You feel awkward

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Harry: Being that you're still a virgin, watching any love scenes with Harry makes you incredibly awkward. His cheeky comments about the actors less than realistic performances only heighten the blush on your cheeks. You squirm beside him as another love scene plays out on your TV, a blush spreading across your cheeks when Harry turns to you. "What's wrong?" he asks, shifting back when you wiggle out of his embrace. "It's awkward" you mumble, embarrassed as Harry starts laughing. "Well, we can fix that" he says cheekily, pressing you back against the couch cushions with a smile.

Liam: You're at a family wedding, seated with Liam at a round table as the bride and groom share their first dance. You're game plan for the night was to avoid your grandmother because the first thing she would do, was ask when you were going to get married. "There you are (Y/N)... lovely wedding wasn't it?" your grandmother asks, leading her and your grandfather to the space your dancing in with Liam. "They usually are grandmamma" you reply with a smile, trying to lead Liam away but it's no use. "When are you getting married? You should be next, you aren't getting any younger" she prods and you blush because you and Liam have only been together a year and have never talked about marriage. Liam whisks you away, pressing kisses to your cheeks until they're a normal color.

Niall: Niall is leading you through the crowd in his backyard, introducing you to people you'll never remember the names of. He wonders off, leaving you by the fire pit. You stand there alone when a drunken cousin you vaguely remember meeting stumbles over to you. As he starts to drunkenly hit on you, you try to maneuver out of his path. Your cheeks redden when he starts slurring about taking you out for the night. Niall wonders back over to you, wrapping an arm around your tense body before showing his cousin where he can shove his offer.

Louis: You were sitting at the sound booth during sound check watching your boyfriend and his friends prepare for the concert later that night. The girls during sound check were just as crazy as the ones outside awaiting their turn to see the boys later, there were just a smaller amount of them. The boys loved to interact with the fans and allowed them to ask questions in between songs. "Did you and (y/n) ever learn to close the window?" one of the fans asked your boyfriend acknowledging the suggestive video a fan had taken outside your house on the night you had forgotten to close the window to your bedroom before you and him went at it. "Well??" Lou questioned looking back at you causing the whole crowd to turn around waiting for an answer. You looked at Lou in horror not wanting any of them to be aware of your presence. The silence in the room was terrifying as you laughed off the awkwardness of the situation and shrugged your shoulders causing the crowd to turn back around to Lou's smiling face.

Zayn: You were out in the city with your boyfriend when a much older woman approached him asking for a picture. He looked at you for confirmation as you looked at him with a crooked smile and eyebrows raised wondering how exactly a woman in her obvious 40's even knew who he was. She handed you the camera without even asking if you would take a picture and before you reached 3 in your countdown she turned to place a kiss on Zayn's cheek. Your eyes widened as well as his as you handed her back the camera. "Ohh the things I would do to you." she whispered in his ear, just loud enough for you to pick up on her advances. You squinted your eyes in confusion and bit your lip to keep silent as your boyfriend chuckles. "It was nice to meet you too." He says taking your hand and walking away, his eyes wide open."Ohh the things I would do to you..." he whispers in your ear. "Oh my God don't you even!!" you shout shoving him away from you.

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