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Russo's pov: I woke up on the couch and turned on the TV, and I was shocked at what was on the TV. Rb battles- which I was still questioning what that was but I heard my voice on it and I sounded- happy. The purple haired girl and green haired boy then came into the room and sat next to me, I inched away from them since I still was confused as to who they were "hey, Russo what's wrong?" Sabrina said "yeah, you know you can tell us anything, also it seems like you found the TV remote" Dj said with a subtle laugh. "Well I-I don't know who you are and my head still hurts like heck" I said "well I'm Sabrina and that's Dj, we host on rb battles and your also a host" Sabrina said "we must be roblox celebrities" I said with a laugh "yeah, we are the players and viewers love us" Sabrina said "I've been calling you purple haired girl and you green haired boy, for quite a while now- ever since you introduced yourselves as Sabrina and Dj" I said with a laugh "well makes sense since you lost your memory" Dj said "yeah, but we are here to help you, now let's just watch rb battles season one to get you started on reintroducing yourself to things" Sabrina said and she grabbed the remote and turned from season three's most recent episode which was the battle back to season one episode one. After that one was finished season one episode two played and it went up to the semi recap and the sixteenth episode, where Kreekcraft stole the victory against Tofuu, Briannaplayz and Seedeng. Which during the whole season the names of the competitors were said so this was helping me remember where we started from, Sabrina then put on season two of rb battles and I was immersed in this whole story that Dj had put together since I had amnesia and forgot about this whole story, and when they started talking about the swords I remembered that I had the sword of truth, Sabrina had the sword of healing and Dj had the sword of agility. Season two episode one then started playing and they did say the competitors names so I could know who they were speaking about and I heard me a lot of the time and was shockingly impressed with how good I was, and happy which I was upset in season three because of well I don't really know because I can't seem to understand it that much right now. Then when season two episode one stopped season two episode two started and it continued until season two episode sixteen and we even watched the friends we made music video which really helped me remember things. We then watched all of season three and the rest of the episodes on the channel, I then began to remember that I was also a youtuber with Sabrina and Dj being my friends, so I remembered everything I really needed to know about what was happening but I went back to Mr Boringsworth in my mind for a second "so Mr Boringsworth" I said to Sabrina and Dj "what do you wanna know?" Sabrina asked, Dj fell asleep on Sabrina's leg but Sabrina didn't wanna move him "I wanna know why I was in the hospital" I said "well kinda a long story but I'll explain, Mr Boringsworth had taken you the video before the semis for his plan which he did after we filmed the battle back instead of waiting for the finale so the final battle now is we gotta get rid of him, for hurting you and the rest of the competitors and us, he also made you have amnesia from become his little robot" Sabrina explains I was shocked at this explanation and I couldn't really say much "what did I- do?" I asked "well you put me in a truth bubble and that's why I was in the hospital but I heard that you used the last of your strength to get me inside" Sabrina said "y-yeah I did even if I didn't know you at the time I still felt bad" I said "and I would've died out there if not for you" Sabrina said, she hugged me and I hugged her back. I then got up and got the bandages that the doctors gave us and I switched out my own bandages, Sabrina's and Dj's. Dj then was awake at once when he felt the bandages on his skin "eh?" Dj said while springing awake "oh it's just you switching my bandages, thank you" Dj said "no problem, but we need to come up with a plan since Mr Boringsworth will definitely be after me when he finds out that I'm not a robot anymore" I said "yeah he will, but you could use your sword of truth or your grapple that you took from him up there and the doctors let us keep some of the robot gear that you had" Sabrina said "maybe but we need to think of a plan, we should have the others over to think" Dj said "yeah, it will be tons of people against one so this will be easy" I said "true, but you can't go out of the house right now since your venerable to him right now" Sabrina said "yeah I am" I said. "Yeah, we should invite everyone over to this house and talk, I can text the group chat" Dj said "that would be great" Sabrina said "there's a- group chat for all the rb battles competitors?" I asked "yeah, your in it if you take out your phone and see your group chats" Dj said "oh, alright" I said, taking out my phone to see all of my group chats, there was this guy named Nightfox on there and I texted him and told him what happened to me because he was texting me non stop.
Nightfox: Russo dude, what happened to you?
Russo: well It's kinda hard to explain but I have some type of amnesia, because of this incident with Mr Boringsworth he turned me into a robot, Sabrina and Dj saved me though.
Nightfox: well I'm glad that you ok now, you wanna play some pet sim x together?
Russo: what's pet sim x?
Nightfox: you don't know what pet sim x is? Goodness it is amnesia, but at least you remember me now, probably because I heard from Sabrina and Dj that you guys were watching the rbb episodes. But hop on the app marked roblox and join me, my name should be Nightfox on there and you should have friended me a while ago.
Russo: alright I'll be there in a little bit!
I joined Nightfox in pet sim x and it looked similar to pet simulator which I remembered from a while ago so I guess it was made by the same people. I met up with Nightfox at the start of the game and it turned out that I had some op pets "opppeeeeee" Sabrina said her famous catchphrase when she stared at the pets I had, she also helped me relearn how to play so I was happy I had her here. She also helped me relearn tons of other simulator games which was nice "oh guys I got a couple replies" Dj said.
Dj: guys we need your help, come to my house tomorrow morning at 8:30, who will be here?
Ominous: I'll be there, and I'll also drive Pghlfilms over since we are having a guy sleepover right now.
Kreek: I'll be over there, Tanqr is also here so I'll bring him and Kayla and have Chizeled babysit again.
Leah: I'm having Sanna over so I'll bring her as well.
Sanna: alright, Leah is gonna bring me over!
Denis: I'll be over Dj!
Tanqr: Kreek's bringing me over, like he just said.
Pghlfilms: Ominous is bringing me over like he just said.
Ibella: sure, Megan can drive me over there.
Megan: yeah I can drive Ibella and myself over.
Thinknoodles: got it, tomorrow right?
Dj: yeah, tomorrow at 8:30, we need a plan for Mr Boringsworth but the players might also have a plan.
Jack: I got something to do tomorrow, but I hope you guys come up with a plan.
Dj: Thanks Jack, hopefully you have fun with whatever your doing tomorrow.
Jack: well I'm editing my videos but thanks anyways.
Dj: no problem Jack.
Bandites: goodness, I'm having an editing session with Jack that day, but hopefully you guys figure out a plan.
Dj: no problem, you and Jack have been through the robot thing as well do you deserve a break as well.
Calixo: same with Bandites and Jack, I have editing plans and a date.
Dj: oh- good luck on your date then 🌹
Calixo: thanks Dj!
Dj: no prob!
Flamingo: I'm sure to come, bringing Jake as well!
Jayingee: alright, I'll bring some stuff for my plan if that helps.
Dj: yeah it does thanks!
Jayingee: no problem, big things are in store for Mr Boringsworth.
Sabrina: yeah they are, we definitely are smart with having you guys plus the player since only one player is allowed into this final battle as well, and we are also gonna be helping them.
-Y/N has joined the group chat-
Y/N: what were you saying about me?
Sabrina: oh they are here now in the chat! Well we were saying that you could help us with the final battle. If that's ok with you of course!
Y/N: of course that's ok with me, I'll help you all, so 8:30 am tomorrow right?
Sabrina: yeah, that's the time Dj said, hope you can come!
Y/N: yeah I can come, can't wait to see you guys again!
Sabrina: same!
Pinkleaf: well I can come as well, you want me to drive Y/N?
Y/N: we'll I don't have a working car so if you could then that would be great.
Pinkleaf: sweet, I'll pick you up at 8:00 since it takes 30 minutes to get to Dj's house from yours, correct?
Y/N: yeah, I don't really live by the hub anymore since I moved to explore more around here.
Pinkleaf: alright, see you then Y/N!
Y/N: yeah see you then!
Russo: then it's settled, we will have a meeting with, almost all of us tomorrow at 8:30 am and come up with a plan.
-everyone that's coming then sends 👏🏻 emojis and gets offline after conversations are over-
Russo, Sabrina and Dj then just chill for the rest of the night, knowing that tomorrow it's talking about the plan for Mr Boringsworth and his maybe new robot army. Russo sleeps in the guest room and plays a little pet sim x with Nightfox before going to bed at 9:30 pm which Dj and Sabrina go to bed at 9:00 to get extra sleep since they definitely need sleep to be ready for tomorrow.

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