Valentine's Day

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I know it's late and Valentines is over but plz still enjoy :)

Harry: Many hints had been dropped, about what you wanted from this day. Of course it was just another day, nothing more than any other, but for you, who saw Harry so seldom, you wanted it to be special. So it was utterly crushing to you, when Harry called you up on the 13th, with bad news, "They booked us last minute to go somewhere, and so I won't be home for tomorrow." The sad tone he said that in, was the only reason you did not argue. It was not his fault, but you were still angry. You just wanted one day. You had been so excited for it, for so long, and now it would not happen. It was so hard to deal with him being so far away, when you wanted him so close. "It's not fair, I know," Harry continued, knowing exactly what you were thinking, "We'll have our Valentine's next weekend though. I promise I'll be there." You finally spoke after he said that, and despite the words you were saying, tried to hide your disappointment, "Unless you're busy again, right?" "They say I won't be," he responded, already planning the most amazing date for you, even if it would be a week late, "I love you so much [Y/N], and I promise we'll have our Valentine's, even if it's not tomorrow."

Niall: You were dumped only two months before Valentines's day, and began dreading the day the closer it got. You did not want a day to focus on love. You did not want a day to think about what you'd lost. Niall, your best friend, thought you should still enjoy it though. You had always enjoyed the day, and Niall would not let your horrible ex change that. He also would love any excuse to take you out on a date, without having to actually ask. He was so scared to ruin your friendship, that he hid the feelings he held for you. Tonight though, that would finally change. "What are you doing here?" you asked, when you opened your door to see your best friend standing there is in his nicest clothes. He tried to hand you a single rose, and smiled nervously, "I'm here to ask you to be my valentine, and take you out tonight." You knew this was all over pity, and hated it. "You don't have to do this. Go a find a girl you love, and go with her tonight. Don't feel sorry for me." Niall quickly denied what you assumed, "No, I'm not here out of pity or anything like that. I really do want you as my Valentine. No one else. I have found a girl I love, and I was just scared to admit that for a long time. So?" He held up the rose once again, and waited timidly for a reply. You looked down at the sweats you were wearing, "I have to change before we can go."

Zayn: Zayn was supposed to be halfway around the world on the day all about love. You tried not to see it as a big deal. it was just another day. It was like all the other days you had to get by without him. There was nothing truly different about today, just a name. Telling yourself that did not actually help though, you were still upset. You still missed him. You felt like you hid it well though, and Zayn would agree. He had no idea you were upset. He felt guilt anyway, because he wanted so badly to be there for you. He wanted to spend his Valentine's day with the one person he loved more than anymore else. "I am going to be in so much trouble," Zayn sighed, as he called you at around 7 in the evening. You laughed, "Why?" "Because I was supposed to be somewhere today, and I blew it off." You were shocked to hear that. Zayn was always so dedicated to what he did. "Why did you do that?" Suddenly you heard the front door open and shut, and spun around, dropping the phone the moment you did; Zayn was there. He had flown all the way to you. "I just had to be here with you today. Happy Valentine's day [Y/N]. I love you."

Liam: Spending your Valentine's day sharing your boyfriend with a million other people, was not how you had planned it at all. Being with Liam though, it was a rare thing if things did go as you planned. "Valentine's day with a million other girls screaming over my boyfriend. I feel so special," you joked, as you and Liam each got ready for the night ahead from inside your hotel room. You were both about to leave for a concert later that night; he'd be on stage, you in the audience. "A million girls, but only one I'll be staring at the entire time. And only one I'll be taking out on the most amazing date in two days." You laughed, grabbing your shoes to slide them on, "You know, I should be annoyed that I have to share you tonight, and tomorrow night, and I'll admit a part of me is. I can't lie and say I'm not a little annoyed, but I'm also so happy I get to spend this day watching you up there, doing what you love." Liam was so glad you were not truly upset, "And you'll get your date too, I promise. Just not today." You nodded, a smile forming as you thought of what would happen in 48 short hours, "I know, and I can't wait."

Louis: Louis' idea for Valentine's day sounded like a great idea in his mind, but the actual outcome was not what he expected. You arriving home to firefighters and a smoke filled kitchen was in no way romantic. "You almost burnt down my house?!" You yelled at him, when he informed you there was a small fire in your kitchen. It was put out now, and there was no major damage, but you were still so angry. You knew it could have been a lot worse. "Why was there a fire?!" "I was trying to cook you something nice for Valentine's day. Something different, and new, and I... I shouldn't have." Your face softened, and your voice was much quieter when you replied, "You were cooking for me?" "For Valentine's, yeah. I wanted to do something to surprise you when you got home." He was so disappointed things had not gone as planned, and any anger you had over it seemed to suddenly vanish. "Well this is a surprise. You did do that part." You began to laugh, as you really thought over it all, "So my Valentine's almost ended up being a burnt kitchen. Thanks Louis, really. Maybe you should just take me out to dinner." He lifted up a flyer for a romantic meal for two a local restaurant was offering, and laughed as well, "Yeah, I think this may be a better idea."  

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