Kise Ryouta- Love is so de javu

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Kise Ryouta- Love is so de javu!!

Happy Birthday Kise-kun!!
(June 18, 2015)



Normal POV

You are one of the Megane group and you always carry a light noble scratch that!!, its was romance noble. Nobody bully you, why??, because your are came from to the judo. You feel a strange feeling when you see the- idiot- model- ace- basketball, Kise Ryouta.

You dont wanna be like the girls always swooning around him. You like him but you always denied it to yourself, (What a tsundere, reader-chan XD). Every he called you, your heart raced. Every he smiled, you blushed. You cant hold that anymore!! But you need to hide it.

You came out in the library. (Oh!!, i forgot to mention it!!, your looks today in school, up there ↑↑ kawaii!!, *wink*). "(First name)-cchi!!" The irritaing so-familliar voice called you. He immediately race to you and tucked you in a hugged. "(First name)-cchi!!, please can you watch our game!!" Kise said and look at you wearing his super puppies eyes that no one can resist.

You immiedately push up your glasses. "Wh-why me??" You asked and you point yourself. "I want you to cheer me up!!" He said and he even phares the 'Me'. You sighed and break the hugged. "There's a hundred fangirls cheering you up!!" You said and you turned around. "Just come!!, Ja ne!!" He said and he ran away and waving as a bid goodbye.

"Matte!!, when your game??" You yelled. He smiled. "Tommorow!!!!" He said and he vanished. You facepalmed. 'Why me??" You thought. You hold tight your books. You shaked your head. "Baka!" You murmured.

You walked home.

"Taidama!!" You yelled and take off your shoes. "Okairi!!" Your dad yelled back. You went to the living room. "Mom, Dad, well, umm.., can i watch basketball tommorow??" You said and slowly sit down in the mini couch. Your mom smiled. "Its a guy, right??" Your mom teased. You blushed and you cover your face with your books.

"I-Its not!!, MOM!!, h-he j-just invited me!!" You said and you peeked. She chuckled. You look at your dad. He smiled sadly. "My young daughter is growing up!!" Your dad cried. You chukled. "So, ugh.., its a Yes??, right??" You asked again, they both nodded. You smiled and gave them a hugged. "Thanks Mom and Dad!!" You said and you walked upstairs. You walked straigth toward to your favorite closet.

"What should i wear??" You asked yourself and its took an hours to choose a clothes. You lay on your bed. "Why am i bother about clothing?!?!: you said and you take off your glasses. "I should wear a uniform!!" You said and you pass out in your bed.


You run fast. "I hope the game wasnt started!!' You wished. You bought a energy drink for the team. You reach the court you just need a perfect sit to watch. "E-Excuse me.. You said and you hold your glasses. "(First name)-cchi!!, come down here!!" Kise called you. You frozed. 'Too much attention!!' You thought, you covered your face. Everyone look at you.

"(First name)-cchi!!, stop covering please!!" Kise said and pouted. You sighed. You walked down. You look at him like i- feel -embrassed!!
He chukled. "You can sit in the bleacher if you want to-ssu!!??" Kise said and smiled. You faked coughed and nodded.

You feel everyone is staring and analyzing about your moves. You sit down beside of the Pi- coach. (Pi//slapped coach!! XD im sorry i cant help it and even i remember when Kise's coach choked to his food XD OMG i can't //slapped)

"Are you Kise's girlfriend??" The team said. You gulped. "E-Eh??, umm, not his girlfriend." You said and you played your fingers. They giggled. "Dont worry Kise Loves you too." the one of the team said. You're eyes widen. "Hahaha!!, thats impossible, im just a megane who is always carrying a books!!" You said and waved your hands.

"Hey!!, what are you talking about??, the game will start!!" Kise yelled and pout. You giggled, what a childish guy.

The game started the score was tie. Everyone didnt know who will win, but still you amazed about Kise's skill because he perfect copy the Kiseki no sedai (Gom).The Seirin scored!!, the winner is the Seirin Basketball team. You smiled sadly. 'He still do his best!!" You thought.

The team of Kaijo went home one by one. You wait Kise in the locker room but still Kise didnt show up. You opened the door and you jogged to Kise who is sitting in the bleacher. You look at him and you saw he was crying.

You patted his head. "You such a cry baby!!" You said and smiled sadly. He immiedately hugged you. "I-I want to w-win!!, (first name)-chii!!" He said and he sniffed. You kinda suprised his hugged but you hugged back. "Its okay, Kise you we'll win in the other way like Relationship or etc." You said and smiled.

"Can i win your heart, (first name)-cchi??"

《《♡♡》》 《《♥♥》》

Hello!!, guys well i unpublish this, so i can update this easily. And sorry i just update today (06-19). Im so busy about a stuff in the school. Please forgive!! Maybe in Tuesday to Thursday i can update, just maybe because i need to study this coming exams. So yeah!!, i hope you like this part!!

So please stay tuned in the other update!! Feel free to request.

Ja ne!!~~

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