2. Morning Routine

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Setting: nyc, engaged, college

As usual the alarm goes off at 6:30 and as always Blaine groans, wanting to stay in bed a little longer. Kurt smiles at him. Others would probably think it's annoying but not only did Kurt got used to it but it's also one of these little things that he lines about him.

First Kurt gets up while Blaine goes back to sleep for just a while longer. Kurt takes longer in the bathroom so Blaine always uses the time to stay in bed longer, even tho it's only half as warm and comfortable without Kurt next to him.

When Kurt is done in the bathroom he goes back to Blaine to wake him with a kiss. The curly haired boy smiles into the kid, pulling Kurt down onto the bed with him. Both boys laugh, making out like some teenagers they just got together and wants to explore each other's mouth.

A few minutes later the boys have to finally get out together and stand up again. This time Blaine goes into the bathroom and Kurt decides what to wear for today, picking a classic but yet trendy and unique outfit for NYADA classes today.

Next he goes to the kitchen and starts making coffee while Blaine gets changed in an outfit for today at NYU. Once changed he goes to the kitchen to help his fiancé with preparing breakfast.

By now it's 7:30 and the couple sits down to have breakfast, talking about the classes they have today and make plans to do after school and homework.

Once done with breakfast and fast cleaning the dishes it's 8:15. The couple puts on their shoes and jackets, take their bags and leave. They close the door and go to the subway station, their hands closed together.

Only at the subway station their ways part. "Bye bye baby" Blaine says with a soft smile. "See you after school" Kurt answers and kisses Blaine softly. And again and again. Soon 8:30, that's when they have to take the subway.

One more kid before their hands post and Kurt goes left while Blaine goes right, both telling the subway to their colleges.

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