Your Australian

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"You know what I've noticed (Y/N)?" Asked your boyfriend Louis. "No, What?" You asked curiously. "Australians talk funny" Said Louis with a little laugh. "Really, Australians talk funny? Well British people also have their funny ways of talking, Why pick on ours?" You asked with a bit of sass. "Hey, hey don't get mad now, You decided you wanted to go out with a british boy. My accent is just apart of the package" He said with a light laugh. "Well you decided you wanted to be with an Australian, so you have to put up with my accent" You said. "Yeah don't worry I love you" He said and hugged you.

You were so excited. Zayn was going to come and visit you today and you guys were going to tour Sydney together. "Hello babe" Zayn said as he entered the door. "Zayn!" You exclaimed and jumped up into his arms. Later as you guys were walking around, you were both eating some sweets. "You know I love you" Zayn said "and I really love visiting you and coming to Australia" He kissed your cheek.

Distance was killing you and Liam. You guys would never get much time to spend with each other and he was always on tour. "I miss you" You said as you held the phone on your ear. "I miss you too babe, but don't worry we'll be together again" He said. "Yeah, I just wish it was now" You said. "Well stop wishing.. Look behind you". When you turned around you saw your boyfriend Liam standing there with flowers and a teddy-bear in his hands. "Australia won't keep us apart. Don't worry babe I'll always be here for you" He said hugging you.

"Niall.. Do want a Lamington?" You asked as you waited in the kitchen for his reply. "Uhm.. What's a Lamington..?" He asked you confused as he came into the kitchen. "Its these" You said holding up one to show him. He observed the cake and then grabbed it out of your hands and took a bite. "Hmm... This is soo good" He said as he chewed. "I'm gonna come visit you more often, Australian food is good" He said taking the next bite

"Say it again!!" You exclaimed. "No its very strange to say" He said. "But you sound cute" You said. "I do not" He protested. "Do it for me.." You asked. "Okay... Aussie" He said and you laughed. "I love the way you say it" You smiled. "Well I am in love with one, I guess that's where I get my inspiration from" He said and kissed your nose.

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