You yell at him

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Harry:You were sick and tired of all the strewn clothes that laid around constantly, not to mention the stray cups. What the hell did Harry think this was? A pig sty? It was a constant problem you faced living with Harry. It wasn't that he was a pig- he was just lazy and didn't take the time to get up and pick after him self. Instead you had to chase him around and clean up after him but you were sick of it. You stormed down the corridor with every intention of laying down the law to Harry when you felt yourself lurch forward. A yelp escaped your lips as you managed to catch yourself with your hands before your face made contact with the hardwood floor. Shocked that you had tripped you scrambled up in a sitting position and looked behind you only to see a pair of white converse laying in the middle of the hallway. Your eyes narrowed as anger started bubbling at the pit of your stomach, you bawled your fist up as you started shrieking. You looked up and ceased the shrieking when you heard a pair of feet run toward you "[Y/N] babe, what happened?" Harry asked as he stared down at you on the floor. You grabbed one of his converse and threw it at him "YOU made ME trip" You said as Harry lifted his hands up to block the shoe you had thrown at him. "What? What are you even going on about now?" He asked with a slightly amused smile. How dare he think this was all amusing? You stood up "HARRY I'M SO SICK OF YOU LEAVING YOUR SHIT ALL OVER THE HOUSE! I ALMOST NEARLY DIED JUST NOW BECAUSE OF YOU," Maybe you were over reacting just a bit but come on you just almost busted your face against the floor. "Babe-" "DON'T BABE ME STYLES, I'M NOT YOUR MAID OR YOUR SLAVE," Before you had a chance to continue your screaming rant you felt him grip both your arms and bring your forward as he placed his lips against yours. Your eyes naturally fluttered closed as the anger that was flowing through your veins slowly washed away.

Liam: "Sorry," Liam said as he dropped the remote. You politely ignored his apology only because there was no need for it, so what if he dropped the remote? it didn't hurt you or him. "Sorry," Liam said again as he changed the channel you were looking at. You fluttered your eyes closed in slight frustration you weren't entirely sure why Liam felt he needed to apologize for everything. Even for the silliest things he would apologize, it made you slightly angry because you didn't want him to constantly be saying sorry for useless reasons like he always did. As much as you loved him it annoyed you to no end. You opened your eyes again when you saw him stand up and head to the kitchen, leaning back you turned your attention back to the tv. Upon Liam's return you watched as he carried a cup of juice in his hand you eyed it when you suddenly had an urge to have your own cup of juice. Liam watched you eye his drink then frown "Did you want one? I'm so-" "Liam it's fine I can get myself one it's no big deal babe," You told him as you started to get up from your seat. "But it was rude of me, I should have asked if you wanted anything before I went to the kitchen [Y/N], I'm sor-' "DON'T SAY IT!" You didn't mean to yell, it wasn't as if you were mad but you just desperately wanted him to stop saying sorry. You felt a twinge of guilt as Liam's eyes widen at your out burst "Sorry,' He mumbled under his breath. Biting the inside of your cheek you stepped closer to your boyfriend and placed your hands lovingly on his face "Liam, I'm not mad or anything it's just- You don't always have to say sorry for meaningless things it sort of defeats the purpose of the word and starts to devalue the meaning," Liam's brown eyes stared into your own and a small smile appeared on his luscious lips. "I get it, I'll try to stop saying it for no reason," You smiled brightly and pulled him in for a kiss.

Louis: "Oh, I like this sk- Stop it," You mumbled as you turned the page of your new Nylon magazine. The quick jab of the finger ceased and the loud shrilling squawk died down but as soon as it ended it started again. You were extremely tolerable of Louis when it came to his annoying pestering or weird habits it honestly didn't bother you much but for the last few days you have been dealing with loud piercing screams from loyal fans since the boys were doing promos for their new album. To top it off you really haven't had a proper night's rest so you were sort of cranky from lack of sleep. It seemed however that Louis was as hyper as can be, he couldn't keep still and kept poking you while making a strange loud noise in your ear. You eyed him then turned your attention back to the magazine. Louis shifted next to you until his breath was tickling your ear, goosebumps slightly rose. You flinched when he shrieked in your ear and stabbed your cheek gently. With out hesitation you shut your magazine rolled it up and turned to him "STOP BEING A TWAT!," You shouted as you slapped his stomach with the rolled up magazine. Louis scrambled away from you as he began laughing slightly "IT'S NOT FUNNY STOP LAUGHING!," You kept shouting as you lamely slapped his back. "Okay, Okay I get it you mad woman!" Louis laughed out loud turning around and grabbing your wrist. There was no doubt your face was flushed from the shouting and harmless beating you gave him. Louis smiled widely his eyes scrunching up his blue eyes mischievously gleaming with excitement. "I love pushing your buttons," He teased as he brought you close to him and placed dozens of kisses on your lips. "You are horrible," You managed to say between kisses as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

Niall: The chattering of your teeth slowly came to a stop as you neared the front door of the apartment you shared with your boyfriend of two years. You had spent the whole day outside in the freezing weather trying to find Christmas presents for your family and friends. It was a trip you've been planning for days but never had the chance to go until today because of work. You had manage to convince Niall to do the laundry something you usually would do but you knew you wouldn't be able to if you went out to gift shop. Hopefully he had followed through since it would be one less thing you had to worry about for the day. You managed to unlock the door and open it as you juggled the dozens of bags you were carrying and slipped through the front door, closing it shut with the heel of your foot. You sighed out as you plopped a few bags onto the floor and kicked off your heels 'where was Niall?' you wondered as your eyes scanned the dim lit room. "Niall?" You called out, usually he would have greeted you by the door and embraced you trying to warm you up from the cold weather. Suddenly the thought of Niall fast asleep on the bed flashed through your mind which only sparked up a small flare of anger within you. He had a few months off and so far it was his third week off and all Niall had been doing was eating, going out, drinking and sleeping. He didn't bother with housework unless you pestered him about it, you dropped the rest of the bags on the floor and slipped off your coat. You heard a loud rumble of laughter echo through the hall way- a laugh you could never mistaken for nobodies but Niall's. Walking down the hall way you opened the hallway closet where the washing machines were held. "Fucker!" You whispered under your breath as you saw the piles of clothes on top of the machine that haven't even been washed yet, most of which are Niall's clothes. You grabbed a fist full of various clothing and marched down the hall way until you reach the bedroom door you shared with him. Pushing open the door angrily you saw your shirtless boyfriend laying on his back as he watched the telly. "Oh [y/n] didn't hear you come i-," The clothes that were angrily bawled at your fist hit Niall in the face cutting him off. "NIALL! I WORK HARD AND I KNOW YOU DO TOO BUT YOU NEED TO HELP ME OUT! STOP BEING A ASS AND GIVE ME A HAND AROUND THIS PLACE," You weren't yelling loud but your voice was stern, stern enough to cause Niall to stand up and scratch his head in guilt. 'I was going to wash the clothes, I swear but I.. The telly and the man with the jokes..." You shook your head in disbelief and turned on your heel ready to go back toward the front door to pick up the shopping bags. Before you even made it halfway down the hallway you felt two long arms wrap around your waist and lift you. "I'm sorry I'm being such a ass, baby," You closed your eyes as Niall whispered his apology in your ear. "Just help me wrap the presents," You couldn't help the smile that tugged on your lips as Niall kissed your cheek various times.

Zayn: "Shit, shit, shit, shit" It was a word that seemed to leave your mouth every second as you stumbled out of bed and tried to collect yourself. It was almost twelve in the afternoon, and in fifteen minutes Zayn absolutely had to get up to attend the meeting with the kids at Rays of Sunshine. There was no way you were going to let him be late for such an important event, it was for the kids and it would mean everything if they got to meet the whole one direction not just four of them. "Zayn get up," Your hand gripped his forearm lightly as you attempted to shake him. Maybe it wasn't such a wise idea to have gone out last night and partied it only made Zayn sleep heavier than usual. Groaning in frustration you flicked his cheek but it did no good "Baaaaabe please wake up, the Rays of Sunshine kids are expecting you soon," An indistinguishable mumbled slipped from his mouth but all he manage to do was roll over on his side and snore. You groaned out in frustration as you slipped off the bed. You tried it all, you tried cooing in his ear, kissing him, tickling him, pulling his hair but nothing would get him to wake up. Rushed into the closet where you quickly threw together an outfit for him "Zaaaayn get uuuuup!," You kept repeating as you pulled out a pair of boots that matched the outfit. Checking the time you decided to stop playing nice and really try to wake him up. You were never one to pester him while he slept, in fact usually you would sleep in as well but today was not the day to do so. Slipping the red and white stripped crop shirt over your head you leaned over Zayn's sleeping form and studied his face. "ZAYN MALIK YOU BETTER WAKE UP RIGHT NOW OR I'M LEAVING!," Your eyes locked with a pair of light sleepy brown eyes, Zayn was sporting a confused expression as he rubbed his eyes. You never shouted, ever so you can only imagine that's why he woke up rather quickly- maybe he thought you were in danger. "What's going on?" His raspy voice called out as he sat up "Zayn you have to get dressed NOW," It must have dawned on him that he indeed had to rush out the flat because he quickly kicked off the covers and rushed to the bathroom. However he ran back out and embraced you against him "You scared me though with all that screaming- don't do it again please," You couldn't help but giggle as you pushed him back toward the bathroom and lay back on your bed exhausted.

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