The baby's first illness (pregnancy series)

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Harry: You rolled onto your side and flickered your eyes open, groaning as you gazed at the clock on your bedside table, realizing it was only 3 in the morning. You turned your head to look at Harry but the space he usually took up was empty. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you got out of bed and tried to find him. After checking the bathroom you decided to see if he was in Kyler's nursery in the room next to yours. You quietly tip-toed down the cold dark hard wood floor until you peeked your head around the door frame and found your shirtless curly haired husband sitting in the comfy rocking chair in the corner of the room; a sleeping Kyler held comfortingly in his warm arms. A smile crept up on your lips as he gently kissed her forehead before you walked toward him, "Babe, what are you doing?" you whispered as you stood by the chair, kneeling down to kiss your baby girl as well. "I couldn't sleep," he spoke, "this cold she has is scaring me....her nose is all stuffed up and I just....I just don't want her to stop breathing or get a fever or something when we're not around," he muttered with a concerned tone to his voice. "Harry, that won't happen. The doctor said she'll be better in no time....and that medicine he gave us has already helped a lot, she'll be fine alright?" you smiled, kissing his cheek as you lovingly rubbed his shoulder. His eyes locked with yours, a small grin appearing as he nodded his head, "we can put her in the basinet and she can sleep in our room," you spoke as he stood up and followed you to the bedroom. You grabbed the basinet you had used for the first couple weeks after she was born and Harry placed her softly into it. He wrapped one of his strong arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, "I love you," he whispered as you looked down to your baby girl then up to him. "Love you too Harry," you smiled as he leaned down to gently press his lips to yours. "Bed time?" he chuckled as he pulled back the covers to let you in. You nodded your head as he got in after you, instantly snuggling up to his warm body, "sleep okay? She'll be fine," you spoke, tracing the outline of his swallow tattoos with the pads of your fingers. "I know," he muttered as he kissed the top of your head, his quiet snores soon escaping as you drifted off to sleep.

Zayn: You sighed as you looked down at your whimpering baby boy, "Zayn, I think Aiden might have an ear infection," you spoke worriedly as you walked into the bedroom where he was getting ready for an interview he had in the afternoon. He quickly set down the comb he had been using and walked over to you, "wait, what?" he asked concerned while looking down at his baby boy who began to cry out and grab at his ear. "I just took his temperature and he has a fever....I think I need to bring him to the doctors right now," you spoke as you held the crying baby close to your chest. "Well I can't let you go by yourself, I'm coming," he spoke, rubbing Aiden's back soothingly. "Zayn, you can't have an interview with the boys in an hour. It's fine I can go, just help me pack up a bag alright?" you questioned as you walked to the bed and grabbed the blue and gray baby bag. "No, (Y/N), he's sick. My son is more important than sitting in an interview and getting asked questions that I've probably been asked 300 times before. I'm not letting you go by yourself," he spoke sternly as he called up one of the boys to let them know the situation while he grabbed the bag from your hands and placed in a few diapers and other essentials needed when leaving the house. You finally just agreed for him to come with you as Aiden stopped crying, small whimpers still escaping from his lips as his tiny hand kept grabbing for his aching ear. You kissed the top of his head as you walked downstairs with Zayn, watching as he quickly made 2 bottles and put them in the bag as well, "okay, I think that's everything," he spoke as he swung the bag onto his shoulder. "Hey buddy, you'll be alright," he smirked while rubbing the top of Aiden's head and kissing him gently on the forehead. "Ready?" he smiled before kissing your forehead as well. You nodded as you followed him outside and to the car, getting Aiden quickly strapped into his carseat before you took a seat right next to him. Zayn revved up the engine and pulled out of the driveway, "you really didn't have to skip the interview babe," you spoke from the back seat, feeling Aiden's hot forehead and sighing anxiously. "I know, but he's sick and I'm his father, I need to be there. I don't want you to have to go alone when I'm able to come," he said, catching your gaze as he peered into his rear view mirror. "Thanks," you smiled as Aiden began to cry once more. "It's okay my boy, we're almost there," Zayn spoke as he finally pulled up to the doctor's office, grabbing the baby bag from the front seat and helping you get Aiden situated before walking together toward the doctors office.

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