Need a Request!!??

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Hello!!, im back and its weekends!!, i dont have any idea what will i write later! So please request any character and write what is the title. For example

Akashi Seijuro- Red scissors

Like that↑. Please comment the deadline is later!! Sorry if its to soon 'cause i have schedule tommorow making a other story. And please no lemon. Im been busy lately cause my classmate vote me to be class president!! I really dont like to be president!!, cause there are too many stuff to do. I need to study hard.

And some of my classmates called me President. Its kinda annoying!! *sighed* there nothing i can do....

Sorry!!, again, please comment for a request and i will do it as fast as i can!! I hope you see this soon!!

Ja ne!!

Dream Land (KnB x Reader) EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora