He changes the baby's diaper (pregnancy series) Last one

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Harry: He nervously bit his bottom lip as you held out a smiley Kyler to him, "c'mon babe, how am I ever supposed to leave her with you it you can't even change her diaper?" you questioned, raising your eyebrows at him. "Fine, but at least come and watch in case you need to take over" he sighed, finally grabbing Kyler from your hands and walking to her changing table in the nursery. You followed behind and watched as he gently placed her down on the table, swiftly removing the buttons on her light pink onesie before revealing the full and smelly diaper he needed to change. He slowly unclasped the soft white material, pulled it down, and instantly covered his mouth and nose, "nope....nope....not gonna happen....not doing this," he complained as he stepped away from the smelly mess. "Harry, don't be such a wuss!" you spoke sternly, "now hurry and clean her up before she starts getting fussy," you chuckled as he gasped for air. He finally removed his hand from his nose and stepped toward Kyler again, quickly lifting up her legs to grab the dirty diaper before throwing it away so he could start cleaning her off. You watched as he gently wiped her, "now just grab some of that baby powder and put a little on so she doesn't get a rash and that's it," you smiled while walking behind him and rubbing his back happily. He grabbed the baby powder and gently dusted it on her bum before placing a fresh diaper underneath her, easily securing it around her tiny waist. "Good job babe," you smirked, proudly kissing his lips before he quickly buttoned her onesie up again and lifted her off the changing table. "Did your daddy finally change your diaper?" you cheerfully spoke as you tickled her tummy with the tips of your fingers. "He's going to do it a lot more often now huh?" you chuckled while looking up at him, "isn't that right babe?" you questioned while nodding your head. He took a deep breath and exhaled before gazing down at his baby girl, "yea, of course I will," he smirked, kissing the top of Kyler's head before his lips placed themselves upon yours as well.

Zayn: "Ready to get your diaper changed little man?" Zayn smirked while placing a blanket onto the carpeted living room floor, setting Aiden down onto it after. "Hand me the wipes babe?" he spoke as you grabbed the box of wipes and placed them in his waiting hand. He pulled off the tiny pair of jeans Aiden had been wearing and set them to the side before nervously looking up to you, "what if it's a bunch of shit again?' he asked quietly. "Well smell him then," you chuckled, watching as he bent down closer to Aiden to take a whiff. He quickly sat up, crinkling his face, "um...yea...definitely is," he spoke while attempting to hold his breath at the same time. "Well have fun gagging like last time," you smirked while flipping the page of the Cosmopolitan magazine you had on your lap. He gave you a dirty look before quickly undoing the tabs on the diaper, revealing the pungent mess not only in the diaper but everywhere on Aiden's bum. "Oh god," he muttered while pulling the dirty diaper from underneath him, quickly grabbing a wipe to clean him off. He turned his head away for a breath a fresh air, "no...can't do this," he muttered. "Your ass smells 10x worse babe, sorry," you chuckled. "That's such a lie.....this smells like something died," he complained, pulling his shirt up over his nose to block out some of the smell as he picked up another wipe and hurriedly cleaned Aiden up. After placing on a fresh diaper his tiny jeans were shimmied up his kicking legs, "well at least there was no gagging this time huh buddy?" Zayn laughed while lightly kissing Aiden's nose.

Liam: "Babe? Can you do me a favor?" you asked while walking into the living room where Liam was flipping through some channels. "Yea, anything love," he smirked as he turned toward you. "Just change Maddie really quick? I need to do my hair or else we'll be late for lunch," you quickly spoke as he nodded his head, "of course babe." You handed her off to him before running back to your bedroom, instantly turning on your hair straightener that was already out on the granite bathroom countertop. You straightened the first half of your hair when Liam yelled out, "(Y/N)! Quick!" You turned the straightener off and ran to the living room, finding Liam in a messy situation, "Liam, what the hell happened?" you questioned while looking down at the large poo stain on his red polo shirt. "It...it just flew out..." he shockingly muttered with wide eyes as he slowly and carefully removed the soiled shirt from his body. You covered your mouth to try and muffle your laughter, but soon enough you couldn't hold it in, "L-liam.....oh my god....y-your face though...it was s-so funny," you mumbled as you took a seat on the floor next to him as you tried to calm yourself. "I don't think you'd be laughing if you were in my situation...it isn't fun getting projectile pooed on," he sighed while cleaning up the rest of Maddie and placing a clean diaper on her. "I know, I'm sorry....but I mean you have to admit that was a little bit hilarious," you chuckled, gazing down at his now exposed abs. "Whatever you say babe," he smirked while kissing the side of your face. "Just um...put on a shirt on okay?.....or else we might need to skip lunch and find Maddie a babysitter instead," you spoke, nervously biting your bottom lip as he stood up with you. "We could do that if you really want too," he whispered softly in your ear, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer. You looked up at him, "Liam, your parents are meeting us at the restaurant, we can't" you chuckled while pulling away from his grasp, "watch Maddie for a few more minutes and I'll be ready alright?" you questioned while picking her up from the floor and handing her to him. "Okay babe," he laughed as you ran off to the bedroom once more.

Niall: "Shit," he cursed as he finally opened the diaper. "Yes babe....it's shit, now get to work," you chuckled while pointing to the box of wipes to the side of Jayden on the changing table. He looked back at you with his nose crinkled up before reaching for the wipes, quickly removing one and turning back to you. "Oh c'mon Niall....I have to do this literally all day every day. Now clean his little bum off," you spoke, watching him take a deep breath and hold it in as he began to clean Jayden up. Suddenly a steady stream of pee landed directly onto Niall's shirtless chest, "ahhhhh! No nonononononono!" he shouted as he quickly covered the fluid with some of the blanket Jayden was laying on. He turned back to you with shock written all over his face as you burt into laughter, "that's what you get for complaining so much," you managed to say between giggles. He turned back to Jayden before looking down at his pee covered chest, "I....I literally needa shower right now before this smell stays on me forever," he muttered while grabbing a wipe and cleaning off his chest. "Well finish with Jayden at least," you spoke as your baby boy happily sucked on his fingers. Niall quickly wiped the new mess off of him and carefully placed on a new diaper, "see wasn't so bad right?" you chuckled while Niall turned to you. "Funny babe.....so funny I think that deserves a hug," he smirked while walking towards you. "Niall don't you dare touch me until that body of yours is scrubbed for an hour straight," you sternly spoke as you walked backwards toward the nursery door. "Fineeee," he complained, "I'll be out soon, then we can go out for dinner alright?" he questioned as he began walking down the hall towards the bedroom. "Sounds great," you replied as you cheerily picked up Jayden from his changing table, "maybe we should you a bath too huh?" you smiled as you kissed his tiny cheeks.

Louis: "She needs a changing," he whispered as your newborn baby girl remained fast asleep in her basinet by the bed. "You wanna do it? Just be careful so you don't wake her," you replied before he gently picked Brooke up and placed her softly on the bed. He grabbed a new diaper and some wipes from the baby bag you had used earlier in the day and sat back down. You watched as he removed the bottom part of her simple white onesie and pulled the front of her diaper down. He snatched a wipe and easily cleaned her off while she luckily continued to sleep, "don't forget the ointment for her diaper rash," you spoke up, causing him to turn around and smile. "I know, I got it," he smirked as he held the tube up to show you. He spurted some out and placed it tenderly on the tiny rash that had been bothering her recently before grabbing the new diaper, positioning and fastening it around her without difficulty. After cleaning his hands off and buttoning her onesie into place, he gently picked her small body up and laid her back into the basinet before crawling onto the bed with you. He cuddled in close, an arm instantly wrapping itself around your side, "you're such a great father," you muttered softly, smiling as you pressed your lips to his, "I'm so happy I have you." "I could say the same thing," he grinned while bringing his hand up to rub circles on your blushed cheeks with his thumb. "I'm so happy I have both of you," he spoke, placing his lips to yours once more before you both began to get ready for bed.


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