Your changing body (pregnancy series)

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Harry: You stood in front of your full-length mirror to look at your huge belly and sighed, tears beginning to form in your eyes. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" Harry asked as soon as he walked into the room. He went over to you and held you close as you began crying on his shoulder. "I-I look like a f-fucking cow Harry," you complained through your sobs. He gently rubbed your back, " no you don't, you look absolutely gorgeous," he said softy as your crying began to fade. He pulled away, rested his strong hands on your shoulders, and gazed into your eyes, "you have that pregnancy glow," he chuckled, making you smile. "Well I guess I look like a glowing cow then, " you laughed as he kissed your forehead. "You're stunning babe, I promise," he smiled, resting his large hands on your protruding belly. He bent down and kissed your stomach then went back up to kiss your lips, "ready to go?" he asked. You fixed your maternity "little black dress" and grinned, "yea," you replied. He grabbed your hand and kissed your cheek before heading off for the fancy dinner he had planned for the both of you.

Zayn: "Shit," you cursed as you attempted to put your nude colored bra on. Zayn walked out of the bathroom, "what is it babe," he mumbled as he continued brushing his teeth. "My boobs have literally doubled in size, " you complained as he spit his mouthful of toothpaste out in the bathroom sink. He walked out to where you were standing, "I know," he grinned cheekily. You rolled your eyes at him, "oh shut up," you chuckled as you finally were able to clip the bra together. "Okay, I say we go to Victoria's Secret and get me some new bras so I don't have to suffocate any longer, " you said while grabbing your favorite maternity shirt and putting it on. "Awesome my favorite store," he laughed, kissing your cheek and bending down to your belly. "Are you making your mommy's boobs bigger?" he chuckled, "good job," he whispered. He stood back up and pressed his lips to yours, "okay ready? I think I can only last another hour in this bra," you complained, grabbing your purse and you two headed out the door.

Liam: Liam grabbed both of your guys' empty dinner plates and brought them to the sink in the kitchen. A few seconds later he came back and set a slice of strawberry cheesecake in front of you, making your mouth water. "Liam I can't eat this..." you complained as you pushed the small dessert plate away from you. "I thought you were craving cheesecake earlier," he questioned as he took a bite of his. "I I am.....but I've gained a lot of weight, I look disgusting," you sighed, resting your hands on your belly. Liam scooted his chair closer, lifting your chin up to lock eyes with you, "love, you'll be beautiful no matter how much you weigh......and it doesn't even look like you've gained weight in the first place, " he smiled. "You're gorgeous," he said, leaning in and kissing your lips. He picked up the cheesecake you had pushed away and set it in front of you again, "I know you want it," he chuckled, "and you deserve it too for carrying our baby around all day," he said while handing you your fork. "Thanks babe, " you smiled, taking a bite of the heavenly dessert. "Mmmm so good," you muttered as you leaned towards Liam for another kiss.

Niall: You lifted up your tank top and squirted some stretch mark preventing cream onto your belly, sighing as you ran your finger over a few that were already forming. Before you knew it your emotions had taken over and tears began falling slowly down your cheeks. "Hey babe do you wa- wow...hey, don't cry. What happened?" he questioned as he wiped a few tears away. "These...these are what's wrong Niall...I look like a fucking freak," you said loudly, pointing to the marks while he placed his hands on your baby bump and kissed your forehead. "Hun, you can barely see anything......just think of them as battle wounds," he chuckled, rubbing your belly a bit. "Battle wounds? What the hell are you talking about..." you snarled as you put some more lotion onto your hands. "I don't know," he laughed. "I guess I mean.....everytime you look down and see them, they'll remind you of this amazing thing you did.....keeping our baby nice and healthy in here," he smiled, making you smile a bit too. "Aw babe, that's sweet, but I'd really not like to see stretch marks when I look down at my stomach, " you chuckled, rubbing the lotion you had in your hands onto you exposed skin. "well you'll always be beautiful in my eyes no matter what okay?" he smiled, leaning in and placing his lips against yours. You nodded your head, "love you." "Love you too," he grinned as you put your shirt back into place and went downstairs to watch some TV with him.

Louis: You waddled downstairs and met Louis at the bottom. "You really expect me to go see all the boys looking like this?" you complained, pointing to your new big belly. "What are you talking about, you look great love," he smiled. "That is the biggest lie I have ever heard, It looks like I have a freaking beach ball under my shirt," you snarled. He walked closer to you and placed his arms around your waist, "babe, you're pregnant, of course you're belly is gonna be a little bigger, you have our baby in there," he chuckled, resting his hands on your bump. "Doesn't your mommy look stunning today?" he said as he bent down and kissed your stomach. You smiled as he stood back up, "you're so cute," you said as you leaned in for a kiss. He gently pressed his lips to yours, "I know, " he smirked, making you roll your eyes at him. "Okay beautiful, let's get going before we're late," he said as he put his hand on the small of your back and led you outside to his car.

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