Takao Kazunari- The game!!

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Takao Kazunari- The game!!



Normal POV
You are normal high school girl and have a normal life, What if one of those idiot added in your life?? What will happen??

You are walking in hallway when someone put an arm in your shoulder. "I heard that you like me??" Takao said. You looked him and stick a tongue. "Tsk!!, how make you sure??" You said and crossed your arm. "Cause i heard it.." Takao said and replayed the recorder.

"I heard (last name) has crush on the hawk eyes player!!"

Your eyes widen. "Whose that bitch!!, i will kill her!!" You said and make the atmosphere fired. "Eh??, why are so fired up??, so its real that you have crush on me??" He said and he nodded. You smirked. "Dont be assumed Takao, im not inlove neither crush on you, so please can you take off your arm on me??" You said and you try to take off his arm.

He take off his arm. "Eh??, but i think you are denying it, right??" He said and he leaned his face to your face. You blushed. "Eh??, why are you blushing (first name)-chan??" He asked and he cornered you. You pushed him. "Tsk!!, stop Teasing!!" You said and you start to walked. "(Bestfriend name), l-lets go!!" You said.

"Hai!!" Your bestfriend said. Its was lunch time and your bestfriend want to eat in the roof top because she has //slapped. I mean she's hungry. Then both of you walked to the roof top. You opened the door. "At last we reach our destination!!" You shouted and you saw the idiot and the megane freak. You glared at them. Takao smirked while Midorima push his glasses.

"What is this, (bestfriend name)??" You said and cracked your knuckles. She gulped. "W-Well, Takao and Mi-Midorima invite us to lunch with them!" She said and she smiled. "But you said you just wanna eat here and you never say that the idiot Hawk eyes and Megane freak will join us!!" You said and crossed your arm. Takao burst into laughing.

"Im not megane freak!!" Midorima yelled. "Whatever, tsk!!" You said and walked to the door. "Hey!!, if you dont join us you have crush on me!!" Takao yelled and you frozed. "Why you!!, tsk!" You said and sit beside your bestfriend. You put out your bento. "Itadakima!!" You murmured and you seperate the chop sticks. You started to eat.

"Hey!!, can i have that!" Takao said and took a piece of egg and eat it. "Hey!!, dont eat my lunch!!, idiot!!" You said and glared at him. "Hey!!, stop fight you couples!!" Your bestfriend teased. "Werent couples!!" You yelled.
"No need to yelled, (last name)." Midorima said and push his glasses. "Yet!!" Takao said and you looked at him. "KKKYYYAAA!!, MY SHIP IS SAILING!!" Your bestfriend squelled.

You rolled your eyes. "Announcement all the teachers has a meeting today for those student you can do whatever you want but dont leave in the school without the dismissal bell, Thank you for listening." The speaker said. You sighed. "Well, we finish our lunch lets play spin the bottle!!" Your bestfriend said and take out the plastic bottle.

"You planned this, (bestfriend name), right??" You asked and glanced at her. She just chukled. Your bestfriend spinned the bottle and landed to you."(last name), Truth or Dare??" Your bestfriend asked. You gulped. "T-Truth!!" You said and looked down. 'Im so nervous about this result!!' You thought. "Tell me the truth if you love Takao!!" Your bestfriend said and smirked.

"Can i change to dare please??" You said and glared at your bestfriend. "Then i dare you to say I love you in sentence in front of Takao!!" Your bestfriend said. "Eh??, (first name), will confess to me??" Takao teased. You make a pissed mark. "I cant do it!!" You said you stand up and crossed your arm. "So you'll take a punishment??" Takao said and smirked. You nodded.

"Then the punishment is to say ILOVEYOU to Takao!!" Your bestfriend said and giggled. She knew there's no way you cant run away about this situation. You gulped. "F-Fine!!" You said and looked at Takao. You inhaled and exhaled. "A-A no..." you said your blushing as red as tomato. You looked away. "I cant hear you!!" Takao said and leaned his face to yours.

"Tsk!!, W-Watashiwa a-anata ni T-Takao no Ka-Kazunari ga Dai-Daisuki!!" You said and looked at him then looked away. "This game is s-suck!!" You said turn around. "(Last name) is blushing!!" Your bestfriend teased. Midorima smirked. "I love you too, (first name)!!" Takao said and smirked. "Hey!!, i-i didnt say i-i love you!!, and dont assumed t-that much!!" You said and still blushing.

"Aww.., dont be so Tsundere like Shin-chan!!" Takai said and he hugged you. "We're not Tsundere!!" You and Midorima said. Your bestfriend chukled.


Hello guys i hope you like this little kawaii story. I still cant decide about the human Nigou!! So pwease comment about the Human Nigou.

And the request is still opened.

Ja ne~~

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