A day with Gorg pag, Devoun and Minitoon

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Devoun's pov: I woke up to Gorg pag crying for me, I don't know what he needed but I went to go check.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, quietly to not startle him
"I just had a nightmare" Gorg pag said
"What was it about?" I asked
"You- dying" Gorg pag said, at this I began to calm him down by hugging him.
"It was just a dream Gorg pag, I'm here" I said, trying to reassure him.
"I'm glad your here" Gorg pag said
"I'm glad your here as well Gorg" I said
"Can Minitoon come over?" Gorg pag asked
"Yeah, I wanted him to come over anyways" I said and I picked up my phone and called Minitoon and he picked up.
"Hey! Devoun what's up?" Minitoon asked
"Well, I wanted to ask, if you wanted to come over, Gorg wants to see you" I said
"Devoun, it's 5 am but I can come over at 9:00 to see him" Minitoon said.
"Oops- I didn't know it was 5 am I didn't look" I said with a subtle laugh.
"It's ok, I understand why you wouldn't look at the clock, but how is Gorg pag, did he have another nightmare like last night?" Minitoon said
"Yes- I don't know why this keeps happening but I keep waking up because of it but I don't mind it since I love him" I said
"Yeah, he's your son so that makes sense" Minitoon said.
"Yeah, so you'll be over at 9:00?" I asked
"Yeah- I woke up early since I had some work to do, you should go back to sleep for a little bit before I come over since you sound tired but that's just what I suggest" Minitoon said.
"I'll do that, and I'll have Gorg with me in my bed to help him as well" I said
"Good idea, now I have to go for now but I'll be at your door by 9:00" Minitoon said
"Alright, see you then" I said
"See ya!" Minitoon said and he hung up the call. I then picked up Gorg pag from his crib and led him to my bed where it was kinda messy but I grabbed his blue baby blanket and wrapped him up in it and he was happy about that since his ears perked up. Then after I did that I got in bed and he fell asleep next to me, without me even telling a story, I guess the blanket helped.
I then fell asleep for 3 hours and woke up at 8:00 and saw that Gorg pag was still sleeping so I let him sleep and got up quietly to clean the house. After I was finished it was 8:30 and I checked on Gorg, he was half asleep but I still let him sleep and I made breakfast, pancakes for myself and rice for Gorg pag since he really liked that for breakfast for some odd reason. After I was finished cooking I heard a knock on the door and I opened it.
"Minitoon! You came!" I said, giving him our secret handshake
"Yep, hah you even remembered the handshake" Minitoon said
"Who could I ever forget? Only Kreek, Think, you and I know it" I said
"Yeah, now uh you said Gorg pag had a nightmare when I asked so where is he? Also can I have some of that breakfast that you cooked?" Minitoon asked
"Yeah, I made you some so go ahead but you wanna see Gorg first?" I asked
"Yeah I do" Minitoon said and I led him upstairs and saw that Gorg was awake.
"Minitoon? Your h-here?" Gorg pag said and Minitoon looked, shocked that he was able to understand Gorg.
"Yeah Gorg, I'm here for you, I heard that you had a nightmare, can you tell me what it was about?" Minitoon asked
"Yeah, I-It was about Devoun- being dead and me attending his funeral" Gorg pag said, beginning to tear up.
"You know that was just a dream, but that seems like a horrible dream for you to have" Minitoon said
"Yeah, it was horrible" Gorg pag said
"I've had dreams like that before, everyone has so I understand your pain" Minitoon said
"I'm glad that you do" Gorg pag said. And the room remained silent for a minute.
"Hey, let's change the subject, Gorg pag and Minitoon I made both of you breakfast so let's go eat" I said
"Alwight" Gorg pag said
"Ok, let's go downstairs then" Minitoon said and he picked up Gorg pag and brought him downstairs for me. Gorg then had his rice and me and Minitoon had our pancakes in silence. After we were done with our breakfast we thought about what we could do.
"We could uh, go to a theme park" Minitoon suggested
"That's actually a good idea but is Gorg old enough for the kid rides?" I asked
"He should be, also we should invite Kreek and Tanqr" Minitoon suggests.
"I agree, they also deserve a nice trip and a break from all that training" I said and we decided on calling Kreek and Tanqr together in a call and they agreed to come with us and meet at our house in an hour. So we had an hour to get the house together and pack, which Minitoon was already packed since he didn't know how long he would stay at my house. But I got Gorg and myself packed so we could stay at the amusement park for a couple days and stay in a hotel. After I was finished I sat on the couch and watched whatever Minitoon was watching which it was just a weird pirate movie, I mean I've seen pirates of the Caribbean but this isn't it. He sensed that I wasn't enjoying it so he just changed it to the battle back of season 3 of rb battles and I enjoyed that. Then after the battle back episode was over we both heard a knock at the door and opened the door, it was Kreek and Tanqr.
"Hey! It's us" Kreek said
"Yup, here for the amusement park, and I know we may be staying for a couple days so we packed stuff for it" Tanqr said
"Good, I was about to text you guys to do so but I guess I didn't need to" I said
"Yeah, haha we are prepared" Kreek said
"Yeah, you are" I said
"And hope you don't mind but I brought Hoopie" Tanqr said
"And I brought Kayla, we got a babysitter again, which I'm assuming that Gorg is coming with us" Kreek said
"Yeah of course he is, this is kinda a family vacation in a way but you all were still invited to it" I said
"Yeah makes sense, now are we ready to go" Tanqr asks
"Yeah just gotta grab our stuff, Minitoon get over here!" I said and he came right over
"H-huh?! Oh we are ready to go" Minitoon said, he had Gorg pag in his arms still, I transferred his car seat over to Kreek's car and sat by Gorg pag and Minitoon sat next to me, Kayla sat in front of me and Hoopie sat in front of Minitoon, they both looked at Gorg in the middle.
"Aww! What's his name?" Hoopie asks
"His name is Gorg pag" I said
"Interesting name" Hoopie said
"Yeah, your Hoopie right?" I asked
"Yeah, Tanqr's girlfriend" Hoopie said
"Nice to meet you" I said
"Nice to meet you as well Devoun" Hoopie said
"How- did you know my name?" I asked
"Well Tanqr talks about you" Hoopie said
"Oh" I said and then the car started and I said where the amusement park and hotel were, it was a little far but it was gonna be worth it.
It took 4 hours to get there but the car ride was full of vibing to music and talking and caring for Gorg.
"Ah, good choice of the park I've always wanted to go to the new Rb battles theme park that they built 2 years ago and are still making changes on this year" Kayla said
"I know right! It's an amazing park!" I said
"I agree, it looks amazing!" Kayla said and we all walked to the hotel and put our stuff in the room, we all had separate rooms and roommates.
Kreek's roommates: Hoopie, Kayla and Tanqr
Minitoon's roommates: Me and Gorg pag.
So it was just 2 rooms but we made the best of it, we put our stuff away and then headed to the amusement park and then checked if everyone was accounted for and they were so we could buy our tickets and then start riding rides, so that's what we did, after we were done we debated on what to ride first.
Me and Minitoon decided on riding the kiddie rides first with Gorg pag because I was clingy to Gorg I stayed with him the whole time and Minitoon couldn't get me to let go and Gorg didn't wanna leave me either so Minitoon after a couple rides on the kiddie rides went on his own to ride the roller coasters and bigger rides and since Gorg pag was still a child he couldn't ride them. So I stayed with him
"Can I- call you dad?" Gorg pag asks me
"Yeah, you could've asked earlier but this was probably the best time you could ask" I said
"Ok, where did Tanqr and Kweek go?" Gorg pag said trying to use his mature language but kinda ended up using his kiddie language. "They, went on the big rides, but I'll stay with you I'm not just gonna leave you but I know that you miss Kreek and Tanqr" I said and suddenly Kayla and Hoopie came up to me, I was confused, why were they not with Kreek and Tanqr? "Hey Devoun!" Hoopie said
"Hey, uh aren't you supposed to be with Kreek and Tanqr?" I asked
"Yeah, but we want to stay with you since we feel bad leaving you alone with only Gorg as company and he's an adorable pig" Hoopie said, Gorg understood her but knew she couldn't understand him so didn't say a word.
"Dad, only you, Minitoon, Kreek and Kayla can understand me, right?" Gorg pag asked
"Yeah, only specific people can understand you Gorg pag" I said and Hoopie looked very confused as to who I was speaking to.
"Who are you- talking to exactly Devoun?" Hoopie asks
"Gorg pag, Kayla can explain" I said.
"So Gorg pag is the special type where only specific people can understand him like I'm one of those people, Kreek is one, Devoun is of course one because he is his father, technically adopted but I'm not entirely sure, Minitoon is one because he's the creator of piggy and me because of Kreek but only specific people can understand him, like your not one of them since he hasn't really trusted you yet" Kayla explains
"Ah- that makes sense, thanks Kayla" Hoopie said
"No problem!" Kayla said and they all hop on another kiddie ride, this time a kid roller coaster with some depictions of rb battles scenes since it's an rb battles theme park. After the ride they were shocked to see Kreek and Tanqr in front of them, no Minitoon though "hey, guys we got done with the host themed coasters and they were fun but we missed you" Tanqr said.
"Yeah, we did, do you wanna come ride the guest host coasters with us?" Kreek asked
"Sure, I'll come with you" Kayla said
"I wanna stay with Gorg pag and Devoun, sorry Tanqr" Hoopie said
"I understand, we can just ride them later" Tanqr said.
"Yeah, we will" Hoopie said and then the group left, Minitoon was just riding rides on his own but he would meet up with us again at the end. Me and Hoopie just rode the kiddie rides with Gorg pag, we were getting tons of looks from people which I hated but Hoopie gave them some looks that people were terrified of, it was fun to watch that go down.
That was the rest of the day but the next day I stayed with Gorg pag at the kiddie rides again but Hoopie and Kayla switched and Kayla stayed with me, Minitoon was still missing but he was at the hotel late, probably because he didn't know where to meet us at the end, he was at a cafe in the park and enjoying it without us which he just texted. Hoopie, Kreek and Tanqr were riding the coasters again which they had fun on, there were mainly coasters but some flat rides mixed in there since it was a big park. Kayla actually had fun on the kiddie rides, especially the kiddie coaster which I had fun on again as well and Gorg did as well, he was tired after all of that so we sat on a bench and he napped in my arms and Kayla and I talked until Kreek and the rest of the group came back. When they came back we said farewell to the park, but we knew that we would come back since it's an amazing park, the group saw some signing going on before we left and Sabrina, Dj and ??? Was there, but we didn't know who the last person was because he was masked, kinda like Tanqr and Hoopie, we waved to Dj and Sabrina before we left and they both waved back with the ??? Person not waving at all, just mindlessly signing in weird handwriting but Dj recognized it as Russo's so maybe it was Russo but who the heck even knows anymore?
We left the park and slept in the hotel for one more night and everyone headed home, including Minitoon which I was kinda worried about him but he's expressed to me a million times that he's ok and that he just wanted to be alone for almost the whole trip except for in the hotel since we were together.
Once we got home me and Gorg pag just hung out and he slept in my arms. Minitoon stayed for a little longer but had to go home, everyone else went home earlier but we still had fun at the amusement park. Still didn't really know about that ??? Figure, I was still confused and Sabrina probably was as well. So I texted her about it all night and she was saying that it was Russo but I asked Dj and he said that the figure was writing in his handwriting but he wasn't sure it was Russo. But they were all thinking the same thing at the amusement park that moment
Was what they were thinking, the person it was all along the person who built the artificial sun and the amusement park, him...
But only the person who is doing this knows the truth, and maybe Dj is the one who knows the truth. But I don't know the truth and neither does a lot of people right now.
Finished another bonus chapter! Ah this one was also fun to write but wanted to do the note to say what chapter is next in this book!
Pinkleaf's training! 💗🍃

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