Sabrina and Dj!

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Sabrina's pov: I set Dj on the bed and I checked my phone, it was late but I put Dj's sword up to charge because I saw that it was blinking and losing its energy, I also put mine up to charge and then headed to bed with Dj next to me.
-in the morning-
Dj was still asleep so I decided to go downstairs to make him and I breakfast, I made eggs and pancakes which I was surprised that I could actually make pancakes without burning them. Dj then woke up feeling really weird, he kind of looked better but still looked groggy and uncomfortable when I looked at him. "Sabrina, you made breakfast? You know you didn't have to but thank you" Dj said "no problem, also you look horrible" I said "I know, but what happened and why does my head hurt super bad?" Dj questioned "well 1x1 the roblox hacker kind of did something to you, he put you in a magical cage and turned you into his minion but Tanqr defeated him and he threw the antidote and Tanqr threw the antidote on you and now your technically normal again" I explained. Dj was in shock at what I had said "w-what did I do?" Dj asked "well, you stabbed me and I forced myself to stab you with my sword, that's probably why you're hurting, Leah and Pinkleaf teamed up to fight you and that's probably why you are hurt as well, and are your eyes ok? I see that one is red and one is green" I said "probably 1x1's doing because my eyes hurt from when they both turned red but they are getting better, only one of them hurts, the green eye is fine though" Dj said "yeah it was him, but I'm glad that your getting better, now let me bandage you up, I immediately put you on the bed yesterday and I meant to bandage you up as well" I said and I grabbed some bandages from the cupboard and bandaged up his chest and his face. He looked much better already but he still needed to rest, we ate breakfast while watching Tv, we watched Tanqr's newest video and it was a pretty good video, when we were done with that video we switched to watching Pinkleaf's recent video which was pretty good as well and after that video we put our plates away in the sink. "Let's play a board game that we have" I suggested "I agree, let's play war" Dj said and he pulled the cards out and we played the game, I was having pretty good luck, probably the brite juice but Dj had some brite juice as well so he was tied with me until we broke the tie and I won the first round, he won the second and then we played a third round, I won that one and we played a fourth round and Dj won and we played a fifth round and he won the whole thing since we were tied in the fourth round "good game" I said and Dj looked tired still so we went up to bed again, I wasn't tired so I just browsed Twitter while he slept but he woke me for nightmares about yesterday and I comforted him. I put my phone down on the nightstand and began to sing to Dj a calming song and I cuddled with him while singing the song

(Just imagine this song but acoustic) Dj woke up after the song was done to say something "Sabrina, thank you, that song was awesome, I know you haven't sang in a while but that sounded amazing" Dj said "thank you Dj, now will you try to sleep, for me?" I asked "yeah, that helped a lot" Dj said "I'm glad that it helped" I said and I continued cuddling him while he slept. I picked up my phone and began browsing Twitter again and it turns out that Russo posted more hints which I was glad that he did because I was worried that he wouldn't because he was stuck with Mr Boringsworth but at least he tweeted hints. I tweeted a hint and then put some calming covers on for Dj and I to enjoy even though Dj was still asleep. I put my phone down and just listened to the music while still cuddling him and he enjoyed it, he didn't wake up because of nightmares at all so I guess I helped a lot, when it was around lunchtime Dj woke up and we made some food together while the covers played in the kitchen, he began dancing with me in a duet dance. I blushed at this since I thought it was so sweet of him to dance with me while the food was cooking, when the food was finished I turned off the music and we watched Tv again, we watched Russo's newest video and it was surprisingly about Rb battles, I guess they found his bits, Kreekcraft was stunned at this as well with his video which we also watched and laughed at as well. When we were finished with those videos and our food I switched out Dj's bandages "can you sing me another song?" Dj asked "sure, you wanna sing a duet?" I asked "sure, that would be amazing" Dj said blushing and after I was finished changing his bandages we began singing a duet and dancing along to the duet.

(Dj's part is the male and Sabrina's part is the female) "wow your an amazing singer Dj!" I said after we finished "you too!" Dj said "thanks" I said "no problem" Dj said and they began dancing together to music again.
Dj's pov: oh my goodness Sabrina is an amazing singer, she sounds like an angel! She is also an amazing girlfriend, I started blushing at my own thoughts. When we were done dancing and Sabrina switched out my bandages again, I began feeling watched by eyes again which it felt weird but I ignored to to have fun with Sabrina. We ended our dance session with a slow dance and I mastered the slow dance technique which I was shocked that I could even do and I laughed at the thought. "Why are you laughing Dj?" Sabrina asked "because I didn't think I could master the slow dance" I said "oh, well you haven't done it in a while Dj" Sabrina said with a subtle laugh "yeah, but you have done it a lot with me in the past" I said and we then finished slow dancing at the end of the song, I was tired so I started heading up to bed with Sabrina following behind, I got ready for bed and changed into some green shorts and a black shirt and then hopped into bed, Sabrina then got ready and put on a black shirt and galaxy pants. We then went to sleep with some lofi music playing to help us sleep, I didn't have many nightmares that night which I was happy about.

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