Am I ready yet?

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Russos pov: I got sent back in the test tube and I was annoyed at that because I didn't want to go back into this machine it was annoying. I was still thinking about Sabrina and Dj non-stop while Mr Boringsworth was programming, I looked around the room since I had nothing else to do and I saw my sword hooked to wires, what did he need my sword for? Maybe for me telling the truth all the time and never lying or he was programming it to be useful and not useless because I was the one with the most lame ability but Dj was making ability improvements on my sword but he wasn't done with it, but pairing it with the robot resonator would be the smart idea, Mr Boringsworth was hiding extra gold from the players so he could pair the sword of truth with the resonator which I was angry about because all of the players deserve the golden bits but I was also confused on another thing, my bit had the most gold out of all of the bits which meant that Mr Boringsworth was spoiling me. But I don't know how I could be his favorite rb battles host, I mean I did enjoy his high school and collage classes the most, Dj was the troublemaker in our group because he was immature at the time but Sabrina would always get detentions for no apparent reason so I guess I was his favorite student and now his favorite host. Mr Boringsworth broke my thoughts when he put the helmet on my head it looked like me with the blue hair and everything but I just had a black streak in my hair, the helmet was controlling my thoughts and how I acted, I began to feel all of my memories of Sabrina and Dj slip away and they were replaced with bad memories of them and I was terrified of the memories but I had good memories of Mr Boringsworth left, I smiled at him, a creepy smile that I never thought that I could do, he then took off the helmet because it wasn't believable but I still had what the helmet did to me left behind in my brain. And I was still smiling a creepy smile, Mr Boringsworth fixed my hair and dyed a black streak into it by where the red was. He then replaced my voicebox, for now anyways with a robotic version of my own voice, this is why he had me do voicelines "am I ready?" I asked with my new robotic voice "almost, just gotta put the earpiece in" Mr Boringsworth said and he put an earpiece into my ear and it stuck in there "now do whatever I say on that, if I even say anything for you to do" Mr Boringsworth said "yes sir" I said "now you gotta do a test, for me" Mr Boringsworth said "anything for you Mr Boringsworth" I said "sit down" Mr Boringsworth said and I sat down "stand up and walk around" Mr Boringsworth said and I did just that. "Do a robot dance" Mr Boringsworth said and I did that perfectly "say, who are you?" Mr Boringsworth said "who are you?" I said and my memories flashed to Sabrina and Dj but I didn't know who they were anymore, there was only corrupted versions of them in my memory. "Perfect" Mr Boringsworth said, he began evil laughing silently to himself "so am I ready?" I asked "yes you are but we gotta wait for the perfect time to strike" Mr Boringsworth said "yes sir, we do" I said "glad you understand Russo" Mr Boringsworth said "I'll always understand things when it comes to you" I said. "Good" Mr Boringsworth said "yeah" I said and we waited for when it was the perfect time for my new self to strike.

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