He does shopping while your at work

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Harry: "Harry, I'm at work, I can't talk right now" you say, leaning against the counter as the bell rings. "Just, real quick... which pasta do I get? I don't understand what this list says at all" he rushes and you sigh. "The one in the blue box now bye" you say, hanging up to help the customers. Harry stands in the aisle, glancing over the three blue boxes in front of him. He doesn't know what to get so he gets all three. By the time you get home you find at least two extra of what you've written down or the wrong brand or something that wasn't even on the list to begin with. "How about, I do the shopping from now on" you tell him and he sighs in relief. "Thank god! There's so much stuff there, I don't know how you do it alone" he exclaims and you smile while chuckling.

Liam: You glance back at the clock on the wall as your professor continues to lecture. You have a million things to do, starting with running back by the house to pick up the grocery list you had left behind that morning. You rush into the house to find Liam on the couch, dressed in the clothes he'd worn to the gym that morning. You search the kitchen for the grocery list but it seems to have disappeared. "Liam... Lili, have you seen the grocery list?" you call, turning to see him leaning against the doorway. He nods but steps around you to open the fridge. "Ok, where is it?" you question, watching him as he pulls out the jug of milk. "I tossed it" he explains. "What, why? Liam, I have to go grocery shopping" you groan and he shakes his head, pulling you in front of him to show you the full fridge. "You, went grocery shopping?" you ask and Liam smiles. "Everything's in the right spot too, promise" he assures you and when you can't find your cookies a few days later, you find that you don't care when you find them in a drawer as opposed to the pantry.

Niall: Niall glances over all the items in front of him before reaching forward to grab one and toss it in the hand basket. You're at work and have left him a short list of things to pick up from the grocery store. Halfway into his shopping trip, Niall ends up having to double back for a bigger shopping cart to hold all his items. He ends up with a plethora of things you hadn't written down and when you return home you find a full fridge and pantry. "What happened to the list?" you ask, looking around at everything he's bought. "I may have bought a few extra things while at the store" he says and you stare at him. "I think I'll just do the shopping from now on" you say he shrugs. "Fine, but I did awesome" he assures you, smiling when you discover you favorite bag of cookies in the pantry.

Louis: He didn't feel like the house had enough food in it so while you were at work he decided to make a trip to the grocery store. When you get home there are about 30 grocery bags sitting all around the kitchen. "I bought us food, but I don't really know where it all goes, so I was waiting on you to get home." He says smiling. You roll your eyes and show him where everything goes.

Zayn: It was grocery day and you had to work, so Zayn volunteered to do it for you. You send him off with a list of things to get and pray he comes back with at least one thing from it. When you return home from work several hours later you find him sitting on the couch just casually watching the television. "Go ahead, go look," he says hackling you. You walk into the kitchen and check for everything that you had had on the list. It was all there. You walked back over to him and gave him a kiss, "I'm so proud of you."

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