The rocket ride

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Kreeks pov: he opens the closet to get his suit but when he opened it someone came out "Think?!" Kreek said "noodles" Thinknoodles replies "how the heck did you get there?!" Kreek said "well I uhm- got a note from Russo saying to meet him on the moon and this was the only rocket and I was trying to find a good room, I saw a persons footprints and thought they were an evil pig" Thinknoodles said. "Oh- well I'm not a pig at all but I mean it's close to my animoji lol" Thinknoodles said with a really subtle laugh "yeah makes sense but we are almost in space so you can join us because there's an extra space suit in there I'm guessing maybe for you" Kreek said. "Yeah I'll put it on in this bathroom over there" Thinknoodles said and that's just what he did.
Devoun's pov: when he opened his closet Minitoon was there "Minitoon?! What the heck-" Devoun said "uhm I can explain, Russo invited me here to fix some things on the space map for piggy but it kinda ended up with me being stuffed in here to just come to space with Thinknoodles" Minitoon said "well that sounds harsh, and that doesn't seem like something the normal Russo would do" Devoun said "get me out of here!" Gorg pag said from a distance in a bag but only Devoun could hear him and Devoun grabbed Minitoon out of the closet and also grabbed Gorg pag out of the bag that he was stuck in "Gorg pag?" Minitoon said "oh you guys haven't seen each other in so long, Gorg meet your creator again" Devoun said and Gorg pag hugged Minitoon's arm and kissed his hand (NOT a ship just a father son moment since he created the game and created George his brother.) "aww this is one of the cutest things I've seen Gorg pag do" Devoun said "well I am technically his creator after all, but your his main creator" Minitoon said "yeah" Devoun said "you wanna join us in saving Sabrina and Russo?" Devoun then asked "sure, also I have a tiny suit for Gorg pag, I randomly found a suit in the washer room that shrank, I guess they do shrink easily haha but it will fit Gorg pag" Minitoon said and Minitoon then put the blue suit on Gorg pag. "Aww he looks so adorable in it" Devoun said "I'm not supposed to be cute in this I look weird" Gorg pag said but then Minitoon looked shocked at what he just heard "you can hear Gorg pag as well?" Devoun said "surprisingly yes I can" Minitoon said "good, now that both creators can hear me people will be questioning us more" Gorg pag said "Gorg your very sassy you know that right?" Minitoon said "of course I know I'm sassy" Gorg pag said and he did a dramatic hair flip even if he doesn't have any hair at all, Devoun and Minitoon laugh and Gorg just stands awkwardly staring at them because he didn't know what to say at all, an announcers voice then came on "hello everyone we are beginning to land so please begin to finish putting your suits on" and everyone else that needed to put their suits on began hurrying up but they finished just in time because the rocket then stopped on the moon, they all got out of the rocket and saw another rocket already there "I guess this was Sabrina and Dj's rocket but I don't see them anywhere" Kreek said "same, they are no where but I see some purple over there maybe she's over there" Minitoon said "yeah let's just check over there" Peggy said "yeah we should check over there" Rose said and they checked over there but all they saw where the purple Minitoon saw were Sabrina's boppers...

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