Your best friend has a baby

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Harry: Harry sits out in the waiting room as you enter the delivery room where your best friend is in labor. He reads through all the magazines and talks with the family as they wait for news on the baby. It's been hours since you've arrived and Harry finds himself dozing off in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. Twenty-four hours later, he looks up as you step into the waiting room holding a little bundle in your arms. He stands back as the family gushes over the baby, smiling as you step up to him. "Haz, meet Austin" you say with tear-filled eyes, watching as the baby turns his little head towards Harry. "He's... wow," Harry says softly, tracing the baby's cheek with his finger tip and he smiles. "You did good kid" Harry says, pressing a friendly kiss to your best friends forehead. "Have you let Uncle Harry hold Austin or are you hogging him?" she teases. You stare at her before handing Harry the little baby, watching as Harry leans down to breath in his fresh scent while cradling him to his chest.

Liam: Liam sits with your father, waiting with the rest of the family for the new arrival of your best friends baby boy. "Does it always take this long?" he questions and your father chuckles, leaning back in the chair to settle in to ESPN. "(Y/N) took 78 hours so settle in, we could be a while" he says and Liam sighs. Twenty-four hours later, he steps into the delivery room to find your best friend fast asleep in the hospital bed, her husband passed out in the chair by her bed. You're seated in the rocking chair, holding a small bundle in your arms as you rock gently. "Liam, this is Bentley" you coo quietly and stares down in wonderment at the child in your arms. "I can take over, you're exhausted" Liam says, pushing stray strands of frazzled hair from your face before you're passing the baby into his arms. You curl on the couch and Liam takes your spot on the rocking chair, singing softly to the baby in his arms as you fall asleep.

Niall: "You sure you'll be ok out here?" you ask for the fifth time and Niall laughs. "I got snacks and all these cool people, I'll be fine" he says, motioning to the family in the waiting room. He's seated next to your father the entire time, both of them restless as the time ticks by slowly. Finally, you stand in the doorway with a little bundle in your arms and a watery smile. "This is Maddie" you say quietly, tilting the little girl so everyone can see the newborn baby. "Hi Maddie" Niall says softly, running his fingers over the little girls forehead softly. "She's beautiful" he says later night, holding the little girl in his arms as your best friend smiles at him. "Well... I think she's just found her favorite uncle" she teases but Niall nods.

Louis: You're walking down the hallway towards the maternity ward, Louis at your side as you make your way to greet your best friend and her new baby. Her husband greets you at the door, ushering the two of you in to where she's sitting up in bed holding a small, pink bundle. Louis steps back as you cradle the baby in your arms, rocking gently while whispering to the little girl in your arms. Louis' persistent about you handing him the baby, shifting her in his arms to cradle her against his chest. He coos the whole time; the smile on his face never leaves. "We should have one... I want something to play with" Louis request, his arm around your shoulder as he leads back to your car in the parking garage.

Zayn: You're seated in the rocking chair by your best friend's bed, completely exhausted from coaching her through an intense 78 hours of labor. Your head is resting in the palm of your hand as you rock yourself, watching Zayn as he's handed the baby. He cradles the baby boy gently and you've never seen him so gentle with anything. He holds the baby boy as if it was the most important thing in the world and he was. You were in complete awe at how good he was with the newborn. His eyes meet yours as you lean back in the chair and he smiles softly before staring back down at the child in his arms. One day, you'll give him the same look but it'll be with your own children.

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