Once Upon A Time

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Harry: Peter Pan

"Let's try that again love, where's Peter?" the man in front of you questions, circling you while you stand in front of him with your mouth firmly closed. "I'm not in the mood for games sweetheart, tell me what I want to know and I might let you live" he says again, forcing your chin upwards so he can look into your eyes and you waiver for a moment. His intense stare bores into yours, his messy waves flicked across his forehead carelessly and he's easily the manliest person you've seen since entering Neverland. He was young, that much was evident as his face wasn't marked by the harshness of time, but that didn't make him less of a man in comparison to the ones that surrounded him. "Fine, take her away" he demands, flinging his arm and where there should be a hand, a hook replaces it. "Harry Styles but you might know me by my more, colorful name... Hook, Captain Hook" he bows dramatically, hook extending as he looks up at you with a smirk. "And yours love... if you're going to my guest on my ship, I demand your name" he says, catching a wayward strand of hair with the end of his hook and you shudder from fear and something else, something you'd never experienced with Peter; a boy, forever a boy. "More like your prisoner" you spit, gasping when he seizes your bound hands from behind you back with his good hand and presses his hard chest against yours. "Don't be rude love when I'm being so generous. I could just throw you overboard and be done with it, but then your precious Peter wouldn't be coming to your rescue and he's the prize here you see" he snaps, tapping your chin with his hook before he asks for your name again. "Wendy Darling" you say confidently, trying not to stammer before he pushes you away and into the arms of another pirate. "Take her to the brig" he demands, stalking away towards the wheel and you let out a sigh of relief as you stumble against the hardwood of the ship and down the stairs into the dingy cell. You curl into the corner and cry; cry for your brothers whom you're sure you'll never see again, cry for Peter who would never be the man Hook was, and cry for your misfortune that the one person that caused your stomach to flutter is your captor and hell bent on his revenge against Peter. "Just my luck" you whisper to yourself, wiping at the tears that stain your cheeks when the door at the top of the steps opens days later. "Now love, why don't you tell me what I want to know and I'll let you go" Hook says, running the curve of his hook along the cell bars so they make a noise. "Please, I don't know where he is... I don't know, anything. Please, let me go" you beg, wrapping shaking fingers around the bars as you peer up at him from your position on the wet, dirty floor. Hook peers at you for a long moment before he unlocks the cell door and pulls you up on your weak legs and unsteady feet before he marches up the stairs and down a hallway. "You'll stay here until we dock" he tells you, giving you a once over before slamming the cabin door shut and you collapse against the bed in tears.

Liam: The Little Mermaid

You duck behind the rock when the coughing man on the beach awakens and sits up against the sand. You chance a glance to find him searching for the soul who'd saved him, glancing back when the older man leads him back towards the castle looming in the distance and you let out a sigh. Your father would not be happy with you for saving the humans life but, how could you let him die? You loved this human, more than you loved the sea and move than you loved being a mermaid. "Going above water is strictly forbidden! Humans are miserable creatures and they'll kill you the first chance they get, why don't you understand that?" you father shouted, trident held firmly in his hand and you sigh. "Because I love him daddy" you shout back, hand clasping over your mouth at the outburst and the trident glows. "Daddy no" you beg, hoping to stop his tirade as he destroys everything you've ever collected and stored in your beloved cavern until everything is dust and ash against the waters you're supposed to call home. "I can give you what you seek, for a price of course" Ursula had told you, the sea witch watching gleefully as you'd signed your name at the end of the contract binding your soul to her doing should the prince not kiss you within three days time. "Now swim, swim for your life" she cackled, watching as you pumped your legs back and forth before your beloved best friend, a fish named Flounder, offered you his back before swimming towards the surface. "You're... what's your name? Have we met before?" the man asked, gazing at you from your spot on the rock in front of him and you nod. "We have met, I knew it! You're her, you're the voice I've been hearing since that night at sea" he exclaims in excitement, taking your hands in his and you smile while nodding. "What's your name?" he begs, eye washing over you and your mouth opens but nothing comes out. "You, can't talk can you?" he asks dejectedly, watching as your hand closes around your throat and you shake your head. "Liam... my boy, you've wondered too far... who is this?" an older man questions, watching as you stand on shaky legs and Liam shrugs. "She can't speak, we'll take her back to the castle" Liam says firmly, helping you down the beach towards his castle. He's disappointed that you aren't the voice he's been hearing for the past several nights, the voice that had saved him that night at sea but you're beautiful and kind and that's all he's ever wanted in a bride. "I wish I knew your name... maybe I could guess" Liam says one night as he rowed across the lagoon he'd been more than eager to show you and you nod. "Elizabeth... Hannah... Bethany, no... hmmm" he guessed, chuckling at the expressions you'd made at each name. "Ariel, her name is Ariel" a voice tells him and he furrows his brow. "Ariel?" he questions, smiling when you nod in excitement. "Alright, Ariel... that's, actually really beautiful" he says, mesmerized at the way you're looking at him before he's leaning forward across the rowboat with the intent of meeting your lips with his. The boat rocks suddenly, tipping sideways before you're both spilling out into the water and you're more than disappointed because there's only one day left for your prince to press his lips to yours and make you human, forever.

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