You accidentally hurt him

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Harry: "Here Harry, you read them" Nick informs your boyfriend, waving you into the sound booth while handing you your headphones. "And joining us now is the always lovely Miss. (Y/N)" Nick exclaims, pressing a noisey kiss to your cheek as you take a seat in Harry's lap. "Of the people here, who has kissed Grimmy?" Harry reads, chuckling to himself as he glances around the studio to see everyone's hands raised. "What, don't look at me... I haven't kissed Grimmers" you exclaim with a laugh when Harry looks to you. Nick leans forward with a mischievous smile, gripping your elbow and jerking you forward. Your foot pops out, high heel of your sky-high ankle boot smacking into Harry's ankle. "Mother fucker" Harry exclaims, pain shooting up his leg as you stumble into Nick and everyone around you is laughing. "Sorry baby" you rush, cupping his cheeks with your hands as he continues to whimper profanities. "Sorry to cut this short but... I think Hazza needs to go to the emergency room" you inform everyone, helping Harry hobble from the room.

Liam: You're chuckling with Liam, leaning back against him as you overlook the water. Being on a romantic cruise was just what you needed, a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of London. He's pointing out the dolphins below, gripping your waist as you lean over the edge to get a better look when the boat rocks. You're sent forwards, stumbling over the railing as Liam grips you tighter. "I know Titanic is your favorite movie but on need to pull a Rose on me" Liam chuckles as you regain your balance. You slide against the wet deck, pulling Liam down with you and he smacks his head against the deck. You panic as a few attendants rush towards you, Liam struggling to regain his consciousness.

Niall: "What is this?" you question, scrolling through the Twitter feed. "You actually signed a marriage certificate" you scoff and Niall shrugs sheepishly. "I didn't know...I just thought it was a piece of paper" he defends and you suddenly can't stop the feeling of your boiling blood. "Are you really that fucking stupid Niall, I can't believe this" you cry, running upstairs fully intent on locking yourself in the bedroom. Niall grips your wrist gently at the top of the stairs, stumbling backwards when you wrench away from his grasp. You gasp, reaching for him as he tumbles back down the stairs landing in a heap at the bottom. You rush to him, his eyes blinking up at you as he shakes himself awake and cradles his limp wrist against his chest.

Louis: "This isn't your fault," he says stroking your hair as you rest your head on his chest. Tears fall from your eyes as you lay beside him in the hospital bed. "Babe stop, it's okay," he says trying to console you. It's not working though. It was so simple, you just wanted him to change one of the light bulbs over the staircase; something he had done plenty of times. It shouldn't have been a big deal. He had fallen though; the ladder wasn't secure and had slipped off of the runner on the stairs. The concussion he had sustained was quite serious, not to mention his broken leg and wrist. He was officially bound to the hospital bed, with multiple brain scans and test happening every hour, making sure he was alright. You hadn't left his side in days and had been a total wreck since it happened. He pulls you in close and leans down to kiss your head. You wrap your arms tighter around his waist, not wanting to let him go, and never wanting anything like this to ever happen again.

Zayn: You roll over and notice it's 3:37 in the morning. You had been awoken by the shuffling coming from downstairs. Zayn wasn't due home for a few more weeks so it couldn't be him, and no one else has a key to your house. You slowly get out of bed and make your way downstairs with the baseball bat you keep under your bed for safety when he's not around. You walk down the stairs, making sure to keep as quiet as possible. As you turn the corner to follow the shuffling, you come up behind a dark figure. You don't think twice as you crack the bat across the back of the shadowed being. "Shit!" You hear as the figure falls to the ground. You run and turn the hallway light on. "What the fuck Zayn?" You shout running to his side. "What the fuck to you?" He chokes out. "Oh God, I'm sorry babe. What are you doing here?" You ask helping him up off of the ground and onto the living room couch. "I thought I'd come and see you, but I guess you don't like that idea," he says with a weak smile. You give him a kiss and go get some medicine and ice for his back.

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