Shopping wars rematch

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Sabrina's pov: Today was the shopping wars rematch and I was very excited for it since I was hosting with Dj and Russo again!
I tried waking up Dj but he wouldn't budge the battle starts in two hours and we need to be there in an hour and thirty minutes.
"DJ" I yelled, he snapped awake
"H-huh! Oh it's just you Sabrina, Jeez why yell so loud at 8:30 in the morning" Dj said
"We need to leave in one hour and thirty minutes, that's why I yelled for you to wake up" I said
"Why? What's going on?" Dj said
"Shopping wars rematch, we are hosting it" I said
"Oh- Is it for the Rb battles youtube channel?" Dj asks
"No, it's for either Leah's or Sanna's, they had the rematch idea so they are gonna rematch" I said and got up from bed and got ready to go, Dj did the same, he wore his green rb battles shirt and I wore my purple one with my galaxy pants and signature boppers with my sword on my back. I then put my hair up in a bun so it would be out of the way and it looked- surprisingly pretty good even though I didn't put my hair up in a bun in a pretty long time. Dj had it easier to get ready since he just put on his black pants and shoes and did his hair and brushed his teeth like I also did, our routines were not as similar but kinda similar.
We then had some breakfast and hopped into my car and began driving to the studio, Russo was already there preparing everything and cleaning the studio, mainly the studios chairs, he had headphones in so we didn't wanna bother him but when he saw us he took out his headphones anyways.
"Hey guys! Do you mind helping me?" Russo asks
"No, not at all" I said
"Yeah, we can help, teamwork is always better" Dj said
"I agree with that one Dj" Russo said, and we all began talking and cleaning at the same time.
After we were done cleaning Leah and Sanna were surprisingly at the door waiting for us and the audience which was the rest of the rb battles competitors right now were gradually coming in. Russo finished with pulling down a screen so the audience could actually watch the rematch go down.
I then used my sword of healing to make a portal for everyone except for the audience to hop into. It teleported us to shopping wars, Russo took turns with Dj at explaining the rules to Sanna and Leah and then they got going. Leah was in the lead by a lot, finding all of the items in her basket easy which Sanna was shocked by this.
"How?!" Sanna asked, stunned
"I- uhm have skill" Leah said with a laugh while passing Sanna's cart with ease.
"Well you are a pro at shopping and going on shopping sprees" Sanna said with a laugh
"Totally!" Leah said
"You are obsessed with shopping, now enough with the chit chat and onto dodging that Karen" Sanna said, warning Leah about the Karen in front of her, Leah shoved herself out of the way of the Karen and went to the check out with her items, Sanna was still gathering items dodging stuff, it was hard for her to dodge since she didn't practice and forgot to practice for her demise.
Leah then finishes the round winning a point for herself, Megan, IBella and the rest of the girls in the audience cheered for Leah, Tanqr was the only one who looked like he didn't wanna be there but he was secretly proud, just hiding it. Most of the competitors in the audience were rooting for Leah so they were all proud of her, some were rooting for Sanna but still were quite proud of Leah.

Now onto the second round of the shopping wars rematch. This match was played in a classic round with no Karen's in it, it was just with the shopping list. Leah and Sanna kept going, they were tied at the last 2 minutes, Leah rushed to the cashier and the cashier began ringing up her items as quick as the cashier could, it was hard for the cashier to keep up but she did.
"Leah! Your at the cashier before me" Sanna said, being rushed to find her items in the last 2 minutes that they had left, Leah was just checking out her last and final items.
Leah won this round but Sanna still had the strength to compete in the last and final round.
"This round will be worth 2 points so it's either a tie, or Leah wins" Russo said
"Alright, whats our last challenge?" Sanna asks
"The big Karen boss-" Russo said in a terrifying tone
"Wha- what?" Sanna said
"Yeah, I'm not kidding, look through the sliding doors" Russo said and me and Sanna look through them to see an emerging Karen.
"Well, good luck!" Russo said, running away as fast as he could to get at a safe watching and filming distance.
"Gosh- uh, let's just go in I guess" Leah said, holding Sanna's hand as comfort and then letting it go immediately after we enter since they had to pay attention to the game.
"Uh- so I guess we just gotta keep our distance from her easy enough?" Sanna said, but then the Karen boss grabs her, I decide to not save her because in this rematch she was my enemy and not my best friend. I continued on with my own shopping and Sanna was having her own struggles trying to get out but the Karen boss let her down to try to grab me, the store was being destroyed but Leah was kinda good at parkour thanks to Pinkleaf helping her practice for this. It was really hard parkour though, but through it all she persevered and made it through and got all her items that I needed and made my way into the cashier area, the boss was distracted anyways with Sanna which I have no idea why it didn't see me but I guess I was winning this match like the other ones.
But after I finished checking out the match ended and we all got teleported back into the rb battles studio.
"With a score of 4-0 the winner is..." Dj starts off with saying
"LEAH ASHE!" Dj finishes, everyone claps for me and I was smiling the whole time and waving like a princess would wave.
"Good game Sanna" Leah said
"Good game" Sanna said, finishing off the statement by shaking her hand in a kind manor of the winner.
We then stop the recording and take the competitors out for a special brunch. We had fun there as well and they were certainly good competitors to have on the rematch, they even have good sportsmanship which not many people have but most people definitely do have.
"Ready for the next match?" Russo asks
"I'm totally ready for the next match, in the next season if there is one" Leah said
"And I'm looking forward to hosting it" Russo said
"I am as well" I said
"Same" Dj said.
And we talked for the rest of brunch about a bunch of things and just hung out for the rest of the day.
Sorry if there's any mistakes in this part lol I tried to make it as easy to read without any mistakes as possible so yeah!
Also I'm not shipping Sanna and Leah- it's purely platonic and the hand hold was just because Leah was nervous for the boss fight so yeah- just to clear that up without angry comments.
There's gonna be 1 more part of these extra chapters unless readers think of more or I think of more, so yeah.
Also have an amazing rest of your day/night <3

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