13. Washing Dishes

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Setting: nyc, married, working

Today was a long day but a good day. Maybe even one of the best days in their lives.

Kurt and Blaine had visitors today to celebrate and now that it's late and the party is over it's time to clean up at least a little like washing the dishes. They'll do the rest of the cleaning tomorrow but everything that got somethign to do with food is to be done tonight.

"I still can't believe it" Blaine says when he puts the rest of the cake in the fridge. It's a pink and blue cake, fitting to todays celebration.

Today they got to know the gender of their baby. The baby that Rachel carries for them. SO this Saturday Kurt and Blaine invited their friends over for a gender reveal party. Sam and Santana planned everything because Kurt, Blaine and Rachel wanted everything to be a surprise. The cake, the decorations and the reveal part.

Almost everyone frmo the New Directions came just like Burt, Carol and Pam. It was a nice evening and while Rachel already sleeps and Santana takes a bath Kurt and Blaine decided to at least do the dishes. Tomorrow the can do the rest before Blaine needs to correct some more papers for Monday and Kurt needs to go over his text again before rehersals start on Tuesday.

He knows that the play is short notice but once their little baby is born Kurt will give the role to his understudy and maybe play a night from time to time or understudy the new lead then like they switched roles.

"Me neither" Kurt answers while filling the sink with water "A girl. We're having a little baby girl". "Next step is finding a good apartment even tho I have no clue how because it's all so expensive at the moment" Blaine mumbles the last part more to himself but Kurt heard him anyway and answers "But for a while the loft will do too and with Rachel and Santana being here we technically have two baby sitters already".

"Right. That way I can still take you out once in a while and you can play a few nights without problems" the curly haired man nods and kisses him husbands, wrapping his arms around him.

"The water gets cold. Help me?" Kurt asks when he breaks the kiss and the other man nods "You wash, I dry?". The chestnut haired man agrees, kissing his husband once more before turning to the sink.

Plate after plate and glass after glass Kurt washes the dishes, giving them to Blaine who dries them with a towel and then puts it back on it's place. While doing so they talk quietly about the wonderful day and the beautiful girl who will soon join their little family.

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