He takes you to the studio with him

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Harry: You're sitting on the couch watching as Harry pulled his discarded shirt back over his head. You've redressed yourself from your afternoon tryst with your boyfriend. "Why don't you come with me?" Harry asks, sliding his phone into his pocket before he stands up straight. "And do what?" you wonder as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips. "And hang out? Spend time with me? I don't know, I just want to take you with me I guess" he responds, shrugging his shoulders as you ponder his question. "Alright" you answer watching as a smile spread across his face. You pull your hair up into knot on top of your head as he drives through London towards the studio, pressing his lips to your knuckles as he parks his car. You spend the rest of the day watching him record his vocals for the new album, giving him a thumbs up every time he looks to you for your opinion.

Liam: You park you car outside the studio and make your way through the back door. You wonder around for several minutes until you find the room the boys are in. When you walk in, you notice Liam's in the booth so you take a seat on the couch. Niall plops down next to you, keeping you company as Liam goes over a few things with Sav before he looks up and notices you. You wiggle your fingers at him, smiling brightly when he blows you a kiss before you're leaning back in the cushions when he pulls the head phones back over his ears to sing. You close your eyes as his voice fills the room, smiling as he lays down his vocals for a new track on the new album. "What do you think poppet?" Liam asks, stepping out of the booth as you open your eyes again. "So good" you assure him, smiling as he leans down to kiss you.

Niall: You make your way through the hallway of the studio you've never been in before. Niall had texted you from Liam's phone asking you to bring the phone he had left on your bedside table that morning. You peer around the corner into the room Niall had told he'd be in, noticing his mop of blonde hair bopping around to the music. "Princess" he calls over the music, stepping over Louis to wrap you in his arms. "Thanks baby" he smiles as you hand him his phone, watching as he slides his finger across it to text his mom. "I'll see you at mine later then?" you ask, stepping back to leave. "No, stay! Stay here with me for the rest of the day, see what being a musician is all about," he begs, sliding his fingers between yours as nod your head. You spend the rest of the day in his lap when he isn't recording his vocals, watching as he explains what each button on the soundboard does.

Louis: Louis had dragged you with him to the studio early in the morning, regardless of what your plans were. You had enough time to pack a deck of cards before following Louis to his car. You sit on the couch making conversation with the others while they take their turns in the booth. You sit on the floor, playing card games with the boys and Paul during break and lunch, laughing as Louis tries and fails to cheat at go fish. Once it's Lou's turn, you fall silent listening to that voice you love so much.

Zayn: Management wasn't very fond of you showing up to the studio but you promised to stay out of the way and let the boys work. Once Zayn stepped into the booth, you couldn't contain your smile as he began one of the new ballads that had become your favorite. As the song began, you noticed his gaze was stuck on you. You can't help but feel nervous under his gaze but at the same time, Zayn's soulful gaze makes your heart melt in ways no one else has. It only took him once to get it perfect. Management was impressed.

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