He spends the day with your dad

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Harry: "You're going golfing?" you ask Harry, wondering into the guest room that your parents had set him up in. He looks up from his suitcase, pulling out a white polo to tuck into his navy khakis before nodding. "Yeah... your dad invited me" Harry says, shaking his curls before flicking them to the side. "You're going golfing with my dad?" you ask again, eyes widening as you process the words. "Yes... why?" Harry questions, sitting down on the edge of the bed to pull his socks and shoes on. "I... can't believe you're spending the day with my dad," you admit, leaning against the doorframe as he reaches for his cleats. "Everything will be fine" he assures you, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose before walking down stairs. "Be nice daddy" you mumble against your father's cheek. "No promise gumdrop" he responds, loading up the golf bags in the back of his Mercedes before sliding into the drivers seat. You're a nervous wreck the whole day, barely able to help you mother fix dinner for the boys once they return from their golfing trip. You hear the car pull up the driveway and your mother chuckles at the sight of you gripping the bowl of greens in your hands. "See, he's not dead" you father jokes when he sets his sights on you. Harry shakes his head with a smile, leaning over the counter to press a kiss to your forehead. "You coming Harry?" your father asks from the doorway to the porch. "Where? Going where? Why are you taking him outside?" you question quickly and Harry stops your stammering questions with his index finger. "You can't smoke cigars in the kitchen love," he tells you, tapping your nose lovingly before wondering outside with your father. You mother hums across from you and turn your eyes to her frame. "He's never smoke cigars with one of your boyfriends before" she observes with a smile. "Stop worrying, your father loves him; he's never taken one of your boyfriends golfing or shared his cigars with him".

Liam: You're sitting on the couch watching the early Saturday morning cartoons with Liam when your father comes downstairs. He's dressed for his Saturday morning pickup basketball game with a few of his attorney friends. Liam looks up as your father leans over the back of the couch to give you a kiss on the top of your head before he takes the tumblr of coffee his wife hands him. "Would you like to come with me Liam?" you father asks, after a pointed look from your mother. Liam looks torn between spending time with you and going to play basketball with your father but with a smile from you, his decision is made. Liam gives you a kiss goodbye once he dresses in athletic shorts, t-shirt, and tennis shoes before leaving with your father. You try not to worry but your father is a powerful attorney in the south, he and his friends can be intimidating when they start talking justice. You're cleaning your little brother's room when Liam and your father come home. You stand in the doorway as your father enters the batman themed room, taking a seat on the twin bed before he looks up at you. "I didn't realize he was so athletic... he came in handy! We smoked them! I finally beat Jake at his own game and finally shut him up! He had no room to talk about being the best anymore! Liam was all over the place, doing crazy jumps and crazy shots! He was great! I wish I had him here every Saturday!" your father gushed and you smiled as you leaned against your brothers desk. "So, you just like him because he can play basketball?" you ask and your father smiles. "No, I like him because all he wanted to talk about was you and your brother. He wanted to know everything about my job... he made a point to get to know my friends and me. I like him because you like him peanut" your father said, kissing your forehead before leaving you to clean the rest of your brothers room.

Niall: You watch as your father loads up the duffle bag in the back of his Lexus. "What are you doing with that duffle bag?" you ask from the doorway of the garage. "He's obviously going to murder me on the way to baseball game and chop my body up before scattering them along the highway" Niall jokes, stepping around you with a kiss to your shoulder. You eye the two of them as they stare at you with serious eyes before their laughing at the expression on your face. "Not funny" you mumble, slamming the door to the garage behind you as you stomp back through the house. You're nervous the whole day, phone charging on your nightstand as you lay out by the pool in your backyard. You see the time and know the two should be returning at any time. Your head shoots up when the sliding glass door opens and the two men step out onto the porch to greet you and your mother. You stop when you see them wearing matching Atlanta Braves t-shirts, baseball hats, and foam fingers. "See, I'm still alive" Niall tells you, eyes washing over your body clad in the black bikini. "I could still kill you" you father jokes, pulling the baseball hat over his eyes before joining your mother on the end of her lounge chair. "How was it?" you ask Niall after he gives you a sweet kiss. "Amazing! I don't really understand why anyone would want to play baseball but I had a blast! Your dad explained everything and even bought this shirt and this hat! They look good right?" he asks and you smile as you kiss his jaw. Later that night you wrap your arms around your dads waist as Niall watches from his spot on the couch in the living room. "What's that for?" he asks, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. "For not killing him" you mumble against his chest. "Eh, I like the little Irishman" you father assures you, grabbing a beer for both him and your boyfriend before joining him on the couch as Niall explains soccer to him.

Louis: You're visiting home with Louis. Your dad was working on his 69-ford mustang in his beloved garaged and when you went to bring him some lemonade, he told you to send Louis out. Louis knows nothing about cars but that your dad was insistent about getting to know your boyfriend. You watch as Louis makes his way into the garage, nervous but push it aside because you dad has a way of making a anyone feel comfortable in a new situation. When you enter the garage to check on the boys, you chuckle when you see Louis covered in grease and your dad holding a flashlight. "You know, he's not doing too bad" your father tells you, explaining different parts of the car to Louis as he leans over the engine. "Go clean up before we get skinned" your father tells Louis, the two of the racing up the stairs to wash up for dinner. "We're going to work on it again tomorrow... I'm good for more than holding the flashlight love" Louis tells you over dinner, a proud smile on his smeared face.

Zayn: Your dad is heading to the store to pick up a few items for a new project he's doing for the house. Your mother has requested a new screened -in porch and your father has decided that while Zayn was visiting, he would put him to work. "I don't even know how to hold a hammer... how am I supposed to put a screened-in porch together?" Zayn whispers before leaving that morning. Your father has Zayn sketch out a few drawings, so in the end at least Zayn would contribute to something. When you come out at the end of the day, you're surprised to see Zayn hammering up a few things to the new screened-in porch. "Well, I didn't that well besides the sketches but I hung up the sketches I did" he tells you, watching as your mother gushes over the new porch and your father even lets Zayn have some of the credit.

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