Nijimura Shuzo- Just a Misunderstanding...

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Nijimura Shuzo- Just a Misunderstanding Part 2

Warning: Some bad words thats all!!


Normal POV

You were carrying by GoM in ages. You yawned. You feel the smooth floor. You gulped. 'Dont say that im in the..' you thought. Murasakibara put you out. "H-Hey!!, where am i!!" You yelled to them but they immediately locked the gym. "Hey!!, let me out in this fucking gym!!" You yelled and knocked the gym door.

"NO!!, until your not our Captain's Girlfriend!!" They said. The wind blew you. 'What are they talking about??' You thought. You gulped. "H-Hey, stop play--." Nijimura said and saw you. He glared at you look down. "C-Can i just go now." You said and you gripped your jacket. "No!!" They replied back. "You know its hot here!!" You yelled and you try to manage to be a normal.

"No, be Captain's Girlfriend" They said. You sighed and you feel a dropplet in you skirt. You looked down and it was blood. You immediately cover your arm who is still bleeding. You look at your back, Nijimura widen his eyes. You flinched because the pain in your arm. You ran as fast in the Comfort room and find a first aid kit. "GAAAAHHH!!" You yelled because the blood its non-stop streaming.

"Here, let me help you." The gentle voice said. You look at him and smiled. "I can do it by myself." You said and you reached the first aid kit. He took the first aid kit. You glared at him. "Just let me help." He said and he carried you in bridal style. You clicked your tongue. He put you down in the bleacher and he opened the kit. "Who do that to you??" He asked in worried tone.

'Now he concerned about me!?!?!' You yelled in your thoughts. You fake laughed. "Now you worried??" You asked harsly. You took the bandage and turn around. "C-can you go somewhere far from me??" You said. "No!!, let me help!!" He said and took the bandage in your hands. "Nijimura!!" You warned. You sighed. 'There's nothing i can do.' You thought. He gently take of your jacket.

You cover your face with your hair. "I-Im sorry, (first name)." He said as he clean the your bruise. Your eyes widen. "What are you talking about??" You said and you look down. 'Why he is apologizing??' You thought. You feel your eyes watering. "Im sorry, i do some stuff like yelling, slapping and making you hurt." He added. He smiled after he cover your arm.

You stood up and walked toward to the door. You feel a warmed embrace. "Im sorry." Nijimura whispered and he hugged you tightly. "Why are you sorry-ing about im the one who---." You said and you cut off by Nijimura. "Im sorry, that i didnt make you to explain." He said. You feel a droplets came from your eyes. "Please, can you explain what happened??" He pleased.

"I didnt kiss Haizaki." You quick answered. He smiled and he kneeled down. "Thanks." He said and hugged you. "Please forgive me and lets back together, please.." He said and you cried. You kneeled down and return the hugged.

"I think Nijiro Captain deserve a second chance...."

Back scene:

Mura: Why we lock up (last name)-chin??

Akashi: we have to.

Aomine: this so lame

Kuroko: what are they doing in side??

Kise: maybe, they are dancing!!

Mido: Baka!!, of course they are talking!!, idiot. *punch kise in the head*

Kise: meanie!!

Kuroko: Akashi, is this will be success??

Akashi: yes.

Mido: Aomine stop reading a porn!!

Aomine: Shut up Freaking Megane Carrot!!

Mido: why you!!

Mura: Aka-chin, do you have a snacks??

Akashi: Yes, but i'll give it to you later. I need a business to do it. *took out the scissors* stop fighting or i'll cut in to pieces.

Aomine and Mido: *nodded*


I think this isnt dramatic. Well, this is Nijimura One shot, i hope you enjoy it!! Why i cant make a dramatic story?!?! *sob* and my back scene is sucks!! *sob*

The request is still opened and i have a lot of time to spend writing a story!!

Ja ne~~

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