A major commitment (punk series)

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The final punk series preference

Harry: You're leaning against the doorframe of Harry's new office in the home he'd purchased; you'd purchased. The home you'd both purchased. It all seemed so surreal that your life had come to this, buying a home together. A home big enough to grow into, at least that was what Harry had said when you'd questioned why such a big farm house. "It won't always be just the two of us," he had said easily enough, barely glancing back to you from the window of the living room that would one day be yours. You had smiled at his words, pink painted lips pulling up before you'd had to bite the inside of your thumb so he wouldn't notice. The home was secluded enough, pushed back amongst the trees of farmland long ago unused. Harry had no desire to start it back up again but had expressed an interest in purchasing horses one day when it wasn't just the two of you anymore. "I can't believe we did it," Harry said from behind you, brushing past you with a kiss to your shoulder to present a framed copy of the lease you'd both signed ensuring the home belong to both of you and not just Harry. You stood back, arms crossed loosely across your chest, as Harry hung it over his old and worn desk that had belonged to his grandfather once upon a time. "Come on, I want to show you the plans," Harry said with a bright smile, running his fingers through his day old haircut to push the rain-wet curls off his forehead. Allowing him to lead you back through the house towards the front door, you admired him dressed in a pair of Nike running pants, bright orange trainers, and grey hoodie; so casual for such a big moment. But, that was Harry; casual and laid back despite the circumstances surrounding him. "I know how you love white so I figured we could do white couches and chairs in the living room, maybe white side tables or whatever they are," Harry explained, taking your hand in his and lacing your fingers together like your hands were one. You bypassed the iron railing of the stairs and glanced up at the open hallway above that you found it easy to imagine children running around before barreling down the stairs and towards the kitchen around the corner. "You could have a garden out back with flowers and we could use them to break up the white," Harry continued, pulling you into the white kitchen with silver glass backsplash and you smiled as you listened to him explain everything you'd ever wanted. A casual dining set in the back of the kitchen in front of the glass alcove overlooking the back yard, a mud room leading out to the covered pathway connecting the house to the garage. Everything Harry explained were exact replicas of your "Farm House Living" Pinterest board and that was something Harry would only know if he did his research. At the other end of the downstairs would be your master bedroom with a connected master bath. All white and grey, of course. "I want to reconfigure the kids rooms so they each have their own bathroom, if we have to hear them complaining about sharing I think we'd go crazy," Harry explained, pulling you into a room that would one day house one of your children. "Hopefully, he'll like pirates... well, if he doesn't I guess it doesn't matter since we'll be the ones decorating his room," Harry comments off hand, glancing around at the room and you can't stop yourself from lifting up on your toes to press a kiss to his moving lips. "What was that for?" He questioned, leaning back slightly with his eyes still closed before they fluttered open and you smiled. "The fact that you're thinking of children," you assure him, leaning into his open embrace and he smiled against the side of your head. "I got this blank space on my forearm for a reason," he explained, pushing the sleeve of his hoodie up to reveal the blank space in the midst of swirling black ink and then he shrugged. "I wanted to be able to see any artwork dedicated to my kids," he explained and you let a few tears slip down your cheeks. "You are so much more than the man I thought you were that day at Harrods," you say with a watery smile, burying your face in his shoulder and Harry tightens his hold on your hips. "Am I finally your Italian leather and Saturday's on the lake guy?" Harry teased, pressing a kiss to your jaw and you sighed. "You're my guy, tattoos and piercings and all and I wouldn't want you any other way," you whispered against his smiling lips and Harry sealed your words with a kiss. "That's all I've ever wanted," he whispered, staring into eyes that had always held his future and with this house, you were starting it together.

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