How he acts at home around you

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Harry: He's sweet and romantic, catering to whatever you need. There are times when he's childish, playing video games and building forts. Then there are time when he does all the handiwork around the house, fixing broken sink handles and door handles.

Liam: He's incredibly childish at times. He calls out for you at every seemingly major disaster, which usually ends up being he's lost his toothbrush or favorite pair of underwear. He growls at the "bed bugs", crawling under the covers before kneeling on the bed with the covers resting over his head and shoulders.

Niall: He relaxes on the couch, playing video games and watching whatever girly movie you want. He helps you in the kitchen, doing whatever you need help with while sneaking kisses. He joins you in the bathtub on Thursday nights for your bubble bath.

Louis: He is the crazy one in front of the camera, but around the house, he is just the opposite. He's loud, yes. However, normally around the house he is very lazy, with not a single hyper bone in his body.

Zayn: He is the absolute opposite of subtle and quiet when he is at home. He is hyper and always wanting to do something different at all hours of the day and night.

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