Your Canadian

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Louis loved you, especially your Canadian accent when he visited you he always used to make you talk the most because he just loved your voice. He would always say "You're a special one-of-a-kind girl to me" to you and you'd blush.

Canada was now Zayns favourite country. Why? You may ask, well its defiantly because you lived there. Zayn always loved coming to visit you and spend some nice quality time with you and your family.

When Liam came to Canada with the boys the first place anyone can find him at his at your place. Liam would never leave your side, for about 24 hours so the guys always used to go to Canada early so Liam could spend time with you.

Niall loves food as we all know. So when he comes to Canada he would pick you up and go to some Canadian restaurant and you guys would eat and talk about what's been going on in ya'll lives.

Harry loved the beauty of Canada, but what really caught his eye in the country was you. Right from the first day you guys met Harry would always be by you.

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