Makoto Hanamiya

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Makoto Hanamiya- Make a Chances

Making Makoto Hanamiya oneshot is kinda hard soooo i hope you will like it...^^

The Title is "Gears of Love"

This Dedicated to my beloved friend yannalualhati and for you guys...

Ja ne~~


Normal POV

You and Hanamiya was in relationship in 9 months. Both of you always argued for something stuff like when Makoto almost kill Teppei. You didnt want to break up with him because you love him with all your heart.

You are walking at the dark alley while carrying the thing you buy in the convient store. You heard a sound like fighting. Your eyes furrowed. You take a peeked in the way where you heard the sound. You eyes widen. When Makoto gonna start to punch the poor guy, you immediately hold his wrist. "Hanamiya don't!!" You yelled at him. Makoto's eyes widen and looked at you. "(F-Firstname)!!" He said and you looked at him. "Let him go!!" You said and his eyes filled with anger. "SHUT UP!! WOMAN!!" He said and he clenched the neck of the poor guy. You looked at the guy with a sadness in your eyes. "I SAID 'LET HIM GO!!!'" You shouted then he take off the gripped in the neck of the poor guy. The guy immediately run away. "LOOK WHAT YOU DONE!!" He shouted and he immediately took your shirt and clenched it. "Go ahead kill me like you did to Teppei THAT YOU ALMOST F**KING KILL HIM!!" You said and you feel anger to him. He clicked his tongue and take off his hand to your shirt.

"Tsk!!, Your so f**king annoying!!" He cursed. He picked his gym bag. "You know what!!!, You always broke my plan!! YOU ARE F**CKING ANNOYING AND YOU ARE DUMPED LIKE THE OTHERS!!!" He yelled to you face. You clenched your fist. "I-I'M SO DONE WITH YOU, Hanamiya!!" You said in high tone. He grinned. "I dont care if we broke up!!, I don't need you anyway and I'm just f**cking using you!!" He shouted and a tears fall down to your cheeks. You slapped him. "I was right before, You just like the other idiot guy out there!!" You said in his face with your confident eyes. You immediately took your stuff and run off. You straight to your room and locked yourself until your brain and heart satisfied.

A days past, a months past, A years past~~

You opened your curtains and saw bright light. "NEW LIFE!!" You said and stood up. You are in the college level now. Today was weekend and you decided to buy a snack for you. You wear a simple black and gray top that has writtened 'L-O-v-e Is Just a WORD'. You became a bitter person after you broke up with Hanamiya. You are now in the convient store buying a snacks again. You picked some energy drinks when you saw a black flower guy going outside of the convient store. You scratched your eyes and when you take off your hands there's no one. You sighed in reliefed. 'Its just a imagination...' You thought.

Then after you buy a snacks you decided to buy a can drink. You put the coin in the vending machine and press a button you wanted. The drink fall down and you bend so you can pick the drink. Suddenly, the drink roll over to the guy's feet. He picked it up. He gave it to you. You took the drink. "Arigato--" you said when you look up you saw Hanamiya. You covered your face with your bangs. "(Fir--" he said and then you run faraway from him.

'I thought its was my imagination!!' You said to yourself. You went to your room and locked it off. You sit behind the door. You silently cried. "I thought i moved on!!" You shouted and cried. Flashback showed to your mind. Every happined memories hurts your heart. "I thought i didnt love him now.."you said and you looked at the window. The clouds seems sad too.. 'The more I love him... The more I hurt myself...' you thought. You pulled your hair. "Im such f**king stupid!!" You shouted...

You stood up and you took your scissors. You started cutted your hair in shoulder length. You smiled as you satisfied to your look. 'Cutting my hair also change myself and also my feelings.' You murmured and smiled weakly.

Years past...

You become a famous artist. Everyone idolized you because you made a wonderful paintings. You have a interview later. You looked at yourself and touched your hair. You twirled some hair. 'Its been a while when i saw my long hair.' You thought. You took your lipgloss and put some of your lips. You started to practice your voice and speech. "Ms.(full name), please be ready!!" The worker said and you nodded. You but a purple-black flower in your hair. You looked at the mirror once again and smiled.

You went out and walked toward to the backstage. "Today, we will interview Ms. (Full name) Please come in." The host said. You walked in, you heard a cheered from the audience. You waved to them. "Good evening!" You said and take a bowed. She smiled and bowed. "I'm Yhana and today i will interview you!!" Yhana said and you smiled. "i know." You said and Yhana take a fake coughed. "Who is your inspiration for being artist??" Yhana asked and you thinked for a second. "Well, no one....I just make some paintings with my feelings..." You answered wisely. Yhana smiled. "Ohhh~~~" Yhana said. "I even make a short story for my paintings!!" You exclaimed and smiled. Yhana eyes widen and smiled. "Can you give us an example??" Yhana asked and you nodded. You took a painting behind the sofa you were sitting. "This is the example." You said and Yhana examined the painting and she nodded in agreement.

"So can you tell me that story about that painting??" Yhana asked and pointed the painting. You sighed and smiled. "This is the bad boy and this is the ordinary girl. They have a relationship for a long time...*sighed* the girl is the only one make the relationship work on...then a certain scene that girl saw.....*smiled sadly* his boyfriend bullying the poor guy... after she stop the fight her boyfriend cursed her like Your so annoying....and some stuff like that After they broke up... few years past they met again but the girl ignored him...she thought she was already moved on but she was wrong... Then after the college years she become a famous...."You stop right there. you didnt continue because that's your story of your life. "She become what??" Yhana asked.. You shaked your head as answered nothing. Yhana fake coughed. "If you stop your story there then i will continue your story...."Yhana said and smiled. Your eyes widen. "Please welcome Hanamiya Makoto!!" Yhana cheered. Then..

A certain black headed come in. Your eyes widen and your left eye let out a tear. "H-Hanamiya..." You murmured. Yhana smiled. Makoto smiled and gave you a bouquet. You gladly accept it. "Hello.." You said and you looked down. "You cutted your hair.." Makoto said and look at you. Akward silent spread the back ground. Yhana sighed. "Well, aren't you started the topic??" Yhana asked in annoyed. (N/A: *peace sign*) Hanamiya started the topic. "(First name), I wanna say sorry.." Makoto said and your eyes widen then you look at him. "I know, I'm such an idiot to let you go...I didnt notice I still love you when we broke up.." He added. You let out a cry.. "But remember I love you and i dont care whether you love me or not...The fact that you're precious to me won't change, no matter what.... That's i wanted to say." He said and smiled for a last time. He get up and walked aw---you hugged him at the back. "I'm sorry...." He said and you cried at his back. "Do you wanted to go back together??" You silently asked.. the audience was silent especially the host, Yhana. "I didn't know this will be more dramatic.."Yhana muttured and wiped her tears..

Makoto smiled and he looked at you and gave you an immediately huggged. "Thanks for giving me an another chance." He said and the audience cheered. You chuckled. "Thank you..." He said and you cried. Yhana smiled. "My business here is done." Yhana said and vanished... Both of you chuckled.


I hope you like it guys!! ^^ Sorry if Makoto Hanamiya is kinda OOC T^T Gomen ne.. Our exam will started this coming week!!, I will update very slowly today but after our exam i will started updating again!! as fast as i can!! ^_^

Belated Happy Birthday Aomine..
August 3rd!!

Im sorry i didnt make him a oneshot!! How bad author am i??


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