Denis and Calixo's date (bonus chapter)

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The first date, Calixo's pov: I was getting ready for my date with Denis and I decided on wearing the blue suit that he saw me in, when I was getting dressed I got nervous, I haven't talked to him at all- we just fought together during the final battle and didn't talk at all. I was also a little worried about him since he seemed hurt, emotionally and physically which it was pretty interesting that it was both. Ah I almost forgot the best parts of my outfit! My dark blue bow tie and my duck hat, hah the duck kinda blended in with my blonde hair, I also wore black pants and blue shoes, yes I really like blue.
My phone then dinged, it was Denis
Denis: Hey Bro, when are you gonna get here?
Me: UHM I uh was getting ready still, I'm really sorry I uhh woke up late!
Denis: ah it's ok, I'll wait here on the bench, also I have a surprise gift for you :)
Me: you didn't have to get me a gift, but thanks in advance!
Denis: your welcome now when are you gonna get here?
Me: i'm just finishing getting ready I have one more accessory to put on and then I'll let you know the time that it's gonna take to get there.
Denis: Alright, Cali
Me: H-Huh? You never called me Cali before
Denis: I thought that you- liked that nickname
Me: I do, thanks for using it Denis, the cat guy
Denis: hah, the cat guy? Seriously
Me: yes
And that ended our conversation. I then put my last accessory on which was my red cape, after I got it on I headed to my car. Ah before I leave I should text Denis because I don't even know where I'm going.
Me: Denis where the heck are we even going? I need to type it in the navigator.
Denis: here are the directions *he sends the directions to Calixo's phone*
Me: thanks, it will take me around 20 minutes to get there give or take with traffic.
Denis: ok, I'll be waiting patently for you Cali.
Me: ok, Denis
I then shut off my phone and put on half hour by Denisdaily "hah, you thought that I wouldn't listen to this on my drive over" Calixo said to himself. After that song was over both of Zeph's songs played and then after those songs were over slaying in roblox and be with you by Loginhdi played. And then the last two songs that played were the friends we made the rb battles song and pet simulator by terabrite. "You have arrived at your destination" the navigation female said and I saw Denis sitting on a bench right by the spot that he said, it was a bowling alley, he knew that I never bowled before so that's probably why he brought me here. I opened my trunk since I remembered that I also had a gift it was a cat plushie for Denis and flowers. I went over to where Denis was after I got the gift bag out of my car, put it by me in the front seat and parked. After I parked I went over to where Denis was "hey Denis!" I said
"Oh hey! Your here!" Denis said.
"Yup, and I got you something as well" I said
"Hmm you can open mine first" Denis said and I opened it, it was a duck plushie and some spicy chips, he knew me so well! "Oh my! Thank you!" I said and I went up to him and hugged him. "Open mine now!" I said eager for him to open it
"Ok! I'm excited!" Denis said and he opened it up "oh my goodness a cat plushie- and blue flowers! You know me so well!" Denis said and he went up to me and kissed me on the lips, I blushed like crazy "hah, Cali your blushing" Denis said.
"R-really- ah" I said
"I understand why though, I never really expected us to be fit for each other but we are fit for each other" Denis said
"Yeah I guess we are" I said. We both agreed that we would go to our cars to put our gifts away so that they would stay safe when we went into the bowling alley. I was nervous to bowl for the first time in my lifetime but I guess Denis could teach me.
After I was finished putting the gift bag that Denis got me in the back of my car I went to the bench in front of the bowling alley. I waited for Denis and he was here in a minute tops "shall we go in?" Denis asked
"Yes sir" I said laughing at what I said, Denis started laughing as well. "Hello!" Zeph said
"Zeph you work here?" I asked
"Yeah, would you two like a lane?" Zeph asked
"Yeah, a lane with bumpers please" Denis said
"Coming up! I'll just need the money for the bowling shoes, that will be 10$ and 5$ for the lane renting fee" Zeph said and I payed the lane renting fee and for my own shoes to be nice to him and so Denis didn't have to pay that much.
"Enjoy your bowling guys!" Zeph said and we went to pick out our shoes in our sizes.
"What lane are we in?" I asked Zeph before we went to the lane
"Lane 5" Zeph said
"Alright, thanks Zeph" I said
"No problem, have fun!" Zeph said
"We will" I said and then we went to lane 5. "So first things first you need to take one of these bowling balls and then aim and swing at the pins, like this" Denis said and he showed me a demonstration and I watched with excitement.
"Alright, let me try now" I said and then after his turn finished I did mine and grabbed my blue ball and swung it at the pins and I actually got all of them down! I jumped up in the air in celebration for myself "YOUR FIRST TRY?! Oh wow I'm a great teacher" Denis said with a laugh
"I guess you are a great teacher haha" I said and Denis took his next turn he got most of them down and was close to getting all of them but he gets them on his second turn. I then get to take my turn and I get a- split, ah shoot, let me aim for them both. I shot and I actually got them both "woah, Cali! You got a split!" Denis said
"I-I did it?" I said
"Yeah, you did look at the replay!" Denis said and I looked at the replay, oh my gosh I did do it! A split turned into a spare!
"Never thought that I was so good at bowling haha" I said
"I never thought you would be good as well, I guess you learn quick" Denis said.
"Yeah I guess that I do" I said and we continued to take each others turns until the game was done and we only bought one game and I won against Denis so I guess I was better even if we were using bumpers. "I can't believe you beat me at golf but I beat you at bowling" I said with a laugh.
"I can't believe that either, I guess your better at bowling" Denis said laughing back.
The rest of the date was just relaxing for the most part since we just hung out at home and I just watched the old episodes that he was in on the rb battles YouTube channel and we filmed a collaboration together for my YouTube channel and edited it together and it was us playing golf again but together not against each other in roblox. "That's a good video for your channel" Denis said
"Yeah, I agree, we work good together on videos" I said
"Actually yeah we do work good together" Denis said
"Which is good because we can do collaborations in the future and just edit it together" Denis said
"Yeah we can that would be awesome" I said
"It really would" Denis said.
We Then got both of our plushies out of our car trunks and cuddled with them and each other while watching some roblox youtube, I kissed his cheek and he blushed.
"Your cute when you blush" I said
"Same with you" Denis said with a laugh, we just cuddled in silence for the rest of the date and fell asleep hours later in each others arms. We woke up a few times to get comfortable but we still slept pretty well on the couch but Denis got up and woke me up to turn it into a bed, he let me borrow some of his clothes since he saw that I was still wearing my suit and it's uncomfortable to wear to bed, so I changed into one of his I love cats shirts and a pair of his sweatpants and took off my duck hat since I already took off my shoes, I put my duck hat in my bag by the door and went back to the bed that Denis was setting up. "I had a pretty good date, and this is a great way to end it off" Denis said.
"Yeah a really good way to end it off" I said
"Mhm, also you look amazing in anything that you wear" Denis said with a laugh.
"T-thanks, same with you" I said
"Thank you Cali" Denis said as he put the covers on the bed and grabbed blankets. We then hopped into his couch bed and cuddled while watching TV again since we had a good nap, we watched TV for an hour but after two hours I fell asleep in Denis's arms and he fell asleep a couple hours after me and the TV turned off then. So we had a good date and I had good dreams about him that night.
Note: I ship their characters NOT the real people and even if Denis and Calixo were joking in the end of the episode I still ship them because of that. Hope you enjoyed the first bonus chapter! If you have any ideas for any other bonus chapters let me know so I can get to writing! :D

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