Kise Ryouta- Stay by my Side

567 14 3

Requested by Empress_Suo_Misaki


Normal POV

You and Kise are married last 10 Months and made a baby. The baby is safe and maybe next day, next week or today you will be labor the baby. Kise has a day off for his job for being a pilot. Today, you were chewing the chocolate because thats is your carving for today.

Kise was cleaning the kitchen, when you feel something strange. "R-ryouta!!" You called Kise and you touched your swalloned tummy is was strangely hurt. You flinched. Kise immiedately lay the dishes and run to you. "(Nickname)-cchi, are you okay?? calm down." He said and you calmed a little. Kise carried you in bridal style. "Hang in there, (nickname)-cchi." He said and he took a taxi.

In no time you were now in the emergencey room. "Miss Ryouta!!, push!!" The doctor said and you pushed hard the baby. "Ahhh!!, i-i cant p-push!!" You yelled. Your pulse is being weaker. "Nurse we need to go the other room!!" The doctor yelled. "(Nickname)-cchi, please you can do it!! Please Stay by my side." Kise said and he is crying because his hand is violet by your gripped and scared that might you will leave him.

"NO!!, I DONT WANNA LEAVE, RYOUTA HERE!! A-L-O-N-E!!" You shouted. The doctor looked at you with her widen eyes. "I can do it!! I can do it this!!, i can live with my child and husband!!" You yelled and you pushed the child again. The doctor smiled. After an hours, you heard the beautiful loving sound of the world. "Uuuuwwwaa!!" The baby cried. You smiled. Kise cried in tears of joy.

You slowly close your eyes. "(Nickname)-cchi, stay with me and our child!!" Kise yelled at you. You opened your eyes. "Im not leaving, idiot, i just need a rest...." you said and you close your eyes.

You were transfered in the patient room. After a hours. Your heard a crying child sound. You opened your eyes and saw the guy carrying the baby. You smiled at the beautiful sight. Kise notice you. He immiedately walk to you. "Look, (Nickname)-cchi, its look like me!!" He said as he refering the baby girl. You pouted. "No, she look like me, look at her hair!!" You weakly said.

He smiled. "And she copy my eyes. How copy cat, is that??" He said and the baby wake up. Kise tap the baby's nose. The baby giggled and played with his immature daddy. 'Ryouta, can i carry her??" You asked him. He looked at you. "Here." He said and he slowly give it to you. "Hello little angel!.." you said as you brush your hand in the baby girl cheek. The baby girl giggled.

"Ryouta, what do you want to name her??" You asked him and Kise think. "How about (mix Your firstname and Ryouta name)." Kise said and he poked (baby girl name) nose. The (baby girl name) played Kise's finger. "What a beautiful name and she looks so cute and beautiful, right Ryouta??' You asked him and he nodded. "Cute as like her beautiful mother." He said and he hugged both of you.

You both played with your cute and beautiful baby girl.


Hello guys!!, i hope you like it!!
Thanks for requesting, Empress_Suo_Misaki, i hope you enjoy it. The request are still opened!!, Feel free to request I'll do it no time!!

Sorry for wrong grammars and spelling.

Ja ne~~

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