Akashi Seijuro - My best Singer

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It was break time so you decided to walked toward in the music room. When you will about to opened the door, you saw a red head emperor playing a piano. You were listening. 'The sound is so soft and beautiful ' you thought. You heared a big noise in piano. You look who made it. The emperor is looking at you. You trembled.

You stand there staring at the boy. You gulped. You walk in. You bow. "Gomene." You said and raised you head. He look at you. "Are you (full name)??" He asked. You nodded.
"Im (full name) from B-1." You said.
"So they said that you were the great musician in there class, right??" He asked. You nodded.

"So proved it??" He said and smirk.
You look at him. You sighed. "Sorry, i cant." You said and turn away. Someone hold your wrist. "Play it!!" The boy yelled to you. You flinched. You shake your head. You take off the hands and say goodbye.

You dont want someone seeing you playing a piano. Your friends know that you are good at playing piano. You only play a piano in your relatives and friends. The bell ring. You immediately run to your classroom and luckily the teacher wasnt there. You sighed in reliefed.

The teacher came in. "Okay!!, class we have a contest Tommorow, the theme is The Best Melody The Best Playing Instrument!!, so who is our representative??" The teacher asked. "(Full name)!!" Your classmates said. Your eyes widen. "Well, (last name), later at dismissal please proceed in the music room you will see who is your partner!! Then practice together!!" The teacher said in cheerful tone.

You sighed. You dont have choice to show them your talent. The teacher start the lesson. You were thinking a song that you, no, both of you will sing.

Time skip.......

"Class Dismissed!!" The teacher said. You gathered your things and went in the music room. You saw again the red head emperor. You went in. "Are you my partner??" You asked.
He nodded. You went to him near in the piano and sit beside him.

"Here!, this is our playing. You play violin and im playing piano, Deal??" You asked. He nodded.
"(Last name)---" he said but you cut him off. "Before you call by my name please say your name first!!" You said as you took some music sheet. "Tsk!, Akashi Seijuro, A-1 Captain in Basketball club." He said. You nodded.

You smiled. "Then lets start playing!!---" You said but you were cut off. "Lets make a bet!, if we win you'll be my empress." He said and smirked. Your eyes widen. "Fine!!, i know we will lost!!" You said. You dont have a confident yourself about winning, so you know both of you will not win.

"I know we will win, because im always right!!" He said and smirked. You ignored. Both of you start practicing.

You play the song with your heart. You love the songs. After your practice.
"Thank you for cooperative, Akashi!!" You said and bowed. He smiled. 'He is kind but kinda scary!!' You thought.
"Dont forget the bet!!" Akashi said. You blushed.

You do have a feeling at Akashi seen the school started. You dont know his name that day but you tould to yourself its okay. You just pretend you dont have feeling toward to him.

You went home.


You dress a red lolita dress while Akashi dress white tuxedo. You were so nervous. This is your first time playing in the crowded people. You inhaled. Someone hugged your waist. You look at your back. You blushed how closer your face to Akashi. "Dont be nervous my beautiful empress.." Akashi whispered to your ear. You blushed in 50 shade. "Im not your empress, Akashi!!" You said and you take off the arm in your waist.

"Yet." Akashi said and give you a kiss in your cheek. You blushed. "Next in Class 1 - A&B!!" The student said. You gulped. You went out. You took the microphone. You inhaled and exhaled.

"H-Hello,---" you said you were cut off. When you someone hold your shoulder, its was Akashi. He look at you like 'dont be nervous im here!!'
You sighed. "Hello!!, everyone!!, im (full name) playing at piano and Akashi Seijuro playing Violin!!, please enjoy!!" You said and give the microphone in the student.

Akashi took the violin and you went in piano. (Just pretend that you are good playing at piano if you didnt know how to play!!). You cracked your knuckled and play.

You were playing Kokoro by Rin Kagamine Rin. (Just play the video up there ↑↑).

You started playing the piano while Akashi waiting for the intro. Akashi is staring at you. You blushed. Then the intro came and Akashi start to play. The song is soft and beautiful.

Akashi play with his heart. He is thinking was only his mother and you.

While you were playing. You heart a filling with joy. You smiled.

After both of you play. You both bow and everyone clapped and someone is whistling. Both of you went to the backstage. "That was fun Akashi!!" You said and smiled to him sweetly. Now the time of announcing the winner. Akashi blushed lightly.

"Now lets start saying the winner!!,
3rd Place!!: Class 2-A&B
2nd Place!!: Class 3-A&B
And the winner is.....


The jugdes say. I hugged Akashi!! "Yay!!, We're the winner!!" You said and hugged him tightly. Both of you went in the stage giving a medals. After the awarding. Akashi went to you who is talking with your friends. "(Your name), the bet??" Akashi said. You blushed. You looked down. "F-Fine, I'll be your Girlfriend!!" You said then Akashi pulled you in the stage. He took the microphone.

"This girl is my girlfriend!!, Who touch her be ready a grave!!" Akashi said and kiss you passionately. You blushed. But you kiss him back.


Hello guys!!, i hope you like it!!, yea!!, i know Akashi is kinda OOC!! But i can explained!!

It needed in the story!! GOMENASAI!!

So i hope you enjoy it!!, The request is still opened!!


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