One of the other boys sets you two up

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Harry: "You should at least go and see what she's like" Louis says one afternoon after Harry had, again, refused to meet up with a girl Louis wanted to set him up with. "I don't do blind dates" Harry says again, flipping through the channels on the TV and Louis rolls his eyes. "She's a friend of Eleanor's... she's not some complete stranger. Please, Harry... just this once?" Louis begs and Harry sighs. "Fine... what's her name again?" "(Y/N)... thanks mate. She's a sweet girl, I've met her a few times and she's very attractive" Louis assures before calling Eleanor. Harry sits at the restaurant you've both decided on, waiting for you to arrive but he doesn't even know what you look like. "Harry?" a voice calls from behind him. Harry turns around, forgetting that they bring people from different angles. He stands as you step around him with a smile on your face and he returns it. You spend the next several hours at the table, shocked that you have so much in common. By the end of the night, you've exchanged numbers with every intention of going out again.

Liam: "Liam... look mate, I know you're still heartbroken about D-day but you gotta live a little. Just go on this double date with me, don't leave me hanging" Niall jokes and Liam sighs. He's practically locked himself in the house he would have shared with Danielle after catching her cheating in their bed, barely going out unless it's for the band. And he certainly didn't go out for dates. "Look, she's fit... really fit, ridiculously hot. If anything, she'd be great rebound sex" Niall offers and Liam scoffs. "I don't do that" he says, rolling his eyes and Niall jumps. "That's the point! You don't do anything anymore! Look, Danielle cheated and that's a cunt move but not all girls are like that. This girl, she's smart. She's beautiful. Just go on this double date with me as my wing-man... the fact that (Y/N) is fit can be a bonus" Niall pleads and Liam finally agrees. At the end of the night, Liam finds that he enjoyed the date and finds himself texting you to ask for another one; just the two of you.

Niall: "She's cute" Harry says, looking to where Niall's gaze has been drawn to for several minutes. Niall blushes, turning his gaze away as Harry chuckles. He stands and makes his way towards you as you stand in line at the coffee shop. Niall watches as Harry chats with you, wishing he had Harry's confidence with women as he averts his gaze. "Her name's (Y/N) and she'll be here again at 6:30 tonight" Harry says, sliding back into his seat across from his blond Irish friend. "Ok... why are you telling me about your date?" Niall questions and Harry laughs. "It's your date. She thinks you're cute so I set up a date for you tonight... you better show up" Harry says pointedly. At 6:30, Niall finds himself looking around the coffee shop to find you amongst the crowd of young college kids. "Hi" he says, standing by the seat at your table as you look up at him. "Hi" you say, nodding for him to sit down. By the time the two of you leave, Niall's shared part of his muffin with you and you've exchanged numbers. He's texted you asking for another date before you're even at your dorm.

Louis: You had known Liam all of your life, so when he introduced you to someone you have never even seen before you were a bit confused. He had suggested you go out with him, Danielle, and Lou one night. The two of you hit it off immediately. You still owe Liam for that, even three years later.

Zayn: Louis had invited you to a signing so that you could see your best friend at work. You say with Eleanor beside Paul as watched the boys interact with their fans. After the signing was over the three of you plus a recently invited Zayn (thanks to Lou) went out for lunch. It wasn't long before El and Lou had to simultaneously go to the bathroom leaving you and Zayn to get to know each other. Two years later, you're still thanking them for that bathroom break.

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