Kiyoshi Teppei

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Kiyoshi Teppei

Enjoy!! ^^


Normal POV

Your are in your bestfriend house because Teppei's parents called your parents to plan for up coming vacation. You plopped in your bestfriend bed. "Ne, Te-chan are you excited about the suprise vacation??" You asked and you looked at him. He was packing his things. "Yeah!!, im very excited too!!" He said. You sighed.

You stood up and hugged his back. "(Your name)-chan do you remember when we sleep together??' He said and your face heat up. "Y-Yeah...its kinda embrassings.." you said and looked away. "Eh??, we are just a kid when we sleep together, play together, and bath--" he said and you pointed your fore finger to him. "Dont you dare remind me that part, Te-chan.." you warned.

He chukled. You break a hug when you about to go back in the bed he hold your wrist. He made you to sit to his lap. You pouted. "Stop doing that.."you said and he pinched your cheek. "Kawaii." He said and you blushed. He hugged you tightly and he kissed your hair. This thing is just normal to him but this thing to me is different... you thought.

"Teppei!! (First name)!!, we already planned the suprised vacation." Teppei's mom yelled and you poked Teppei's cheek. 'Hey!, your mom was calling to us." You whispered to his ears. He chukled and he near his face to yours. He kiss your tip of your nose. "Lets head down, Ne??" He said and your face was heat up again. He stood up and held your hand.

When you head down your parents and Teppei's parents was smirking. "What??" You both said. They fake coughed. "Oh nothing.." your mom said. "By the way, you can take your sit now." Teppei's dad said and both of you take your sit. "Well, the suprise vacation we will be tommorow and the only can take the vacation are both of you." Teppei's mom said. "Wha-What!?!' You said and you looked at them with your blushy face.

"Princess, we can't come with you in vacation, we have a company to do." Your dad said and you sighed. "Fine.." you said and lay you head to your hand. "Well, your vacation will be in Singapore." They all say and smirked. "The hotel and room was settled." Your mom said and you looked at Teppei who is drinking a coffee. "The hotel manager said that the room was only one and one bed and there's no space for two room. 'Teppei's mom and yours mom said and your eyes widen. They even emphasis the words one bed.. you thought.

"But why??" You asked and they smiled at you. "This better not plan??" Teppei said and your mom and Teppei's mom giggled. "Oh~~, is not definetly a plan... Ho ho ho.." both mom said. You glared at them. They have definetely has a plan.. you thought. They discussed all the things were you will go then there's a person who guide you to tour.


Someone poked you cheek. 'Sshhh....!! Quiet!!' You said and you turned around. Someone tickled you in the waist. "I said wake up.., our flight may take off now any minutes---'" Teppei said and your eyes widen. You sit up on your bed. "What!?!. A minutes!!, Te-chan--" you were cutted off when he tucked in to a hugged. "Your things was packed up you just need to clean your self." He said and smiled. "A-Arigatou!!" You said and you going to step in the bathroom when Teppei speak. "Do you need a help for taking off your---??" He asked. Your face heat up. "Shut up!! Baka!!' You said then blushed and he chukled. "Just kidding!!" He said and you felt mad.

You throw your things to him. 'G-Get out!!" You said and he laughed. He immediately went out. You sighed. "Baka.." you said.


In The Airport~~

"Bye Honey!!, enjoy your vacation!!" Your mom said and she gave you a kiss in the cheek. "Yeah.." you said. "Enjoy the trip!!" They all said then you and Teppei went in the airplain.

All the passenger please sit down we are ready to take off!! I repeat All the passenger please sit down we are ready to take off!! Thank you for listening.

You sighed. You looked at the window. "Look Te-chan!!, we are now going in the Singapore!!' You said and he chukled. "Your right." He said. Any minutes now you feel cold. "Bbbrrrr....." you said and you shivered. Teppei looked at you and smiled. "I have an extra jacket, you can borrow it." He said and he handed in the brown jacket. You smiled sweetly. "While thank you!!"you said and you hugged him. You didnt notice you fell asleep.

"T-Te-chan.." you said while sleeping talking. Teppei chuckled. "Im in your dreaming, isnt it?" He said and he hugged you. He gave you a kiss in the top of your head.

"Hmmm..." you said. He whispered something "sleep tight."


"Wake up little head.." someone whispered to your ears. "I dont wanna..." you said and he chukled. "Wake up or i tickled you??" he said and you immediately wake up. You glared at Teppei. "Were here in the Singapore (first name)-chan.." he said and you sighed. You looked at the window. "Wwwwooowwww!!" You said and you took Teppei hand.

"Te-chan, look at the window the view was so beautiful!!" You said. He looked at you and nodded. When he looked at the window. You take a glance to him. You catch him he was looking at you. You blushed and look away. Someone hugged you in the waist. "(First name)-chan..." Teppei said and you slowly looked at him into the eyes. He took a deep breath. "I-I like you since we are kid, no, baby.." he said and you blushed. You looked down in embrassement. "Well, g-good to know that.... because i like you too.." you said and smile..


I hope you like it!! ^^ sorry if its kinda OOC ^^"

Thank you for reading stay tuned for next updates...

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