Training for the finale (spoilers for who is in the finale!)

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Tanqr's pov: it's another day in the rb battles hub to train with Kreek and the others, I didn't mind training with them since they were all pretty nice and welcoming. This was the last training session that we were gonna have together before the finale which was kinda sad but I guess it made sense since it was nearing close to the finale. Even though Sabrina, Dj and Russo were gonna post the finale later in the year we still had to film it today. I got out of my deep thoughts and hopped out of bed and met Pinkleaf, Kreek, IBella and Denis for breakfast.
"Hey guys!" I said, greeting them
"Hey Tanqr, you ready for training today?" Kreek said
"Yup, I'm sure that I can beat you all" I said, my competitive sides fire blazing.
"Not if I beat you first" Kreek said
"Yeah, your pretty good" I said
"But I'm better then you both combined" Pinkleaf said with a laugh, he had a competitive side as well.
"We will see, maybe Denis will win a few today" I said
"Yeah I'm not that sure" Denis said
"You can do this, I believe in you Denis, even if you do mess around a ton" IBella said
"Yeah I know, I have a Flamingo in me, but thanks Bella" Denis said
"No problem, and yeah you do have a bit of Flamingo in you, he's your best friend after all, you know him so much" IBella said
"Yeah, my avatar is funny though since he helped pick it and I just like screwing around, not entirely Flamingos fault because he didn't do anything, I just mess around myself" Denis said with a laugh
"True, but you gotta learn when to stop" IBella said
"Yeah I do" Denis said. We continued talking while we finished our breakfast, we talked about our lives and the championships. After we finished our breakfast we went to the middle of the hub, Sabrina and Dj were there waiting for us, Russo was still- missing at this time so that's why only Sabrina and Dj were here with us to play with us in the minigames. They had to be here to have fun as well even though they are the hosts of the championships.
Pinkleaf did good at the parkour but struggled on the other minigames but at least they practiced. I did good at them all, Kreek also did good at them all but still needed to practice on his own, I did as well, and Pinkleaf also had a ton of practice to do on his own. IBella did pretty good for the most part, she was doing this for the girls in the crowd that have been stereotyped for so long now for not being able to do much and I agree with her even though I'm very competitive.
Denis on the other hand, didn't do well and refuses to practice on his own without us being there which I was kinda mad at him for because he needs to understand that you can't get better without practice and that he may get eliminated. Or not but who knows.
But this is all or nothing, 2 million robux or nothing, we even get a trophy if we win and a championship sword pack like I got last year and it looks so cool! Geez, I'm very angry at Denis right now but I don't tell it to his face because that's not what friends do and I wanna maintain a good relationship with Denis. Like I know I don't have the best relationship with Kreek but I wanna maintain my relationship with Pinkleaf, Bella even if I just met her and Denis as well. We then got done with training for the day and had dinner since we trained for hours, Bella talked to Denis about how she felt about his actions in training today and was giving him tips since she was nice like that, I on the other hand was arguing with Kreek about pop-tarts, I know- stupid argument.
"Pop tarts are better!" Kreek said
"No- toaster strudels are better" I said
"How are they better then pop tarts?" Kreek asked
"Well they are microwaved not toasted" I said
"We'll pop tarts have frosting what do you have to say about that, Huh?!" Kreek said, counteracting my argument
"Toaster strudels have frosting as well you know" I said
"We'll pop tarts are just better, I even got sponsored by them before" Kreek said with his arms crossed.
"Lier, you never got a sponsor by them, and I should know- I-I watch your videos and streams" I said
"You what?!" Kreek said
"Yeah- I-I know we are rivals and all but I watch your videos and streams, is that, bad?" I questioned
"No- just shocked that you would even watch them" Kreek said, Dj removed the headphones from his ears and was relieved to not hear yelling anymore, Sabrina did the same and began talking to Dj.
"No more fighting for right now?" I asked
"Yeah, no more for now that was a stupid argument, we can each have our opinions" Kreek said
"Yeah I agree, we were fighting like kindergartners" I said with a laugh.
"Indeed we were" Kreek said and he went back to eating his food and putting one AirPod in, he let me have one of his AirPods so we could listen to music together. I felt, warm inside at this moment in time when he let me listen as well, I went back to eating my food as well but felt everyone at the table stare at us.
"Oh my goodness, Kreek never lets anyone listen to his music with him" IBella said
"Yeah, this is- a weird change of pace for them, they normally fight for all of dinner with slowly eating their food or taking it upstairs or to go" Pinkleaf said
"Yeah, this is- weird but good that they stopped fighting, they literally fight like toddlers and kindergarteners" IBella said
"Yeah, and it's just because Tanqr stole Kreek's crown in the championships" Pinkleaf said.
"And if he does it again this year then they will definitely fight all over again, unless it's gone down now" IBella said
"I agree, that could definitely happen, unless I beat his butt this year" Pinkleaf said
"Or me, but anything could happen- it's the finale after all" IBella said
"Yeah, I would love to see you win but good game today" Pinkleaf said
"You as well, you did awesome in the parkour minigames we played today" IBella said
"And you did good in almost everything" Pinkleaf said
"Actually, yeah I did, I should be proud, and you should be as well" IBella said
"Yeah, I am proud of myself" Pinkleaf said
"Good" IBella said.
And we went on with our dinner like normal, I heard IBella and Pinkleaf's conversation and the part about us is definitely true, I guess he's just trying to be my friend and I'm trying to be his but we just keep fighting because I stole his crown from him. But we can technically share the spotlight, except I won last years in season 2 and he won in season 1 so we were even but this will break the tie, we will try to stay friends though even if this may break the tie.
The hosts, Sabrina and Dj payed for our dinner when the checks came, me and Kreek actually finished our food this time and everyone was staring at us weirdly wondering what was going on between me and Kreek.
"Guys! Me and Kreek are getting along now, no big deal you can stop staring now" I said
"Fine- but this is just a weird change in pace" Pinkleaf said and he stopped staring first and gathered his things, everyone else did the same and I was relieved that they stopped when I told them to, I still had the AirPod in my ear and Kreek was still playing music so we drove home together which was weird but nice at the same time. We drove to my house and Kreek stayed the night, I listened to his music on the way home with the AirPod and when we got to my house I gave him the AirPod back.
"Thanks for letting me listen to your music for once" I said
"No problem, did you- enjoy it?" Kreek asked
"Yes, I guess we have a similar music taste" I said
"Yeah, I guess so, also I brought a sleeping bag so can I stay the night here?" Kreek asked
"Yeah sure, what about Kayla though?" I asked
"She's on vacation with Timmeh and took Theo also, she's coming back after the finale is filmed which is the end of the week" Kreek said
"Well, you can stay here, I wouldn't mind the company" I said
"Oh- alright if you don't mind then I'll stay here for a couple days" Kreek said
"I don't mind, thanks for keeping me company" I said
"No problem" Kreek said. And we watched a couple movies together and went to bed which was pretty fun, and he stayed here for a couple days until we filmed the finale, I also helped him train for two days with battling him. So yeah, he was fun to have as a roommate for a while but after the finale was filmed I drove him back home and he waited for Kayla. So I was alone again but that was ok, since I was used to being alone.
Ended it here because of spoilers of the finale! And I don't wanna spoil it for people who haven't watched it. But I hope you enjoyed this part!
Next up: Sabrina, Dj and Russo's training! :D

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