Out with one of the other boys

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Harry: "This one has the countertops you want," Niall says from the kitchen as you stand in front of the polished fireplace in the living room. You turn to look at him and smile, "And those cabinets, I love all of that white." You had decided to make the move to London and instead of the biased view of your boyfriend, you had brought Niall along. It also helped that Harry was stuck at the studio all day. "I love this place so far," you comment, looking around the updated kitchen, the first one you had seen in your hunt for a flat. The concept was open, but the square footage a little smaller than you were used to, however it was London and anything bigger would require your first born child as payment. "How many bedrooms?" Niall asks, opening the empty refrigerator, probably picturing how much food it could fit for when he came to visit. "The site said two, wanna go find them?" "Yeah!" He says excitedly, shutting the fridge door and following you out of the kitchen. "Is that an en-suite, or a closet?" He asks once the two of you reach the master. The first bedroom, the guest bedroom, wasn't anything special, just a typical room. You had quickly moved onto where you would be sleeping. "I'm not sure, the website didn't say anything about it having either." You walk over to the door that was in the corner of the room, slowly opening it to reveal what it was hiding. "Oh my god it's an en-suite," you say stunned that this was included in the price. "So it has two bathrooms?" He asks from the bedroom. "One and a half, the one in the hallway doesn't have a shower." He shrugged as you joined him back in the master. He had never been educated in real estate talk. "I wonder how many offers this place has?" You question, looking around at the detailed crown molding. "In this area? I'm sure plenty." He was right, this flat was in a great place in the city, and just five minutes down the road from Harry's house. He would be pleased about that. You take your phone out of your pocket and walk out of the bedroom, Niall following behind. "I want this place," you say to him as you call your real estate agent. You're on the phone for nearly a half hour getting everything worked out while Niall drives you to the real estate offices to sign the paperwork. You couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Yes, you would have to borrow a couple thousand from your dad in order to afford it but it was your dream place, and you knew he would happily oblige. Niall sits beside you, a bright smile on his face as you make your offer official and your agent goes off to call the seller's agent. "Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life," you say, watching through the glass wall of the office at the phone conversation being had about the property you had just visited. "You're going to get it," he assures you, "you have to, you basically offered them full price and whatever that last bit was didn't seem like much either." "Closing costs," you inform him and he nods with a smile. "Yeah those." The property you had looked at was a buy or rent and you chose the buying option, knowing it would save you more money in the long run. You chuckle lightly but the smile exits your face when your agent returns to the room. "Well," he pauses for effect, sitting back down in front of the two of you. "You got the place!" Your eyes open wide and your mouth falls open. You quickly bring your hand to your face in shock. "Really?!" He smiles and nods. You shriek in excitement and turn to Niall, bringing him in for a hug. "Oh my gosh I can't believe it," you say still in shock. After signing a few more papers the two of you exit the office and get back in Niall's Range Rover. "I can't wait to tell Harry," you say excitedly once Niall pulls out onto the road to head to the studio.

Liam: With coffee orders in hand you walk out the door of the studio, Harry following closely behind. "There's a Starbucks down that way; we can walk if you like," he says stopping in the middle of the sidewalk for you to make a decision. "Yeah, walking is fine." Liam was in the booth when you left and would probably still be in there when you returned. "I usually do these by myself," Harry comments, looking down at you with a smile. "I can go back inside if you want," you tease, stopping to make your intentions believable. He laughs, and you begin walking again, taking larger steps to catch up to him. As you walk, making small conversation with your boyfriend's bandmate and friend, you notice people around you staring, taking pictures, and even some members of the media walking on the opposite side of the street, their large cameras on display. You weren't used to this kind of attention. Yes, being out with Liam brought the occasional fans and maybe one or two paparazzi. This was a completely different situation though. The two of you were being followed, every step you took being documented. You knew Harry was the most sought after one in the band, you just had never been exposed to exactly what all that meant. You stop along with him, smiling, when he is approached by fans for pictures. You knew they were secretly wondering why on earth you were out with him, but they never actually voiced their concern. Once inside the Starbucks you go straight to the line while he steps back to take more pictures. You hand the girl behind the counter your list, that being a better option than reading off everyone's individual orders. You turn back to look at Harry; he was really good at this. He was good at being a pop star. Not that Liam wasn't, you just never heard Harry complain about it. As you wait off to the side for the large order to be completed he rejoins you. "Sorry about that." "No need to apologize, did you see how happy that girl was?" You say with a bright smile, nodding over at the girl in the corner who was wiping tears from her eyes while scrolling through her phone at the pictures they had just taken together. He looks over at her and smiles. "Yeah, she was extra happy wasn't she," he says with a chuckle. You laugh as well, looking back behind the counter to estimate how long the two of you would be standing here. Everyone in the shop had slowly gotten over the fact that he was standing amongst them, yet the phones were still out taking secretive pictures. They weren't really that secretive though. Being with Liam had taught you to spot people taking pictures of you no matter how hard they tried to conceal it. The two of you stood there making conversation for another five minutes or so before everything was placed in drink holders. With a holder in each hand you both walk out of the shop, him shooting smiles to everyone as he exits. Again, he was damn good at this.

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