Midorima Shintarou

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Midorima Shintarou - Stalking

This is what I promise for you guys that This Week I will try to update even Im busy.

So I hope you like it !! ^.^

If anyone of you want me to dedicate a oneshot for this coming updates then just PM me or type in the comment box. ^^

Kaichou- President


Your POV

You were sneaking in the gym door and take a peak inside of it. You blushed and take some a picture of him. 'Geezz... I never thought that I will fall in love a guy like him.' You thought. You take a picture of him.





They all turned around to you. 'Sheet of paper need to hide!! ' you thought. You froze. He was standing in front of you and also the other players too. You coughed. "Excuse me. Sorry for interrupting to your pratice, please countinue it. "You said and you act being council president again. They nodded before they went in. "Kaichou do you want to come inside??" Midorima asked and he pushed up his glasses.

You sighed. "No thanks I just come here and take a picture, I mean just checking out if everyone is okay." You said and smiled. They smiled and nodded. You take a bid goodbye and went to the swimming pool.  You sit at the side of the pool and sighed. "That's was a releaved. Damn that was so close!!" You said and take a splash in the water.

You looked all the capture in your camera. You smiled and blushed. "Omeged!! He's very hot!!" You said and you take your time fangirling. "My, My Shintarou!! You're always damn hot!!" You said and as you saw Midorima was topless. You wiped your nose and you saw a nosebleed. Then a two mysterious person came in. You immediately hide your camera and you hide in the water.

Then the 1 person swam in the pool. While you are closing your eyes someone tap your shoulder. You take out your head and breath. "Kaichou?!" The raven guy said. You coughed and slowly opened your eyes. "Sorry for startling." Takao said and you smiled. "Its okay." You said. "Both of you get out in the water its cold and you will get a cold." Midorima said.

You looked at him and pouted. "Your just like my mom, you know." You said and sighed. You take off to the water and sneeze. "See, you catch a cold quickly." He said and crossed armed. "Ha ha ha, your right?!" You said and you took your camera. "Bye!, i need to go home my mom surely mad at me if i didnt go home early!!" You said and you went. 'Yosh!, achievement for today my carrot concerned to me!! ' you thought and pumped in the air. "Achoo!" You sneezed.

"Geezz.. I hate cold..." you said and you opened the door. "Tadamaisu." You said and closed the door. You sneezed. "(First name) don't you say that you catch cold??" Your mom said and she was in the kitchen. "Sorry." You said and you head in the dining room. After your family ate a dinner you started to sleep.


"Come here Carrot!!, I will eat you!!" You murmured and you kicked. Your eyes slowly opened. 'Ackk!! I-Its hurt.." you said and your head is spinning. Your mom came in. "(First name), do you have a fever?, I will call a doctor to check you up." Your mom said. 'MOM!!, dont be sooo overacting' you thought but you can't say it.

Your bedroom was full of carrot-- i mean Midorima's capture picture. Your mom already know about that. After a minute the doctor came. "Hunny, i will go down stairsand and meet the doctor." Your mom said and you took your blanket. You sneezed. While your taking a napped you heard a conversation between your mom and the doctor. "Thanks for coming doc--" your mom said when the doctor stop him.

"Actually Im not a doctor, Im just a student but my dad want me to do this. " the oh-so-familliar-voice said.
Your mom startled. "Oh really? Wow, okay then you can come in to her room." Your said and you can hear her footsteps' sound are fading.

While you are busy to cover yourself the door open. As you can hear he put his kit in your lamp table and you thought he took the chair.

"Can youplease take off the blanket, So I can see you." He said. You slowly take off your blanket.


"Midorima!" Your face slowly become red not because his here but because of the pictures, standees, and poster about him that surrounding.

He faked coughed. "Its not like Im curious but is this the pictures you taken everyday?" You look down and nodded. You sneezed and he help you lay down.
"Your addicted to much to me." He said. You gulped because it may be turn off.

"Sorry making you turn off, please don't tell to anyone." You pleaded still ignoring his eye contact.

He took his heart beat listener from the kit and wear it. 'He completely trying to ignore me' you thought and sighed. He took the end of the heart beet listener and put it in your chest. You feel the blood risen to your face. "M-Midorima you are too close." You stuttered. He look at you. He make you startled because your lips almost met.

His hand landed to your for head. 'Yup he is ignoring me.' You thought. Its kinda hurt because he is so ignoring you.

You looked down. "Kaichou, you should get rest I know what kind of medicine I will give it to you. I shall go now, your medicine will be in your mom." He said. He fixed his things amd put it on the kit. You sighed.

"Be careful in your wa---" you didnt finished what you said because he kiss you in your forehead.

"I-I hope you'll get well." He said looking to other way wearing his flashed face.

He took the pentel pen in your lamp and wrote something in wall. After that, he said goodbye.

You smiled. "So did he like me?" You asked yourself. You remembered that he wrote something in your wall.

You went out to your bed and walk near where Midorima wrote.

'Its hard to say this infront of you, so that's why I wrote this here. Sorry for bandalizing your wall. I want to say that thank you for liking me. I hope I'm your Kaichou in your life. I-I mean, I just learned how to pick up lines from Takao. Sorry for that lame pick up lines.' -Midorima Shintaro

You smiled and touch the wall. "What a beautiful handwriting." You giggled.

So he really like me back.







Dream Land (KnB x Reader) EDITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن