyper said "nice to see you again, also how did I get here exactly?" I asked "well Sabrina carried you in but passed out at the door but you still got in and the rest of the competitors also got in, she's a real hero, without her you all could've died" Hyper said "yeah and Russo would've been still with Mr Boringsworth" I said. "About Russo, he kinda- lost his memory during his change from human to robot, but we are trying to fix that with surgery" Hyper said "what?! That's crazy!" I said and Hyper comforted me with a subtle hug "is Sabrina ok?" I asked "well she keeps having hallucinations but she's gonna be alright, she just has to stay here until she's able to breathe without a ventilator" Hyper said "I'm glad she's ok, she just probably misses me" I said "yeah she does, you do look better but you can barely move and you have glitch marks all over you, which the marks will fade but you need to be able to move, but maybe if we covered the marks with bandages you would be able to move a lot better and not be as weak" Hyper said and Hyper begins to wrap the bandages on my glitch marks and my legs feel not numb anymore and my whole body does the same eventually. I get up and walk around and then do a tiny run, Hyper smiles at this "see much better, now I just need to bandage your stab wounds and then you can be with Sabrina" Hyper said and that's what he does and then Hyper discharges me to go see Sabrina.
Sabrina's pov: I woke up to grab a sip of my water and saw Dj running into the room "DJ!" I yelled but tried to be quiet because it was a hospital "I'm finally better" Dj said "well your just bandaged up Dj" I said "yeah, just needed bandages" Dj said "that's good, I'm getting better but I can barely breathe because of Russo's insane truth bubble, but by tomorrow I should be better the doctor said so" I said "that's good, but when will Russo be ready to go?" Dj asked Megan "the doctors are working all night so maybe tomorrow night" Megan said, me and Dj smiled at that news. "The rest of the competitors?" I asked "tomorrow, same time as you, we got extra doctors on this so I'm glad we had help from other hospitals" Megan said and Dj just slept in the pull out bed and was just happy to be with me, Megan checked his vitals and checked to see if he was ok and he was.
Tanqr's pov: I woke up to really bad stab wounds and tons of blood "goodness, robot me takes from real me but at least I defeated him" I said not realizing that a doctor was in my room "oh hey" Cari said "h-hey!" I said stuttering since I was embarrassed that she heard me talking to myself "don't be embarrassed I talk yo myself as well" Cari said with a laugh "I'm Cari by the way, your Tanqr right?" Cari said "yep that's me, nice to finally meet you Cari, I've met your boyfriend before, he's a pretty nice guy" I said while Cari was stitching up my stab wounds since robot Tanqr literally cut through my skin like paper "I agree, I like having him as a boyfriend and he likes having me as a girlfriend, he actually works in this hospital, he's taking care of Dj right now" Cari said "cool, hopefully Dj is alright" I said "he is, just needs his rest" Cari said "yeah he does" I said. My mind began to wander off about Kreek and Hoopie but Hoopie wasn't with us but she was just worried about me "can I call Hoopie?" I asked "yeah, you can but be careful with your stitches" Cari said and I checked if my phone was dead and it wasn't, I called Hoopie back and surprisingly she face timed me and I freaked out a little until she picked up "where are you Tanqr?" Hoopie asked "hospital, I had a tough battle with my robot self" I said "heading right over when their visiting hours are here, just hang in there I don't wanna lose you yet" Hoopie said "same here" I said, me and Hoopie talked until Cari finished and I was exhausted so Hoopie hung up and let me sleep.
Kreek's pov: I woke up and I was greeted with, blood, of course it was blood but a doctor came in, it was Sketch that was the doctor "Sketch?" I said "yeah? I work here, now woah- what happened?" Sketch asked "welp, I had a tough battle with a robot version of myself" I said "oh, well let me bandage you up, then you will be as good as new, well until they heal at least" Sketch said and he began bandaging up my stab wounds, I called Kayla and told her what happened and to come here during visiting hours and she said that she would and when Sketch finished bandaging I hung up and went to sleep and Sketch just changed my bandages every two hours.
(I can't do every pov because long and it would be repetitive so let's just say that they all have stab wounds and not that bad of Sabrina, Dj and especially Russo, since Russo has the worst which I kinda feel bad for what I've put him through. But I hope you enjoyed this part! I have some really interesting stuff in store and some flamingo crew action coming up next part with the visiting hours! So stay tuned) :D

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