You sing a duet with him at Jingle Ball

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Louis: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a fan who snuck backstage," Louis joked, as he walked over to where you were standing. You had been excitedly looking back and forth between all the other amazing acts who were performing tonight in aw. "I'm just so excited. I'm so new to all this, I haven't even been to an award show yet. This is massive to me. Allow me to freak out." Putting an arm around you, Louis pretended to be insulted, "You don't seem that excited to see me?" "Well," you began, before faking a yawn, "I've spent a whole week rehearsing with you. I guess the excitement has just died out." "I'll just have to avoid you after this then, at least for a whole. Maybe you'll be excited to see me again." You rolled your eyes jokingly, "Or maybe I'll fangirl over everyone else, but you."

Harry: "I forgot the lyrics. How did I forget the lyrics?" You were panicking backstage. Nerves had gotten the better of you on stage, and you forgot the words to a song you'd sung a million times. Harry had helped you out a lot, and sung when you froze, but you felt horrible. Hoping to calm you, Harry walked over and hugged you, "[Y/N], it's okay. Everyone forgets words. No one cares." You did feel better in Harry's arms, but you still couldn't get that moment out of your mind. "I know, I know. It was just such a big crowd, and I panicked. This is such a great start to Christmas." "You sounded amazing though, and I'm sure all your fans out there do not care at all. They were just excited to see you." "I know you're right, I just feel bad. But that was pretty amazing, being up there with you. You sounded great too."

Zayn: "That was amazing!" You exclaimed, as you walked off the stage, "That was the best crowd ever!" As soon as he was off stage as well, you rushed to Zayn's side, "Wasn't that amazing Zayn? I'm so glad I got to perform with you. This was the best night ever." So happy to see you this enthusiastic, Zayn nodded his head, but didn't speak, to let you to continue talking. "And I got to see so many other amazing singers tonight. Honesty, this will always be one of the best nights of my life. I can't believe I got to do this, and with you. This was amazing." As you had been talking, one of the other singers for the night walked up to the two of you, and as soon as you finished speaking, spoke up herself, "You both sounded amazing. That was such a good performance. Now how do I go out there and top that?"

Niall: "[Y/N], did you see all the people out there?" Niall asked you, only minutes before you both had to be stage. Shaking your head, you checked your hair one last time in a mirror, "No, I haven't gone look yet. I'll see when we get on stage." Niall happily sighed, "I'm so excited to be singing with you. It makes this so much bigger." Your entire face lit up at his kind words, "It really is exciting, isn't it? It's my first Jingle Ball ever, and I'm performing with my boyfriend. Who can say that?" You looked away from you reflection, and towards Niall's happy smile. "There is no one in the world who I'd rather be singing with than you [Y/N]." You blushed over his words, "You know how to say just the right thing, don't you?"

Liam: Coming off stage, you were on a high. You'd performed quite a few concerts in the past month, but there was something about the energy at this Jingle Ball that was so different. "Wow!" Liam said from behind you, as he wrapped his arms around you waist, "You were great!" "You were too," you responded, holding onto his arms, "You're voice is so incredible." He said a quick thank you, and then a few moments passed before he spoke again, "I feel like we should sing together more often." You smiled brightly at the thought, "I should just tour with you and the boys. Then you'll be sick of me." Liam laughed, as you spun around to actually face him. "I don't think that would happen." "I hope not," you responded, just as the music began for the next act, "Let's go stand near the stage. I want to see this."

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