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Hello guys!!, im so happy!!, the views is 1k!!, Thank you so much!! Because of that i will make a Special One shot its about GoM (yup with Aomine) + Kagami,
Sorry i dont know the other KNB. Well, this is kinda Long.



Akashi Seijuro

Akashi said that you will take a long trip and some suprise. You dont know why. You just know that you just passed the (worst subject). You thought. 'Ah!!, maybe i forgot something important!!' You said to yourself. You sighed. "Are we there yet??" You asked. You are impatient person that Akashi find it cute. "No, my empress." He said and grabbed head. "Just take a nap, the trip will take a long time." Akashi added. You yawned.

"F-Fine!!, i so excited that i cant even sleep!!" You said and strecthed your arm. You lay to his lap and sleep peacefully. The trip is so quiet and peaceful. You can feel his gentle playing your hair. You even hear his beautiful hummed. After a second your eyes slowly opebed and saw a beautiful sight. You sit up. "Ohayo.." You said and yawned. Akashi chukles. "Its afternoon, (first name)." He said and smiled. You pouted. "Stop being smart!!, Juro-kun!!" You said and he just chukled again.

"Are we there yet Seijuro??" You asked impatiently. You tapped your forefinger in your arm. He chukled. "Yes." He said and he covered your eyes. "Why did you need to cover my eyes, Juro-kun??" You asked and you touch his hands. "Its a Secret." He whispered to your ear. You pouted. "Fine!!, you gotta tell me why, okay??" You said and smiled. "Of course." He said and he give a pecked in your lips. You feel your feet lay on the grass ground and scent seems so familliar. You smiled. 'I think i know this place?!?' You thought.

You stop walking. "Juro-kun, why did we stop??" You asked and touched his hand in your shoulder. "We're here." Akashi said and he gentle take off the blind fold. You opened your eyes and you were amazed to the sight. "You kinda change this place, right Juro-kun??" You said and glance at him. He hugged your waist. "I know, this place always remind where both of us confess." Akashi said and he snuggled his face to your neck.

You giggled. "And explain why did you blind fold me, Emperor??" You said and you put your hands behind his neck.

"Because if you were gone my world is nothing, empress, i will love you no matter what, i love you my empress"

Kuroko Tetsuya

"Tetsu??" You said. 'Where did he go??' You thought. You walked to his room. You knocked. "Tetsu??, are you still sleeping??" You said and you opened the door. You saw Kuroko is still putting his top shirt. You blushed and went out immediately. "(F-First name)-san, is there any problem??" Kuroko asked and went out too. You blushed in 50 shades. "N-Nothing!!, j-just dont mind me!!" You said and walked like a robot. You went down stairs. Its was morning and you didnt prepared a breakfast. You straight toward to the kitchen to prepared some food.

A pair of arm crawled in your waist and a head lay in your shoulder. "(First name)-san, why are you blushing, lately??" The innocent Kuroko said. You gulped.

"B-Because y-you were t-topless!!" You said and looked down. You tried to hide your face. He chukled. "Its that all??" He asked and he give a pecked of a kiss in your neck. You nodded. "But we did the s--." He added but you pointed your fore finger. "Dont you dare say it!!' You said. You sighed. You started to cook. "I know we do the s-word, but still is kinda embrassing even we are married couples." You said and you cracked the eggs.

"Im sorry, (first name)-san!!" He said and he hugged you again. You sighed. "No its okay." You said and give him a kiss in his nose.

"I will take care our little angel inside of your swalloned tummy, (first name)-san"

Dream Land (KnB x Reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now