You pick him up from tour

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Harry: You wait outside the terminal for the familiar mop of curls that belong to your boyfriend. The girls around you erupt into screams and you know the boys must be walking out. Harry's curls are easy to spot as he makes his way through the path security has cleared. He's looking around, green eyes scanning each face as if he's looking for something. You can tell he's distracted as he takes pictures with fans, looking out of the corner of his eye until the very last moment before looking into the camera. You smile as Paul pulls you through the crowd into the cleared path, stepping back as Harry spots you. He grins before he's taking long strides towards you, long arms wrapping around you when he's close enough. "Missed you poppet" he mumbles against your jaw as he lifts you against him with one arm, the other gripping his bag and you smile. "Can we go home now?" he asks, lacing his fingers through yours as he leads you towards your waiting car.

Liam: You're standing with some fans and security, waiting for your boyfriend to arrive from tour. You feel like you've been there forever but in reality have only been there for thirty minutes but the anticipation of seeing Liam is killing you. You start talking with the fans around you and quickly learn that the few girls towards the front have been there for several hours. When the boys arrive, the crowd erupts in cheers and you step back to allow those few girls to greet Liam first. You can barely hear them telling Liam how awesome you are for letting them greet him first before he's reaching for you. He grasps your hand and pulls you through the crowd towards him, his arms wrapping around your waist as he kisses your jaw in greeting. "You are pretty awesome" he tells you and you giggle, following behind him with a bright smile as he leads you to your waiting car.

Niall: You're waiting with a security guard as the crowds start to increase, watching as young girls crowd the airport to wait for the boys return. At the loud screams coming from their lips, you lean up on the tips of your toes to try and spot Niall's blonde hair. You grin when you see him, breaking out into a run towards him as he scans the crowd for your face. "Niall" you gasp loudly, dodging a few girls until you have a clear path towards him. "Princess" he sighs happily, catching you with a laugh as you launch yourself into his arms. He pulls you up against him as your grip tightens around his neck, a few tears spilling down your neck. "I've missed you so much," he murmurs against your ear while taking your hand in his. "Ditto" you sigh, leaning your head against his shoulder as he leads you from the airport.

Louis: Picking Lou up from the airport was your favorite thing about Lou coming home. Just knowing that any minute he could walk through that terminal made your heart race. As you make your way to the correct terminal you pace begins to grow faster as you come upon a group of girls. You were obviously in the right spot. You smiled as you approached them, waving while asking how they were. The security guard with you walked you around to the front of the group of girls. You turned around with your back to the entrance of the terminal to talk to the fans while you waited for the plane to land. It gets suspiciously silent and one of the girls you were talking to smiles and points behind you. You turn around seeing your boyfriend that you hadn't seen in 4 months. Tears well up in your eyes as you run into his arms, both of you dropping everything you'd been holding to the floor. A very loud and drawn out "awe" escape the mouths of the group of fans. The video of your embrace spread all over twitter and tumblr before you could even leave the airport.

Zayn: You were at the airport eagerly awaiting the arrival of your boyfriend. You were sitting with the security guard that had been assigned to you by management so anxious you could barely stand it. The terminal had been blocked off so no fans were in sight. When the passengers started making their way through the terminal you immediately stood up knowing that first class would be the first to get off. One by one as the plane emptied your heart sank a little more. Not a single familiar face crossed your path. As it began to look like no one else was getting off of the plane out steps Zayn. Your frown immediately subsides as tears fall from your eyes. "Don't cry love," he says wrapping you in his arms. 'I wasn't expecting you to be the last off' you say wiping your face. "You can thank your boyfriend for that. He just had to surprise you." Lou says rolling his eyes.

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