Leah and Sanna's shopping spree

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Leah's pov: It was hard thinking about what to do, I mean- I have my robux from winning the shopping wars episode so maybe I could go on a shopping spree with it. But should I invite anyone else? Let me think about it- I mean Sanna does deserve to go since I haven't seen her much and last time I've seen her was on rb battles- the shopping wars episode that we were both in. So maybe she's ready for a rematch- unless she wants to go on a shopping spree with me and also go for a rematch, unless she only wants to do one today. I decided on calling her to talk to her about what she would like to do. She surprisingly picked up pretty fast.
"Hey Leah!" Sanna said
"Hey Sanna, I wanted to ask you something" I said
"What did you wanna ask?" Sanna asked
"I wanted to know- if you wanted a rematch in shopping wars or if you wanted to go on a shopping spree with me today?" I asked
"Hmm- both sound pretty good but we could do one today and one another day" Sanna suggested.
"That's a good idea but what one first?" I asked
"Let's go on a shopping spree first, that seems to be more fun, also can I bring Jelly with us?" Sanna asked
"I- thought this would be more of a girls day" I said
"How about Megan and IBella then" Sanna suggested
"Yeah, Keisyo can come as well, Jelly doesn't even play Roblox much anymore anyways but is he even a fan of shopping?" I asked
"No- not really just for groceries and manly stuff" Sanna said with a laugh
"Yeah- that's true" I said, also laughing at what she said about Jelly.
"So we have IBella, Megan, and Keisyo to ask then" Sanna said
"Yeah, let's text the girls groupchat, maybe others wanna come as well" I said
"Yeah maybe" Sanna said.
Me: Hey everyone in the girls groupchat! Me and Sanna are planning on going on a shopping spree today so we are wondering if anyone wants to join us!
Keisyo: I can come! Where should we meet at?
Me: my house, still trying to plan the time
Keisyo: alright!
IBella: of course I can come! I have robux to speed as well from my earnings, just let me know the time
Me: alright we will when we figure it out
Sabrina: Can't- taking care of Dj right now but have fun girls!
Me: Aw, ok have fun with Dj!
Sabrina: I will, also if you ever decide to do a shopping wars rematch and add people to it count me in!
Me: we definitely will consider adding you to the roster
Sabrina: great!
Megan: of course I'll come! But let me know the time when it's set.
Me: alright me or Sanna will
Cari: finishing stuff up at the hospital and helping Hyper with his stab wounds- but depending on what time it's at I can come.
Me: alright Cari, hopefully Hyper feels better soon!
Cari: he will, he just got beat up in murder mystery 2
Me: oh- that sounds brutal
Cari: it was brutal, he got some deep wounds, but he's still alive at least
Me: yeah, at least he is
And at that I began to talk to Sanna on the call again.
"So what time should we say?" I asked
"How about since it's 9:00 am already we say 4:00 pm" Sanna suggested
"Yeah I agree, everyone should be fine by then so you can tell the group chat that" I said and Sanna told them and everyone except for Sabrina and Cari was available to come to my house at 4:00, so at that I said bye to Sanna and got breakfast, and then went back to sleep until 12:00, so I had 4 hours to kill, so I decided to edit my videos for a while and when it reached 2:00 I went to go get ready which took a while since I needed to look good, it took an hour to get ready so I had an hour to kill after I got ready. So I decided to watch TV until people started coming in.
"An hour later"
Knock knock
Leah heard at the door, it was Sanna, she was the one who came first. "Hey Sanna!" I said
"Hey Leah!" Sanna said, and then everyone else one by one came in
"Hello!" Megan said
"Hey!" Keisyo said
"Hi!" IBella said, her hair blowing in the wind outside, everyone then came inside
"Where would everyone like to go first?" I asked
"The spa would be really nice" IBella suggested
"I agree, that would be really nice, Leah what's your opinion on that?" Sanna asked
"That would be nice, I know this spa and hair salon that we can go to and get our hair done as well, let's go, we will make appointments on the way!" I said in an excited tone
"Alright, we can take my car, since it's the biggest out of all of our cars and can fit all of us" Sanna said and we all went in her car and she drove us to the spa and hair salon and I made our appointments on the way. When we got there we all got out of the car one by one and went into the hair salon and spa.
"Hello!" A hair stylist said
"Hi! We all would like a spa treatment and our hair done" I said
"Alright, I'll get you all settled, five right?" The hair stylist asks
"Yeah, me, IBella, Keisyo, Megan and Sanna" I said
"Alright, you can sit in those chairs over there, we are not booked so we will get started right away" The hair stylist said
"Great!" I said and we all went over to the chairs that the stylist pointed us to.
A hair stylist came over to me "what do you want me to do to your hair?" She asked
"Hmm- I just want a touch up on the light pink hair dye and a trim of the dead ends" I said
"Alright, I'll do that then" she said.
Then a hair stylist came up to IBella "hello! What would you like me to do to your hair?" She asked
"Just a touch up on my hair dye and maybe a little more hair dye on the tips" IBella said
"Alright, can you remove your Valkyrie?" She asks
"Of course" IBella said and she removes her Valkyrie and places it on the table in front of her, and then the stylist gets to work on her hair.
A stylist then comes over to Megan "hello Megan! What would you like me to do to your hair?" She asks
"Hmm- just a touch up on my bright pink and blue hair dye and bit of a trim" Megan said
"Alright I'll get to work on that right now" she said
"Ok, thank you" Megan said
"No problem" she said.
Then a stylist comes over to Sanna "hello! What would you like me to do to your hair?" She asks
"Hmm- can you put purple tips in my hair and trim it?" Sanna asks
"Sure, also can you remove your flower crown?" She asks
"Sure" Sanna said, putting the purple flower crown on the table in front of her, and then the stylist got to work.
Last but not least Keisyo was next to get a stylist "hi! What would you like me to do to your hair?" She asked
"Hmm- I just want it shoulder length and some bright pink highlights" Keisyo said
"Sure, I'll get to work on that right away" she said and every stylist was working on everyone's hair.
"A few hours later like around two hours"
After IBella was done she put her Valkyrie back on and Sanna put her purple flower crown back on.
Everyone was done and they moved on to the spa treatment, Sanna needed it the most but everyone else relaxed with the treatment. After it was done which it was a two hour treatment I payed for everyone's hair styles and spa treatments. We all looked amazing!
"Should we go get dinner next?" I asked
"Yeah, I know this amazing place that we can go to eat!" Keisyo said
"Awesome! We can go there!" I said and we got into Sanna's car again and Keisyo put the directions into Sanna's navigator and we were there in 20 minutes. We then got a table and all sat by each other, I sat by Sanna, IBella sat by Megan and Keisyo sat by me and Sanna. We then ate a delicious dinner and decided to go to this clothes shop next, I got this pink dress, everyone else got clothes to match their hair and tried them on before they bought them, IBella got a watermelon looking dress and some casual watermelon looking things. Keisyo got a really poofy but cute dress that was bright pink to match her hair, she also picked out some other causal clothes, I also picked out some causal clothes. Megan got some bright pink clothes and some bright blue ones to match her hair. Sanna got a purple dress that matched my pink one and she got some causal clothes. We then all checked out for our stuff with separate checks and then went to an accessory store. IBella got watermelon accessories, I got some pink ones, Keisyo got pink ones as well like a headband, Sanna got more flower crowns and unicorn themed accessories, Megan got bright blue and pink accessories and then we checked out and then went to the shoe store and we got shoes that matched our outfits. Then we were done with shopping and headed back to my house to just chill out from a long day, we also took a group picture with us in our new outfits, mainly the casual ones because we bought pj's and had a pajama party and a sleepover with everyone at my house since we thought it would be fun and it was fun. People left the next morning, except Sanna stayed with me for a couple more days which made sense since she missed me and hasn't seen me for a while, after the days were over she went back to Jelly and I had Sabrina over to plan the shopping wars rematch, she also had Russo and Dj over here as well, it was gonna be filmed for my channel but not the rb battles channel but I would still have Sabrina, Dj and Russo on. We spent the rest of the day planning the rematch and just hanging out since I haven't seen the hosts in so long.
Hope you enjoyed the part! Also I give you full permission if you wanna draw their new styles and I'm gonna work on one last chapter idea that I have which is the shopping wars rematch. But I may have more ideas but I'm not sure so stay tuned! If you have any ideas for bonus chapters in this book please let me know, I'm pretty open to ideas. Bye guys!

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