He tries to get you to go out with him (punk series)

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Harry: Working at a baby boutique can be rewarding at times but also pretty boring, especially when it rains. Parents don't usually venture out into the rain with their children which means you're usually left to entertain yourself at work. You're leaning against the counter in your light pink sweater, black leggings, and hot pink rain boots when the bell above the door chimes. You look up and recognize the boy from Harrods several weeks earlier. He looks less uncomfortable this time as he glances around before noticing you behind the counter. "We meet again (Y/N)" he says with an easy smile as he shakes his brown curls and unzips his black rain coat. He's wearing a v-neck this time, the tattoo across his chest and neck easily visible this time and you nod. "Can I help you?" you question and she shrugs. "I'm just looking but I'll end up buying" he says with a chuckle and you nod. "I'll be here if you need anything" you tell him, flipping the page of your Vogue magazine. "How about a date?" he questions, leaning against the counter and you look up. You glance over his attire before looking to your own and back to him. "Are those permanent?" you question, nodding to his piercings and tattoos. "The tattoos are" he answers and you nod. "No thank you then" you tell him, flipping to another page. "Because of the tattoos?" he questions and you nod. "I'm sure you're a nice guy but, I'm not into those" you tell him with an honest smile and he nods. "Alright" he says, a hurt tone behind his words and you sigh. "It's just... I'm diamonds and Chanel and you... don't really look like Italian leather and Saturday's on the lake kind of guy" you offer and he nods. "You're right, I'm not... just thought I'd ask" he tells you and wonders off, giving you a wave at the door before leaving.

Liam: "Did your brother like his guitar?" you hear a voice ask. You glance away from the menu above the coffee machines to find the boy from the music store behind you. He's bundled up in a black wool jacket, the collar pull high with black gloves on his hands, black straight jeans and the same scuffed boots from the previous week. "He did" you answer with a small smile and he nods, giving you a once over and you shift on your boots. You pull the lapels of your cotton candy pink peacoat over the unbutton top to hide the sliver of bare skin and turn around. Your dark jeans are tucked inside a pair of brown UGGS, your favorite Coach bag hooked on your shoulder with your curled hair over your shoulders and Liam knows he doesn't stand a chance. "Did you parents let him keep it?" he questions and you turn to see him pulling his gloves off to reveal new black ink that covers his wrist and swirls down onto the tops of his hands. "I think" you say and he nods. "I'll pay for it" he says, stepping up beside you while gently pushing you out of the way as he orders a plain coffee and you glare at him. "I don't know you and in case you couldn't tell, I can pay for my own things" you scoff and he smirks. "Figures but it's alright, I can pay" he tells you, stepping back as you wait for your latte. "Whatever" you say under your breath and he chuckles to himself. "Go out with me then, get to know me so I have an excuse to pay for your fancy coffee" he says, dares, and you roll your eyes. "Thanks but I'm not interested" you say, smiling to the attractive barista as he hands you your latte. "And why not?" Liam questions, opening the door for you as you exit and you scoff. "Really? I'm pearls and rosee and you... you're old leather and plain coffee" you answer honestly before walking away, leaving Liam to grin over the rim of his plain coffee.

Niall: "Which dress did you end up with?" you hear a smug voice question from behind you at the grocery store. You turn and see the confident blonde from the dress store over a month ago. "Not yours" you tell him, plucking a box of pasta from the shelf and move to walk away. "Really... why don't I believe that?" he questions, arms crossing over his chest to display the black ink swirling over his arms and across his chest through the white v-neck. "Fine, she liked yours best" you answer honestly, stepping around him. "Figures, my pick was the best one" he chuckles and you roll your eyes. "You're awfully confident" you snap, reaching for a cartoon of organic milk as he does the same. "You have no idea" he tells you in a low voice that makes you hot and uncomfortable, swallowing nervously as he gives you a once over. You shift in your sparkly UGGS, stepping back to pull at the sleeves of your simple cream sweater over your black leggings before hurrying away. "Go out with me and I'll show just how confident I am" he tells you and your cheeks flush. "No thank you" you tell him, steering your cart away from him and towards the front but his hand stops the front of your cart. "And why not?" he questions, leaning against the front of your cart and you scoff. "Because, I'm out of your league" you tell him and he smirks. "No argument there" he interrupts and you roll your eyes. "I'm a pink and lace kind of girl and you... are arrogance and motorcycle oil. See the difference" you snark, grabbing the purse and storm off. "We'll see" Niall tells himself, leaving his own cart behind and watching you slide into your white BMW and drive away.

Louis: "Oh God," you say, quickly turning around to face the wall behind the sports shop counter. "What is it?" Your co-worker asks. You shake your head in silence covering your face with your hand. "I need a bit of help finding something," a voice says approaching the desk. "(Y/N)?" Your co-worker says unsure. He had just started so you were of course going to have to handle this. You slowly turn around to face the customer. "Well hello again," Louis greets, his face lighting up. You pause to glance over his tattoos, just as you had done at the football match the day before. "What can I help you with?" You ask, still maintaining zero eye contact. "I need some new cleats," he begins. 'Sure you do' you think in your head. "I can pull you a selection, just wait over there," you explain, heading to the back. A few minutes later you bring out several boxes and place them by his feet. "How did you know my size?" He asks, look up at you with a grin. "I size a lot of people." After trying on every pair and asking your opinion of each, his face shows dissatisfaction. "Do you have any more?" "You want to try on more?" "Yeah, none of these had that feel you know?" "No I don't know," you respond, heading back to the back to get more boxes. With the new selection in front of him he began working his way through. "What about these?" He asks, outstretching his leg to show off the all black cleat. "Really brings out the....black...on the rest of your leg," you respond with, immediately feeling stupid. "Right. Not a tattoo lover?" He asks with a smile, slipping the shoe off. You shake your head and remain silent. "Then I guess it would be a dumb idea to ask you to dinner this Friday night wouldn't it?" "Probably," you answer, without even thinking. He was beautiful, his face was at least, the unpierced part in particular. But he was right, he wasn't your type. "Right." His response to your quick answer was full of disappointment and you couldn't believe it. You didn't even look like his type so why would he have even asked you for a date? "You going to get those?" You ask, nodding to the black cleats he had just tried on. "Yeah sure," he answers, packing the box up himself. "Matt will get you at the counter," you tell him, picking up the rest of the boxes and heading to the back. "Matt, right," he responds with watching as you disappear behind the swinging door.

Zayn: "You really like those shirts don't you?" You hear a voice say as it approaches you. You quickly turn your head to the side and notice Zayn walking up, immediately bending down to give Sophie his attention. You smile as Sophie takes it all in, her tail wagging vigorously. As soon as he stands up though your face is stone. Why was he here, again? Had you given him too much attention yesterday? Silence falls between the two of you, seeing as you had forgotten to answer the conversation starting question. "Guess not," he says with a chuckle. "Guess not what?" You ask immediately after. "Guess you don't like those shirts since you didn't answer my question." "Ohh. Uhh, yeah I like these shirts." He smiles and nods. "Another gorgeous day," he begins, looking up at the clear sky. 'Are you really going to talk to me about the weather?' You think in your head. "Yeah," you respond, nodding slowly to amuse him. "What do you think about tonight?" He follows up with. "What about tonight?" You question confused. "What do you think about going to dinner with me tonight?" His question caught you so off guard you forgot to control your facial expression. He can't help but laugh at your surprised and disconcerted face. "You can say no." That made it even worse, you had no idea what to say now. "Uhhh." You hate being lost for words but this is a situation you had never been put it. "It's my appearance isn't it?" He questions honestly. Your expression turned pure and you let the breath you had been holding in out slowly. "I wouldn't say that," you begin. "Yes you would," he interrupts. Your shoulders slump in defeat. You didn't know how to make your rejection come out nicely, if it was even possible at all. "It's fine, I get it. Just know, that I will be here tomorrow, and we will try this conversation again." He walks off after telling Sophie goodbye. His confidence was appealing but you just couldn't see yourself with him.

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