1. Waking Up Together

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Setting: nyc, married, working

Kurt smiles at the sound of Blaine's soft snoring. He always wants to wake up like this. And he will.

His husbands arm is lazily wrapped around Kurt's torso and his head rests on his chest. Kurt Breathe's in Blaines smell. Smells like home and love and safety.

Maybe if he tries not to move and not to wake Blaine they can stay here like this forever. But that's impossible. In a few minutes their alarm goes off so both can stand up and get ready for work in time.

But it's still a few minutes so Kurt sighs happily and closes his eyes again too just enjoy the warmth and closeness of the man he loves. And just like he knew only moments later the alarm goes off, earning a groan from both Kurt and Blaine.

The latter turns if the alarm, looking up into the eyes of his love. "Good morning" he mumbles tiredly. "Good morning" Kurt answers, steeling a kiss from Blaine.

They know they probably should stand up and get ready but non of them wants to or does so. "Five more minutes" Blaine mumbles, closing his eyes again and nuzzling his face in the crook of Kurt's neck. "Okay baby" Kurt whispers, kissing Blaine head whenever he can reach it, , temple and so on, and pulls him tighter in his arms.

Only problem is that non of them really kept track on the time until Kurt looks at the time, jumping up and waking Blaine in a result of that. "Wh-" the young man starts confused but Kurt stops him and almost yells "We're late! We fell asleep again!". "Oh shit!" Blaine curses and also jumps up.

One more quick kiss before Kurt rund to the bathroom to get ready and Blaine starts making coffee. Then they switch and Kurt prepared a little and quick breakfast and Blaine goes to the bathroom and gets ready.

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